Please drop this nasty idea...

in blurt •  2 years ago 

There's this nasty attitude and false entitlement among many crypto investors (me and you).

We hate how Google and other big tech companies commercialise and abuse our data without even sharing a tiny bit of their gains with us. Yet we continue to use them every day.

Then we come into crypto and blockchain systems that minimize and in most cases, eliminate such abuses and breaches of trust and we want to strip them of their revenue sources.

For example, if Blurt or other similar platforms begins showing some kind of ads today, some people would raise eyebrows, complain, or even threaten to move to other places.

But without some kind of revenue coming from these ads and other sources, these platforms would not be sustainable long term.

However, if you have better revenue ideas for these projects, then suggest them to the team and they may even consider them and appreciate you for it. Not sitting in your ivory tower and expecting free money to come to you from nowhere, and when it stops coming, you move on to the next victim (platform).

This attitude is a part of why crypto projects die early (cos not sustainable) and scams are rampant.

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