Don't think a short post About the complexity of life, about the trials

in blurt •  4 years ago 

Hello. It is often said that difficulties in life, trials are given for our improvement, so that we overcome and become stronger... But the question is: why?

Before writing further, I want to say the following:

  • I do not believe in evolution, because the appearance of reason can be explained by it, but the presence of feelings, love, happiness is not;
    "Some people think we were created by aliens. It is unlikely that a material creature, such as a genetic one, can create beings with feelings, love, and happiness. Except that they created us both materially and energetically. But this is a completely different level. If we have a sense perception, it means that the creators had it. Otherwise, they couldn't have made us like this.
  • It may well be that we were created by God-a being that has a universal scale. Again, if we have a soul and feelings, then he also has them.

If so, no parent would want their children to suffer. I think the same applies to our creators.
And in our time, many are unhappy. Based on this, the words about the tests seem strange.
In theory, more advanced parents will try to create all the conditions for the happiness of their children. Another thing is that the latter can start doing everything to destroy these conditions.


I believe that we have chosen our own path. They have driven themselves into a way of life in which there are trials, problems, misery, etc.

But it's never too late to return to the conditions created by the Creator/creators.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I think that no one gives us difficulties from above. They arise or do not arise depending on how we live, what we do, what we choose.
The Creator did his best and gave us freedom of choice, which also implies responsibility for this choice. This responsibility is expressed in our living conditions
Думаю, что трудности нам никто не даёт свыше. Они возникают либо не возникают в зависимости от того как мы живём, что делаем, что выбираем.
Творец хорошо постарался и дал нам свободу выбора, которая предполагает и ответственность за этот выбор. Эта ответственность и выражается в наших условиях жизни

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

...которые мы сами себе и создаём с момента нашего зачатия в конкретном лоне, которого мы были к этому моменту достойны.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

... хорошее дополнение общей мысли :)

I agree. // Согласен.