The last week was just too violent with us, the Corona with their all inclusive services has made me so what of finished... (I knew why I was never a friend of AI) now gehts better but still not good... cough still there, limpness and new smell and taste also discovered - the NOTHING taste.
Only thing I can say how something tastes is: cold or hot, very varied and appetizing.
It feels like virtual kind of food - you look for yourself something to eat - nice red, or delicious roll with ham... do you make yourself that on the plate, then you bite into it... nothing...
The ham I then immediately rather forwarded to our Bronka... the joy in the eyes I would also like to see with me.
It's frustrating nothing taste , everything has the same nothing taste... all my great spices smell like nothing ...instead of tea or coffee hot water is enough , you become frugal...
One also has no desire to eat full of nothing , one also needs no nothing dessert , no nothing chocolate... maybe it would be possible in dietetic area to use it...????
I am looking forward to my tastes of nothing lunch... one my dear neighbor has cooked for us stuffed peppers with mashed potatoes , I can not even tell her : that tasted great.
Who of you has also experienced it and how long it lasted with you???
If longer than a few days , then I would rather not know.
And here are the medals for those who have sacrificed themselves to read to the end....