Do not force, carry away!

in blurt •  4 years ago 

Hello. Now there will be a repost of a post that I really liked. Enjoy reading and learning.

Where do laziness, sabotage of important things and procrastination come from? Most often, they are caused by a faulty internal self-motivation system. And its name is compulsion. If you have a habit of forcing yourself to do something important, even useful and promising, sooner or later it will cause an internal revolt. The truth has long been known: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. And the more one side of me suppresses the other, the deeper the emotional pit will become.

For myself, I describe these sides as a classic pair of "inner parent – inner child". The first reflects concepts, rules, and goals, while the second reflects life energy, feelings, and interest. The way this couple interacts shapes our daily lives, including our mood, health, and productivity.

As it is not difficult to guess, the origins of the relationship of these subpersonalities lie in our childhood: the inner parent and his behavior patterns are a collective image of significant people that we were raised. The inner child is a combination of our original natural impulses and how they were affected by external influence, what patterns it formed.

And if, for example, during the school period, our parents forced us (by direct physical / moral violence or indirectly, through conditions) to do homework and household chores, then this same model moved with us into adulthood, as our Intro-process, but now our inner child has much more room for reactions, since real sanctions can not be applied to it. And his favorite reaction is to sabotage, not because he is harmful, but simply compulsion does not generate momentum and inspiration in him, and without them, the forces run out very quickly.

And the key to transforming this situation becomes obvious – to interest the inner child! What's the most interesting thing for him? Play! Practice shows that any, even the most routine, ordinary and unpleasant business, can be given a game meaning. And the process will open up, sparkle with new colors and will be fast and exciting. And after it, not only will there be no exhaustion, as after an internal struggle, but more often only a surge of strength and a desire to" play " something else!

I distinguish two main approaches to implementing the game in business, conditionally call them "small game"and" big game". "Small" is when one basic principle is taken, which immediately changes the context. For example, the principle of "time", when I set a timer with a time limit, and immediately there is a passion to be on time, the principle of "comparison", making by any criterion at least a little better than the last time, the principle of "accumulation", when the things done are perceived as a collection of prizes, or there is a goal to reach a certain number, etc. The principles are chosen to your taste, everyone likes to play different games.

The " big " game is a huge field for creativity. This method assumes that we see a fantasy situation on top of the real one. There is an immersion in a myth, in a certain appropriate image. This is a process where the necessary tasks are embedded in a specially created legend, where everything is subject to a special meaning born of this myth. For example, you need to disassemble the desktop – I become a shrewd detective, clean the room-a cosmic deity who controls the worlds, go to the store – a brave seeker who is looking for treasures in an ancient temple! Anything, for every taste, everything that will create an exciting game for the inner child!

the Main character, scenery, context and mission of the game may change from time to time, but the basic principle is always important: we do not suppress or force the inner child, but interest and engage him. And then not only the process will be transformed beyond recognition, but the results will become better, and most importantly, there will be harmony and harmony inside!

Artem Selivanovsky


The blind author and developer @denis-skripnik was with you. See you in new posts.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That's right, just using Eric Berne's concept the author forgot to mention the inner adult. If you enter his state, then both the parent and the child will be calm, and the person himself is as adequate to the situation as possible.
But the article is good. Especially for those who have too strong an inner parent)

Всё верно, только используя концепцию Эрика Берна автор забыл упомянуть внутреннего взрослого. Если войти в его состояние, то и родитель и ребёнок будут спокойны, а сам человек максимально адекватен ситуации.
Но статья хорошая. Особенно для тех, у кого слишком силён внутренний родитель)