RE: 2020-KW 40 ~ Kneipe 24/7 ~ Treffpunkt ~ Dauer-Kneipe ~ Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context [DE] [EN]

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2020-KW 40 ~ Kneipe 24/7 ~ Treffpunkt ~ Dauer-Kneipe ~ Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context [DE] [EN]

in blurt •  4 years ago 

Dear @ericet, @jacobgadikian and @megadrive,

only, if it means very little work for you, I have a little suggestion.
It is really not important. It would just mean a little more comfort:

It would be nice to have an option in the "Settings" if you do not want to have the message about the fees and their confirmation.

Meldung Fees.JPG

If it means a lot of work, please forget my question.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yah, it makes sense to have an option in the settings that users can turn the message off. Will add to my to do list.

Unbelievable, you create enthusiasm!

What I'm not so enthusiastic about is this refferal thing. I'm collecting opinions from the German community here, maybe I'm misunderstanding something. I will report when I have sorted my thoughts.

And then I would also have a "nice to have" point. I almost always use sorting by age, could this be option in the settings too?


As double-u said above, if it means a lot of work, please forget it.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It's doable, will add to my list.
For the referral thing, i didn't look into the detail, but I think it's a good idea to have a referral system in place but not on chain level.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Great! Thank you!

And I'm glad that you came here!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

should stop by more, LOL. was busy working on new frontend, and should go live very soon.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

You are allways welcome!

I'm excited to see the new frontend your working on right now.

I remember in one of your comments before that it will be similar to

Honestly, compared to Condenser, I feel that Busy is a much better experience IMO

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yah, busy was my favorite frontend on steem. Too bad they stopped the project a while ago, so much work needed, like keychain integration, emoji, posting key login, etc

That would be great!

About Keychain, are you talking about Whalevault or you will create a dedicated Keychain specific for Blurt only?

Emoji will be a good addition as well.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  


Ups, wir waren zeitgleich am gleichen Kommentar ;-) Bin wieder einmal begeistert!

Werner, wenn du mal Zeit hast, deine Meinung zu der Geschichte hier würde mich sehr interessieren, vor allem auch der Kommentarverlauf im Discord, ob ich vielleicht etwas falsch interpretiere. Englisch, weißt eh... ;-)

Jetzt aber erst einmal eine gute Nacht oder bist du schon wieder wach?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Habe eben deinen Artikel dazu erst gelesen.

Diese Idee ist mir vom Prinzip her unsympathisch.

Nach dem, was ich bisher gelesen habe, schließe ich mich der Haltung von @stuntman.mike und dir an.

Eine einmalige Prämie wäre noch zu akzeptieren. Ich finde aber auch diese nicht gut. Man müsste dann beurteilen, wie der geworbene Account nach z.B. einem Jahr dasteht. Das sind alles neue Kompliziertheiten. Zusätzliche Regeln.

Meine Linie ist: keine neuen Kompliziertheiten einbauen und alte abspecken.

Hättest du gerne, dass ich das auch noch mal unter deinen Post schreibe?

Danke dir erstmal für deine Sichtweise, ich schreibe jetzt mal einen Post, wie man für einen Freund ganz einfach einen Account erstellen kann. Das wäre für mein Gefühl schon eine gute Lösung die auch in diese Richtung geht.

Mit "unsympathisch" bestätigst du auch mein Gefühl, ich muss das noch sortieren und in Worte bringen. Wenn du magst und Lust hast, kannst du gerne auch beim Post einen Kommentar hinterlassen oder direkt im Discord Kanal. Dort will ich nach meiner "Sortierung" auch etwas schreiben.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Habe eben auch auf deinen anderen Kommentar noch geantwortet.
Etwas verärgert - nicht über dich.

Wieso hast du denn den Dino abgeschaltet?

Mir reichen die Benachrichtigungen über, darum Dino vorerst aus.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Wish i understand the language but it is much dificult for me to understand .

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi, this is a very good translator.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir will use it for next time but the page is overloaded with comment can you try with another post sir?
Its to hard to load the page for me do not know other have same problem or not.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You can also just open the single comment.

Awesome! Thanks a lot, @ericet for looking into this.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That feature is totally up to @ericet :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thank you! Yes, ericet has already answered affirmatively ;-)


I forgot: And welcome to the pub!

auf wird es nie angezeigt..
Aber die überlegung es ein und auszuschalten fände ich super!!

I second this since it will be very helpful especially for "newcomers" who can't put their head around the Transaction Fees.

Since this is the major differentiation of Blurt with Hive & Steem, the solid Hive-Steem users are accustomed to "almost free transactions". I feel that if the system simply charge them fees without much detail then it will be a deal breaker for them.

Also, as mentioned by @double-u, if there's an option to "not show the message & confirmation" then I'm also OK with that since I'm already accustomed to how Blurt works.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi @funtraveller,

thanks for your comment!

Of course, the default setting should be such that the message is displayed.

Users, because they are there for a long time and do not want to confirm the message again and again, should only have the option to turn it off in the "Settings".

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes, I feel that too.

Because I'm here in Blurt for quite some time now, I feel lazy to confirm every transaction I do, especially for commenting which I tend to do a lot.

By the way, thanks for hosting Blurt Pub. It's my first time here and I'm already enjoying browsing comments and learning from others as well.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the recognition!

You are now here in the category Questions.
If it amuses you, you can also read the conversation under the main post of the pub.

Yes, I'm currently finding my way through your site.

I must say that I really like the structure of the Pub but it's really elaborate... I hope that Blurt devs will make frontend to suit this style.

If we stay long enough, maybe our wishes will be granted ;)