Blurt, Politics and Content Creation...

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I suddenly realized that I'd spent the better part of two hours simply trying to understand the unfolding circus that has become Blurt.

Alas, I am not a whole lot wiser. It all reminds me rather of some of the early "Whale Wars" on Steemit, albeit without the downvotes.

Keep my seat warm...

As a Content Creator...

What I primarily care about is having a reasonably secure place ("secure," not "safe") to create and park/store my content, because I have about a 25-year history of observing that "good projects invariably turn to shit."

I also like the idea of an engaged community that actually cares about the venue it belongs to.

And, in incredibly self-centered fashion, I hate the process of having to "scrape" my content from a venue and take it somewhere else because the venue I was using has suddenly turned into a totally munted shitshow... regardless of whether the underlying reason is scam, spam, trolls, internal politics, bankruptcy, corruption and God know what else.


Money = "Humans Behaving Badly"

Being a "stakeholder" in pretty much ANY-thing seems to be a quick path to people behaving badly.

In a former life, I actually served as president of the Homeowner's Association for a condominium project (God help me!) and it was always the people who owned a dozen units as rental property that caused the most problems and tended to slam their opinions through with sledgehammers, usually at the expense of the single-owner owner occupied homeowners.

I also lost the only really good job I had to Money People Behaving Badly; the brothers who owned the educational software company where I worked "got in a fight" over the direction of the company... and shut it down rather than resolve their differences, as a result of which about 80 people became unemployed.


Just a Placeholder... NOT a "Dramatic Exit!"

Just writing this as a sort of "placeholder" or "marker" to myself to note the choice to step away from Blurt till this stuff all resolves itself... or not. I suppose it is a "temporary vote of No Confidence," as it were.

I'm just not in the mood to put much effort into something that seems to be standing on shaky ground. I'll check in from time to time to see whether the tremors have settled... or there's suddenly a "404 Error" at the end of this bookmark.

Peace...out. At least for the moment...

Thanks for reading, and have a great remainder of your week!

DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 063 — Timestamp: 2022.06.22 - 15:17 PDT

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. NO CROSS-POSTING!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah. I have been here since day one and this seems to happen every few months.

As soon as someone accumulates a few million Blurt they want to take over the whole place.
People especially attack the Founders and Developers. Non- stop.
It’s brutal.
I just try my best to ignore the drama and keep posting my stuff …. everywhere.
Blurt, Steemit, Hive, POB, VYB, Instagram, Twitter, Noise… I hate the politics and drama in these places …. I try my best to mute the angry negative people and just keep blogging. Everywhere.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The best approach in my opinion...I do exactly the same...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

The problems we are experiencing on Blurt are very old. Power goes to people’s heads. Someone creates something beautiful (Megadrive and Jacob) … it attracts Investors. A few investors see incredible potential, a Diamond in the rough, an opportunity to become very rich and they buy a huge stake. They get their friends to join then suddenly then think they should run the place. They start by attacking the Founders and developers… this has been going on for a very very long time. On Steemit, Hive and Blurt. You need to just mute these people and enjoy your life.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm generally in alignment with the idea of "just keep posting," but I tend to take a step back when I hear rumblings of factions that want to "destroy" a platform because they have a disagreement with the direction it's taking... it's the whole childish fit "If I can't have it MY way, NOBODY gets to have anything" bullshit that bothers me.

Not giving up on Blurt by any means... but also not going to put much time into it until there seems to be a concrete direction and the involved players are actually following through.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just mute those people and keep creating and posting everywhere. Steemit, Hive, Blurt, POB, VYB, everywhere. In life you have to just ignore the complainers.

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