Three reasons to travel

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Let’s be honest, travelling is an expensive endeavour not open to every person in the world. However, if you have the means to explore this world, I highly recommend you seize the opportunity with boths hands tightly.

Travelling opens your mind
When you travel, even if it is in your own country, you discover new things and expand your mind. International travel however is truly an incredible experience. No matter how much you see a country online from social media or photos, the real deal is incomparable. Hearing the language, tasting their foods and just being there makes you a more worldly person, shedding some ignorance.

Makes for great stories
Often this isn’t the main reason for doing something, but people forget just how important being an interesting person can be. When you travel, you are bound to have some ‘incidents’. Needless to say, one day in the future you will be able to spin a hell of a story likely from past misery. Even if the basis of the story isn’t your misfortune, people have an inclination to listen to interesting things, especially if you don’t come across as arrogant in the delivery.

Learn about yourself
While not every trip will allow this to occur, I believe that travelling allows parts of your mind to be explored that remains untouched otherwise. This becomes even more true if travelling solo or exploring nature. There is something instinctual I find about being alone in nature. Sheer mountains, expanseful plains and clear skies is a far cry from the desk many of us live at. I am not sure about the science behind my claims, but I would put money on nature healing us from the artificial stresses the modern world creates.

Now, there are certainly far more reasons to travel than these three, but you shouldn’t need more. There is more to life than your small enclosure called a city, so get out of it and find yourself.

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