I've already made $3000 in just 10 years as a fulltime content creator!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

After losing 50% a few days ago, the BLURT price just shed another 25% to $0.008 USD. Bitcoin has been flat at 20k during this crash, and HIVE is moving upward, meaning this move is, unfortunately, all about Blurt.

Why is this happening?!

There has been some drama on Blurt over the past several days, related to "The Foundation", a looming deadline, and certain whales threatening to leave (or actually leaving) the platform. But that can only account for the sale of liquid BLURT, sitting in wallets or on exchanges. Most BLURT remains powered up.

That means more BLURT will turn liquid over the coming days and weeks... what's going to happen if those tokens get sold into the market, too?

Here's where I bought:

Unfortunately, I would have been better off staying on HIVE, even though I was censored and bullied from being able to make any more posts! Just sitting on my tokens, and not posting (saving a lot of my valuable time), would have been a far better move. I would have also been better off holding dollars, or yen, or Bitcoin, or gold, or baby formula, or STEEM, or old stamps, or quatloos, or... just about anything (aside from Terra Luna).

I'm feeling pretty sad right about now!

My BLURT represents over 10 years of full-time work, sacrifice, and risk. I have poured myself into content-creation over the duration of the entire cryptocurrency market, preferring to work for my money rather than invest. You would think a full decade of effort, from an intelligent person with a huge YouTube following and momentum, should be able to make a living in the crypto sphere, right? Especially someone who has correctly called dozens of huge price moves, often years in advance, with perfect accuracy. I've made dozens of investors rich, standing by my personal ethical decision not to invest, and instead create content that helps others.

But no. Thanks to Steem's 4 year slide from 8 bucks, then the downvote cabal on Hive, and now my poor decision to move my funds to Blurt - I have a current net worth of about $3000. 10 of the best years of my life, for 3 grand?! That doesn't even cover the cost of computers, cameras, and other equipment I've burned out in the process!

If I could send myself a note, back to the very start of crypto in 2010, it would say:

"Stop creating content. Do not help others. Avoid blockchains, crypto, and precious metals. Just abandon your morals and buy stocks! Oh, and the shit finally hits the fan in 2020."

Worst part? My girl @MediKatie is going to read this post! She has trusted me 100% with our finances, and my decision to put 10 of our best years into this. I've sent her to bed alone, many times, so I could finish up major articles I was writing for the blockchain. I've had her in my videos. I've had her join each blockchain adventure alongside me - even when she didn't understand it, or believe in it. She comments, she curates, she gets involved in the community. We've uploaded hundreds of her modeling photos and videos, including topless/nude, in an effort to promote our content. We've never withdrawn our payouts, never spent anything on ourselves, always powering everything up so we can support our community. I've told her, and myself, "Just keep going. It's going to pay off someday. There's no way you can put this much skill and effort into something, consistently for years, and not do well."

Well, it's official: I have not done well.

I can't imagine how some other people are feeling lately. There are a lot of good people here! A lot of good people that just got squashed.

And just a reminder: Crytpo has many decimel places. In other words, just because it has already lost 75% doesn't mean it can't lose another 75% next week. And another, and another, and another. Pretty much forever. It's not like it can only go down to a certain point, like a cent. You can just keep dividing it up, and losing more and more of it. You can lose 99% every day for a year, and still have just as far to fall as you've already fallen. "It's dropped too far, it has to recover soon" does not apply here. Crypto can be unforgiving.

Please save your "cryptocurrencies are volatile"s and your "don't invest what you can't afford to lose"s. I know these things. I've helped other people learn these things for a long time. But myself, I don't invest. I'm not an investor. I don't trade. I'm not looking to profit off my ownership or buying/selling of something. That's not my thing. (If it's yours, I won't judge you or tell you what to do, and ask the same in return.)

Why do I have crypto, then? Because I earn it. I've never bought crypto, ever. I've only earned it. Another thing you might not know about me is I'm unbanked - in the fiat world, cash is my only form of currency. I have no bank account, and can't get one. I can't use credit cards, or PayPal, or crypto exchanges. So I can't just sell my crypto. I know its volatile. All I can do is park it in the token I believe in, and hope for the best. For the past couple months, that has been BLURT. Woops.

"Just wait... there will be probably be another bull market" is usually the wise sentiment in this situation, historically. But this time might be different. For one thing, the world is at a breaking point, and the time to prepare is NOW. Yesterday, really. And two, I don't talk about this often but I've got a degenerative nerve condition that robs me of life's pleasures, and I don't seem to have much time remaining. My nerves and muscles don't work well, I'm losing my vision, I'm in constant pain, my heart is missing beats, and so on. I was really hoping to make it to Payday, but now it's not looking very likely. And three, I've got a little boy and a baby girl. Putting away some money, food, supplies, medicine for Katie, and other necessities was going to be my way of taking care of them if I don't make it. Hopefully the "hodl until the next cycle" mantra will work out for you, but it's no longer working for me.

Shall we pray?

Please, oh please, let this be the bottom. Or very close. May all our wives be understanding, and please bring about a recovery very soon. Amen.

I have no idea what to do next. I'm pretty much out of HIVE now, so I can't "buy the dip". I can either hold my BLURT bag, or take the big loss and move it into another token. At this point, it doesn't even seem to matter, my stack has become so tiny. Incredibly, before putting in the last 6 months of daily content (Nov 2021), my stack was worth $20,000. Is that good pay for 10 years work? Not really, but it would have been something at least. At this point I will probably have to just sit on my $3000 worth of BP.

Best of luck to all!

PS: I am giving 100% of this post's payout to my buddy @world-travel-pro. Please enjoy this 70 cents or so, Dan! : D

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It s ok if you want to cast blame to me for your loss. I probably deserve it along with my own loss here as well. If you think I planned, or knew things would go this way, I too would have been better off putting my money elsewhere. However, Im not concerned as I do believe Blurt will over come this especially once things are sorted out after this 7/7 day which I knew nothing about as well. Fortunately I only invest what I can afford to lose when it comes to crypto, and I can not be responsible if others take on too much risk in a space where btc istelf is down almost 70% from it s highs. So if that turns out to be all of my 20k investment, then so be it. Diversification has always been a key strategy to keep myself afloat when the unexpected happens. Sorry that you seem to be upset with me, but again, Im not the one dumping blurt, im taking it on the chin just like you and others. The only thing Im guilty of was trying to grow blurt, a platform that I still think has the right formula compared to the other two and there for should be successful and have value. I believe that was much of your own thinking as well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"It s ok if you want to cast blame to me for your loss."
Thanks for the offer, but I would never do that, for 2 reasons. One, I would never do that to anyone, because I take credit for my own successes and blame for my own mistakes. And two, you had nothing to do with my decision, aside from being a friend here. Which is why I'm giving you the proceeds of this post! Hopefully it's enough to buy a decriminalized toke over there : ))
Sorry for your loss too, I know you've put a lot into this place. Hopefully it's not over.

I thought you were being passive aggressive to pay this post out to me, as this post is all about how dissapointed you are with your investment. I know I influenced @outofthematrix here and he to my understanding influenced you to come here. So you putting this post in my name may have sent a wrong message, or maybe I received it incorrectly. I feel horrible if I influenced you or anyone here, and they are down a lot on their investment. All cryptos have been shit, but none of us are happy with the latest drama and how that seems to have helped bring the price down. Sorry if I may have understood. I guess thanks for the proceeds. But I certainly don't feel like celebrating. I just spent a busy week with my girlfriend's hill tribe. So I have not spent as much time on Blurt. I'm in a more settle comfortable spot now. So, I think I'm going to try to follow through with an idea I've had in the back of my mind for a while, and see if I can help grow Blurt. Best wishes to you and your wife, and again sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm just not happy about the price getting hammered like this too. Very disappointing indeed. However I am hopeful that that the coming statement from the Blurt Foundation combined with a bottoming of bitcoin sets things back on track.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I can see why you wouldn't feel like celebrating. I really just wanted to show you I'm not upset, and thankful for your friendship. As for influencing me, sure... but the blame for my decisions is all on me. I wouldn't have felt I owed you something, if this had turned out. I mean, I'd thank you for your friendship, and recognize that you were a positive influence on me here, but I wouldn't give you the credit for my success. I also wouldn't take credit for your success. And I wouldn't take any blame for your losses, just as I wouldn't ask you to do for me. I think we're only responsible for the things we do and don't do. There's no way you should be feeling responsible. But I totally get why you're sad, and now also why you thought I was being passive aggressive. If you don't want the proceeds of the post, either I can edit it, or you can send the tokens back once you get them. I've never actually delegated my payout before, so I kinda was interested to see how it works. Wasn't trying to be subtly bitchy at you :P
Good call on setting sights on the coming statement and BTC bottom. That will help us a lot.

I wouldn't have felt I owed you something, if this had turned out. I mean, I'd thank you for your friendship, and recognize that you were a positive influence on me here, but I wouldn't give you the credit for my success. I also wouldn't take credit for your success. And I wouldn't take any blame for your losses, just as I wouldn't ask you to do for me.

Yeah, that's what I thought.....but I guess I got the signals mixed up. Yes, your friendship here is of great value and I enjoy it.

But yeah, I really would rather have the 76 cents go to just about anyone else but me...haha I'll even upvote this post 100%

If it makes anyone feel any better. If I calculated correctly...and I think I did, Bitcoin is currently down 73% from it's highs and Blurt is currently down about 75% from it's recent highs. Meanwhile Tera Luna has gone to zero and celcius has collapsed as well. So I'm thinking 6-12 months down the road things could be a total 180 from where we are now and all these concerns were nothing but a buying opportunity. Unfortunately I'm already over extended for crypto holdings, and I believe a lot of other people were too.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There we go, looking on the bright side! Got to count our blessings... there are always more than we think.
Heh I was actually going to give 50% to you and 50% to Tom... maybe it's a good thing I didn't or I might have accidentally insulted 2 people at once :P
BTW, an old trade I set up on hive-engine just completed, thanks to BLURT's dip at the same time as a little spike in HIVE. So I guess I have another 40k. Hopefully in due time I can look back at that trade and say "hey, I bought at the bottom". Chances are there will be a better bottom, but you never know. Think I should power it up or just sit on it for a few days to see what happens next? (Note: you will never be held accountable for any opinions/feelings/ideas you share in good faith LOL)

Heh I was actually going to give 50% to you and 50% to Tom... maybe it's a good thing I didn't or I might have accidentally insulted 2 people at once :P
Note: (you will never be held accountable for any opinions/feelings/ideas you share in good faith LOL)

Hahaha. I think that is a good thing you did not. It would have been like.....Blurt WTF, here's 37 cents to both you mothafuckers who influenced me into buying this crap....lol Now go buy each half a pack of chewing gum with this shit; see how half or most of that is actually made up in my head. I think it reflects a bit on how I displeased I am about my own investment here. lol So again my apologies for the mixed signals.

Think I should power it up or just sit on it for a few days to see what happens next?

I would take care of your own finances first. If you need liquidity, I'd play the spread; on Ionomy the last purchase was 56/57 satoshis. If you can put in some limit orders in that price range and that means you make like 30% of your money in hours or days. I think that may be best for your current situation. If it does not get triggered, you can always powerup assuming you believe the price of Blurt in the long term will eventually recover.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hmm. I guess I better get caught up ion the news/gossip. I haven't been in the loop for a couple days, other than watching the price. I'm trying to get that big genealogical project done, but life (kids?!) keep getting in the way ;P
I want to be hopeful... just not sure that's wise before seeing what's going on at the moment. Everything changes so fast around here.

my luna is up lol so it's all relative

I'm glad I'm here fellas... Still 10 thousand times better than on Hive with psycho Marky... Bro, stop posting on Hive! Let it go and move on! I promised @practicalthought, that I would help you with this process.... 🙏😜

Yeah, no problem. I need to stop waisting my time.

Precisely mate! 🙏🍀That's the attitude I like to see ❤️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ah let them dump. Don't need them and their buying is not where ñurts value comes from.

Btw on Ionomy is shows a different story.

The price dropped only to where last previous support was. Which is not even its lowest. This is the third time this has happened. And last two times it dropped at same high price.

I still see blurt in a bullish trend. This is just fud from all the false narratives being passed around too.

Im not backing up now. Claim rewards on everything as soon as possible and not once a month like bpud idea that came from bearish whales on hive and steemit trying to get smaller accounts to sacrifice themselves for them. Just more manipulators.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

"I still see blurt in a bullish trend"
Trend implies something happening over a time period, so no, BLURT price is not in a bullish trend over the past week, or month, or even year. The fundamentals may be bullish (that's debatable) but the price is not. The latest move down broke every bullish trend line that could be drawn on the chart. A bull move may be coming, but we're no longer in one now. That doesn't mean you're wrong about this all being due to false narratives (lies), I guess we'll soon find out.

"bpud idea that came from bearish whales on hive and steemit trying to get smaller accounts to sacrifice themselves for them"...
100% agreed. If powering up is good, then powering up now is best, and powering up later is second (not) best. Exponential growth is a real thing!

"Don't need them and their buying is not where ñurts value comes from."
Totally. I don't understand comments like "they're dropping the price to zero" or "the evil whales will destroy us". They can only sell what they have earned and bought. As far as I know, nobody (even the management) do not have a hen that lays golden eggs. They can't just make more BLURT from thin air and sell it for profits. They have to earn it for their work, at a finite pace. So BLURT is finite, and that helps to give something value. Infinite stuff (like Carbon Dioxide, dirt, sunlight, etc) has little monetary value even though it has uses (for example, you can't grow crops without all 3 of those things). To have value, something must be finite and also useful. The more useful (ie higher demand) and finite (ie lower supply), the more value it has. BLURT has some uses, and in time, hopefully more people recognize that. And BLURT is finite, as mentioned above. So yes... it definitely has value. Exactly what the price should be, well, that's another matter. But you're right, whales can't crash the price to zero, and we don't need them. They can pull out completely, but as long as you don't, or I don't, then SOME money will still be in the system, and the tokens will not be at zero. Zero can only be reached if EVERY investor sells ALL their tokens at exactly the same time. Like I said, the price can get VERY low... and always lower... but it can't hit zero this way. We don't need the whales easy money. They can pull out, and the BLURT will move to stronger hands. We'll recover, and they'll have FOMO : )

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You nailed it!

Trend implies something happening over a time period, so no, BLURT price is not in a bullish trend over the past week, or month, or even year. The fundamentals may be bullish (that's debatable) but the price is not.

Your correct. Sorry for not being descriptive.

The daily chart on ionomy using Hiekin ashi candles


Yesterdays candle, before I laid to bed, was red and at at the low of .00000035ish satoshis. Look at now. Green, and basically dogi candle with long buy and sell pressures and that is where today open up. At a higher price than the previous lows.

I was suspecting a false break. I do suspect it to go up and over the previous highs. But we shall see if I was correct when that bridge comes.

Mean time I am spreading the word of blurt on telegram groups based in mexico.

yeah I went to look on ionomy and was surprised to see it hasn't really gone down

after the first crash on steemit right at the beginning of my journey I was in a pattern of taking out 50 percent to at least diversify around various coins, this stood me well really over time I think, with blurt though I kept EVERYTHING in, as the community seemed so great and I really felt it was over valued and going places, after the last week a lot has made me regret not just grabbing half of what I had earned here after 6 months when it was high. I think you can never really trust anyone, is what I have learned. We can try and do our best for the community but then so many people just want to get their bag and don't give a shit about anyone else if you work only for the community and try to be a good actor and think about others before securing your own bag you just seem to get screwed over. Going forwards I am definitely going to start taking out percentages as I go, even if I feel something is undervalued, else you just end up doing a ton of work for nothing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I feel you man. I feel you so much and all those content creators who weren't that famous in centralized social media and come here to make some money. At least some of it. We didn't want millions for sure. That's why all those who are building those platforms, blockchains, and supporting them should understand that they have a big responsibility on what they are doing. We trusted them with our content, our time, our faith in them and that they will keep the development on. They also should understand that we also like to earn like them, and they should give us such chance, such possibility. After all, we earn only during 7 days and our content is staying here. I wish we could have some control in that and decide when our content should stop bringing us income. But since we don't have such chance, we should just be active everywhere we can. That's why I'll be active in lbry for example, because even my old videos can be tipped there. That's why I'll look for more and more platforms to put my content in. I'll not be feeding only one of them !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's a nice feature of LBRY that your videos can still be tipped long in the future. I always thought that was a huge flaw of most blockchain fronts that after the first week your posts are essentially buried. I didn't go anywhere with LBRY...not sure why...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not only LBRY, bastyon.com, read.cash , noise.cash and many others. In fact most of decentralized social media allow tipping old content. And I especially like those who recommend the old content. Most of them do. They just randomly recommend the relative content no matter how old is that, so content creators have the ability to be tipped for any content they made. I think working toward that direction is the best solution for us. All these years we gave too much of us to 7 days period. We should be here, take what ours, but also not miss being everywhere. I wonder what will be done with the content after if anything happen to the blockchain. I hope we're not selling our content here once and forever, and we don't have terms of use I'm missing. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I haven't used any of those others, but I've been on LBRY for 2 or 3 years. At one point I linked with my YouTube channel (going since 2006) and copied over all my old videos. For a long time, the LBRY token was worth a dollar... today it hit a new low of 1 cent. The management at LBRY were offering rewards in LBC tokens for doing certain things, like uploading videos with a certain topic, or bringing people over to the platform from other places. I did as many as I could, and earned a lot of tokens. I have over 11k of them. When they were worth something, they were much easier to get. Now that they're worthless, they're very hard to get. Tips can come from old videos... and I have many hundred high quality videos up. But I do not get more than one tip every few weeks. The SEC is trying to shut LBRY down, which has really ruined the platform in the last year or so. I have trouble keeping the program working... it crashes and stalls and times out. It's a very large and resource-intensive program. Videos don't play properly in the program. But it's important for content-creators to use. Most viewers just use the Odysee website now. Although I don't think many people actually use it anymore.
Thanks for your support bro. Getting to know you a bit has been great. Hopefully we will have more opportunities for that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Do you stake tokens on content in lbry ? @cahlen told me in the interview that only about $30 worth of tokens can put the video on trending in odysee. What I'm thinking to do now. I'll try to buy those tokens and stake it on my videos and see if that will bring results.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, I have 9k of the 11k staked ("boosting") my content at all times. A couple years ago, that had an effect, but it no longer seems to do anything.
I don't know if I want to use a platform where spammers, government agents, and mega corporations can pay just $30 to take over the trending page. Luckily I think it's more like $1000+ to get on trending.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Unfortunately for all of us there are 3 very large Blurt whales that seem to want the price of Blurt to drop to zero. They have millions of Blurt and have created a lot of Fear and Confusion. I’m not entirely sure why but lots of new blurt bloggers coming from Hive support these 3 whales that are trying to crash the price to zero. It doesn’t make any sense to anyone but these people are the supreme masters of FUD.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wish I could read your post lol maybe you can give me the VIP audio version later :)

Keep on posting mate and gather them BLURTs !!!! That is your best and probably only option at the moment... 🙏🍀 Sitting on Hive tokens over on Hive isn't really an option...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe in a hundred years you will have a sustainable income. I'm rooting for you.

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