Should I replace my dying Smartphone with a late model iPhone?

in blurt •  2 years ago 



It is like choosing Apples and Oranges, my mind is overwhelmed with features and phone changes.

Es como elegir Manzanas y Naranjas, mi mente está abrumada con las características y los cambios del teléfono.

I am already satisfied with using my old Smartphone, it is an ASUS X00ID model and the only issue that it has was its already dead battery. I can buy a new OEM battery for it but those are not delivering power as advertised and I was quite disappointed after purchasing one in combination with a service to put it into my gadget. However upon using it, the battery didn't performed as I was expecting it to do. It was losing charge faster and in a matter of a few hours the battery went completely dead and surely I am dismayed that it happened because of course I had spent some money and it turned-out to be just a waste of time, money, and effort.

Ya estoy satisfecho con el uso de mi viejo Smartphone, es un modelo ASUS X00ID y el único problema que tiene es su batería ya muerta. Puedo comprar una nueva batería OEM para él, pero los que no están entregando el poder como se anuncia y yo estaba muy decepcionado después de comprar uno en combinación con un servicio para ponerlo en mi gadget. Sin embargo, al usarlo, la batería no funcionaba como yo esperaba. Fue perdiendo carga más rápido y en cuestión de unas pocas horas la batería fue completamente muerto y sin duda estoy consternado de que sucedió porque, por supuesto, me había gastado algo de dinero y resultó ser sólo una pérdida de tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo.



I couldn't totally blame the Smartphone technician for the bad battery that he used to replace for my Smartphone because of the lack of original battery to be had.

No pude culpar totalmente al técnico del Smartphone por la mala batería que sustituyó para mi Smartphone debido a la falta de batería original que había.

It is funny that it is hard to choose what specific Smartphone that I want because when I do choose I would end-up not buying at all and wait for some time to pass and doing it all over again. The reason was a particular specification or feature of one Smartphone for example that I want to be non-existent from another Smartphone but the latter Smartphone has one feature that I want to have. For example a Smartphone has a 5G capability but it has no "Gorilla glass" or others have that feature but they are not capable of 5G. Then I would look for reviews of this or that particular Smartphone that I would like to buy and only finding out that it heats-up badly or it has a bad processor and such things.

Es curioso que me cueste elegir el Smartphone que quiero, porque cuando lo elijo acabo por no comprarlo y esperar a que pase un tiempo para volver a hacerlo. La razón es una especificación o característica concreta de un Smartphone, por ejemplo, que quiero que no exista en otro Smartphone, pero este último Smartphone tiene una característica que quiero tener. Por ejemplo, un Smartphone tiene capacidad 5G pero no tiene "Gorilla glass" u otros tienen esa característica pero no son capaces de 5G. Entonces buscaría reseñas de este o aquel Smartphone en particular que me gustaría comprar y sólo descubriría que se calienta mal o que tiene un mal procesador y cosas así.



Smartphones today are offering great features that I are not expecting if not surpassing our expectations and I am expecting more to be served in the coming months and years to come.

Los Smartphones de hoy en día están ofreciendo grandes prestaciones que no espero si no superando nuestras expectativas y espero que se sirvan más en los próximos meses y años venideros.

Then of course there will be the factor of the price. It will be the defining factor if I would push through and deciding if I would be buying that Smartphone or not. So I would again "Canvass" for Smartphones that I want, having features that I like and then comparing Smartphones with one another. I will definitely find the right one, then only to learn that it will cost an arm and a leg. Very bad to buy if I will not be using it quite extensively like gaming, taking much quality photos, or quality videos and such. Then I would contemplate again if I really have to purchase this one or not because of the said reasons especially if it would cost a ton of money even though I can afford it and definitely deserved to have it too considering that I will be using my own money for that matter.

Luego, por supuesto, estará el factor del precio. Será el factor decisivo a la hora de decidir si comprar ese Smartphone o no. Así que volvería a buscar el Smartphone que quiero, con las características que me gustan y compararía unos Smartphones con otros. Sin duda encontraré el adecuado, pero luego me enteraré de que me costará un ojo de la cara. Es una mala idea comprarlo si no lo voy a utilizar mucho, por ejemplo para jugar, hacer fotos de calidad o vídeos de calidad. Entonces contemplaría otra vez si realmente tengo que comprar éste o no debido a las razones dichas especialmente si costaría una tonelada de dinero aunque puedo permitirlo y merecido definitivamente tenerlo también considerando que utilizaré mi propio dinero para esa materia.



It feels like buying an expensive car with today's premium Smartphones which however delivers some functionality that you are expecting even though they are not lasting forever.

Se siente como comprar un coche caro con los Smartphones premium de hoy en día que, sin embargo, ofrecen algunas funcionalidades que uno espera aunque no duren para siempre.

So again I will end-up dismissing the idea of buying a Smartphone even though my current one is like me, always Tethered to a powerbank for it to work properly while I myself have to be connected to a dialysis machine so that I will live and not slowly poisoned by accumulated waste products and fluids in my body. The Smartphone that I am using now had already reached near the end of its life. It is because it was said that gadgets like a Smartphone only lasts for about six years. This current gadget that I am using already has a screen issue where it has a discoloration or white spot at the center of the screen which made me to think that it is time to replace it. However since that it is still working although it needs to be connected to a power source all the time, I still wanted to extend in using it.

Así que de nuevo voy a terminar descartando la idea de comprar un Smartphone a pesar de que mi actual es como yo, siempre atado a un powerbank para que funcione correctamente, mientras que yo mismo tengo que estar conectado a una máquina de diálisis para que voy a vivir y no envenenado lentamente por los productos de desecho y fluidos acumulados en mi cuerpo. El Smartphone que utilizo ahora ya ha llegado casi al final de su vida útil. Se dice que aparatos como un Smartphone sólo duran unos seis años. El aparato que utilizo actualmente ya tiene un problema de decoloración o mancha blanca en el centro de la pantalla, lo que me hizo pensar que había llegado el momento de sustituirlo. Sin embargo, dado que sigue funcionando aunque necesita estar conectado a una fuente de alimentación todo el tiempo, todavía quería prolongar su uso.



It is a bad thing for consumers with the factor of "planned obsolescence" where a gadget or Smartphone will lose its function through time, so consumers have to buy a newer one over and over. Apple's Smartphone battery could be replaced but it will lose the function of managing it by the Smartphone.

Es algo malo para los consumidores con el factor de "obsolescencia programada" en el que un gadget o Smartphone perderá su función con el tiempo, por lo que los consumidores tienen que comprar uno más nuevo una y otra vez. La batería del Smartphone de Apple podría sustituirse, pero perderá la función de gestionarla el Smartphone.

Another complication for the matter was this Smartphone that was given to my mother. That one needs to be replaced because my father "fiddled" on it which cracked the screen. However it is still working and my mother just uses it to watch some video over Facebook and nothing more. It is just handed-over by one of my nieces to my mother which my mother is using for the said reason which entertains her a lot. I really want to buy my mother a newer one but I am just worried that my father himself will tinker on it and damage it again which is actually my number one concern even for buying things around the house, my father just literally destroys it. So because of that I never had bought another appliance for this house which is also the reason why I am not planning to renovate this house anytime soon as my father always has the last laugh on how things would end-up for the things around here especially the ones that I bought.

Otra complicación para el asunto fue este Smartphone que le regalaron a mi madre. Hay que cambiarlo porque mi padre lo "toqueteó" y rompió la pantalla. Sin embargo, sigue funcionando y mi madre sólo lo utiliza para ver algún vídeo en Facebook y nada más. Una de mis sobrinas se lo acaba de regalar a mi madre y mi madre lo está utilizando para eso, para entretenerse mucho. Tengo muchas ganas de comprarle a mi madre uno más nuevo, pero me preocupa que mi padre lo estropee y lo vuelva a estropear, que es lo que más me preocupa incluso a la hora de comprar cosas para la casa, ya que mi padre lo destroza literalmente. Así que por eso nunca he comprado otro electrodoméstico para esta casa, que es también la razón por la que no estoy planeando renovar esta casa en el corto plazo, ya que mi padre siempre tiene la última palabra sobre cómo terminan las cosas aquí, especialmente las que yo compré.



My Father likes to tinker on things and ending in damaging them and making them useless like he did to many of the things that I bought for this house.

A mi padre le gusta trastear con las cosas y acabar dañándolas e inutilizándolas como hizo con muchas de las cosas que compré para esta casa.

Anyway, I couldn't say that I cannot live without a Smartphone because I still need it. I use it to check things like crypto prices, watch a few videos from YouTube if I am away from the house. I also use it for important things like earning money, posting in blockchain social media and then capture some videos or photos that I use for the aforementioned purpose. I also use it for paying some bills or loading an airtime for my SIM cards that I use and transferring money or receiving it. Other than those which are very important for me to do and accomplish particularly for financial reasons, I really can't think about using it for anything else. However even with a minimal use I still needed a decent Smartphone that I can carry because it is an essential part of my life particularly now because of some aspect of modernity in it.

De todos modos, no podría decir que no puedo vivir sin un Smartphone porque todavía lo necesito. Lo uso para comprobar cosas como los precios de las criptomonedas, ver algunos vídeos de YouTube si estoy fuera de casa. También lo uso para cosas importantes como ganar dinero, publicar en los medios sociales de blockchain y luego capturar algunos vídeos o fotos que utilizo para el propósito antes mencionado. También lo uso para pagar algunas facturas o cargar un tiempo de aire para mis tarjetas SIM que utilizo y transferir dinero o recibirlo. Aparte de estos, que son muy importantes para mí, sobre todo por razones financieras, no se me ocurre utilizarlo para nada más. Sin embargo, incluso con un uso mínimo que todavía necesitaba un Smartphone decente que puedo llevar porque es una parte esencial de mi vida, especialmente ahora debido a algunos aspectos de la modernidad en el mismo.



Owning a Smartphone nowadays is a basic need and then connectivity had gone a basic human right for the reason that it helps us to do things that makes our lives easier and enhanced for that matter.

Tener un Smartphone hoy en día es una necesidad básica y la conectividad se ha convertido en un derecho humano básico, ya que nos ayuda a hacer cosas que nos facilitan y mejoran la vida.

Now, who wouldn't want to own a Smartphone made by Apple™? I also do, however I will never buy those piece of gadget that costs ridiculously high considering that they can manufacture their products in a large scale which can cut cost of the products in my opinion. Although the Smartphones that they offer is of premium quality, it will mean that it comes with a bigger cost, the same with Samsung. For the Chinese brands they too costs high but because of the Chinese government support for big Smartphone companies in china, they can offer a bigger discount while delivering somewhat the same capabilities if not better features for their products.

Ahora bien, ¿a quién no le gustaría tener un Smartphone fabricado por Apple™? Yo también, pero nunca compraré esos aparatos que cuestan una barbaridad, teniendo en cuenta que pueden fabricar sus productos a gran escala, lo que, en mi opinión, reduce el coste de los mismos. Aunque los Smartphones que ofrecen son de primera calidad, eso significa que tienen un coste mayor, al igual que Samsung. Las marcas chinas también tienen costes elevados, pero gracias al apoyo del gobierno chino a las grandes empresas de teléfonos inteligentes del país, pueden ofrecer un descuento mayor con las mismas prestaciones, si no mejores.



There is no doubt that Apple products in particular are of premium quality and delivers the functions that some people wants and needs. However, people have no choice but to accept the fact that they will keep on buying because of the cunning ways that these gadgets are made because you cannot use them forever for the reason that they are not user-serviceable.

No cabe duda de que los productos de Apple en particular son de primera calidad y ofrecen las funciones que algunas personas desean y necesitan. Sin embargo, la gente no tiene más remedio que aceptar el hecho de que seguirán comprando debido a las astutas formas en que están fabricados estos aparatos, ya que no se pueden utilizar para siempre por la razón de que no son reparables por el usuario.

I already had dismissed the idea of buying Smartphones from Apple™, but not all their Smartphones now are so expensive. We can still buy the ones that was made a few years ago, they are indeed much cheaper and affordable simply because Apple has newer ones that they are selling. The older models are left for their resellers to offer for the public to purchase. Those units comes with a charger and a set of earphones while the not so old ones but still unused, you really have to buy a charger for them. I am not still sure if I can have a better experience in using such gadget because Apple Smartphones is not compatible for PC. I am not definitely purchasing an Apple laptop because I like a PC simply because I can be able to have a better option make the sound output much better by using Dolby technologies along with a software that I use to enhance the sounds considering that I also use this PC for my music and entertainment needs.

Ya había descartado la idea de comprar Smartphones de Apple™, pero no todos sus Smartphones ahora son tan caros. Todavía podemos comprar los que se hizo hace unos años, que son de hecho mucho más barato y asequible, simplemente porque Apple tiene los más nuevos que están vendiendo. Los modelos más antiguos se dejan para sus revendedores para ofrecer al público a comprar. Esas unidades vienen con un cargador y un conjunto de auriculares, mientras que los no tan viejos pero todavía sin usar, usted realmente tiene que comprar un cargador para ellos. Todavía no estoy seguro de si puedo tener una mejor experiencia en el uso de tales gadget porque Smartphones de Apple no es compatible para PC. No estoy definitivamente la compra de un ordenador portátil de Apple porque me gusta un PC simplemente porque puedo ser capaz de tener una mejor opción de hacer que la salida de sonido mucho mejor mediante el uso de tecnologías Dolby junto con un software que utilizo para mejorar los sonidos teniendo en cuenta que yo también uso este PC para mi música y las necesidades de entretenimiento.



The good news is that you can buy old models of Apple Smartphones complete with chargers and earphones. These models are still a good buy and was made affordable because of the emergence of newer Apple Smartphones.

La buena noticia es que puedes comprar modelos antiguos de Smartphones Apple completos con cargadores y auriculares. Estos modelos siguen siendo una buena compra y se ha hecho asequible debido a la aparición de nuevos Smartphones de Apple.

I am not in a rush I can still wait...



...resisting to buy while my old one is still working and alive.

Translated in Filipino [Taglish]

Nasiyahan na ako sa paggamit ng aking lumang Smartphone, ito ay isang modelo ng ASUS X00ID at ang tanging isyu na mayroon ito ay patay na ang baterya nito. Maaari akong bumili ng bagong OEM na baterya para dito ngunit ang mga iyon ay hindi naghahatid ng kapangyarihan tulad ng na-advertise at medyo nabigo ako pagkatapos bumili ng isa kasama ng isang serbisyo upang ilagay ito sa aking gadget. Gayunpaman sa paggamit nito, ang baterya ay hindi gumanap gaya ng inaasahan kong gagawin nito. Mas mabilis itong nawalan ng singil at sa loob ng ilang oras ay tuluyang napatay ang baterya at tiyak na dismayado ako na nangyari ito dahil siyempre gumastos ako ng pera at ito ay naging isang pag-aaksaya lamang ng oras, pera, at pagsisikap.

Nakakatuwa na mahirap pumili kung anong partikular na Smartphone ang gusto ko dahil kapag pinili ko ay hindi na ako bibili at maghihintay ng ilang oras upang makapasa at gawin itong muli. Ang dahilan ay isang partikular na detalye o feature ng isang Smartphone halimbawa na gusto kong maging non-existent mula sa isa pang Smartphone ngunit ang huli na Smartphone ay may isang feature na gusto kong magkaroon. Halimbawa, ang isang Smartphone ay may 5G na kakayahan ngunit wala itong "Gorilla glass" o ang iba ay may ganoong feature ngunit hindi sila kaya ng 5G. Pagkatapos ay maghahanap ako ng mga review tungkol dito o sa partikular na Smartphone na gusto kong bilhin at nalaman ko lang na nag-init ito nang husto o mayroon itong masamang processor at mga ganoong bagay.

Tapos siyempre magkakaroon ng factor ng presyo. Ito ang magiging salik kung tutuusin ko at magpapasya kung bibilhin ko ang Smartphone na iyon o hindi. Kaya't muli akong "Canvass" para sa mga Smartphone na gusto ko, na may mga feature na gusto ko at pagkatapos ay naghahambing ng mga Smartphone sa isa't isa. Talagang hahanapin ko ang tama, pagkatapos lamang malaman na ito ay nagkakahalaga ng isang braso at isang binti. Napakasamang bilhin kung hindi ko ito gagamitin nang husto tulad ng paglalaro, pagkuha ng maraming de-kalidad na larawan, o mga de-kalidad na video at iba pa. Pagkatapos ay iisipin ko muli kung kailangan ko ba talagang bumili ng isang ito o hindi dahil sa mga nasabing dahilan lalo na kung ito ay nagkakahalaga ng isang toneladang pera kahit na kaya ko ito at tiyak na karapat-dapat na magkaroon din nito isinasaalang-alang na gagamitin ko ang aking sarili. pera para sa bagay na iyon.

So again I will end-up dismissing the idea of ​​buying a Smartphone even though my current one is like me, always Tethered to a powerbank for it to work properly while I myself have to be connected to a dialysis machine para mabuhay ako at hindi dahan-dahang nalason ng mga naipong dumi at likido sa aking katawan. Ang Smartphone na ginagamit ko ngayon ay umabot na malapit sa katapusan ng buhay nito. Ito ay dahil ang mga gadget na tulad ng isang Smartphone ay tumatagal lamang ng halos anim na taon. Ang kasalukuyang gadget na ginagamit ko ay mayroon nang isyu sa screen kung saan mayroon itong pagkawalan ng kulay o puting spot sa gitna ng screen na nagpaisip sa akin na oras na para palitan ito. Gayunpaman dahil gumagana pa rin ito kahit na kailangan itong konektado sa isang mapagkukunan ng kuryente sa lahat ng oras, gusto ko pa ring palawigin ang paggamit nito.

Ang isa pang komplikasyon para sa bagay ay itong Smartphone na ibinigay sa aking ina. Kailangang palitan ang isang iyon dahil "kinalikot" ito ng aking ama na nag-crack ng screen. Gayunpaman ito ay gumagana pa rin at ginagamit lamang ito ng aking ina upang manood ng ilang video sa Facebook at wala nang iba pa. Ipinasa-pasa lang ito ng isa kong pamangkin sa nanay ko na ginagamit ng nanay ko sa nasabing dahilan na labis siyang ikinatuwa. I really want to buy my mother a newer one pero nag-aalala lang ako na si tatay na mismo ang makiliti dito at masira ulit which is actually number one concern ko kahit sa pagbili ng mga gamit sa bahay, literal na sinisira ng tatay ko. Kaya dahil doon ay hindi na ako nakabili ng isa pang appliance para sa bahay na ito na siya rin ang dahilan kung bakit wala akong planong i-renovate ang bahay na ito anumang oras sa lalong madaling panahon bilang ang aking ama ay palaging ang huling tawanan kung paano ang mga bagay-bagay ay end-up para sa mga bagay sa paligid dito lalo na. yung mga binili ko.

Anyway, hindi ko masasabi na hindi ako mabubuhay nang walang Smartphone dahil kailangan ko pa rin ito. Ginagamit ko ito upang suriin ang mga bagay tulad ng mga presyo ng crypto, manood ng ilang video mula sa YouTube kung wala ako sa bahay. Ginagamit ko rin ito para sa mga mahahalagang bagay tulad ng kumita ng pera, pag-post sa blockchain social media at pagkatapos ay kumuha ng ilang mga video o larawan na ginagamit ko para sa nabanggit na layunin. Ginagamit ko rin ito para sa pagbabayad ng ilang bill o pag-load ng airtime para sa aking mga SIM card na ginagamit ko at paglilipat ng pera o pagtanggap nito. Maliban sa mga napakahalaga para sa akin na gawin at maisakatuparan partikular na para sa mga pinansiyal na kadahilanan, hindi ko talaga maisip na gamitin ito para sa anumang bagay. Gayunpaman kahit na may kaunting paggamit kailangan ko pa rin ng isang disenteng Smartphone na maaari kong dalhin dahil ito ay isang mahalagang bahagi ng aking buhay lalo na ngayon dahil sa ilang aspeto ng modernidad dito.

Ngayon, sino ang hindi gustong magkaroon ng Smartphone na ginawa ng Apple™? Ginagawa ko rin, gayunpaman, hinding-hindi ako bibili ng mga piraso ng gadget na napakataas ng halaga kung isasaalang-alang na maaari nilang gawin ang kanilang mga produkto sa malaking sukat na maaaring mabawasan ang gastos ng mga produkto sa aking opinyon. Bagama't ang mga Smartphone na kanilang inaalok ay may premium na kalidad, ito ay nangangahulugan na ito ay may mas malaking halaga, katulad ng sa Samsung. Para sa mga Chinese brand, mataas din ang kanilang gastos ngunit dahil sa suporta ng gobyerno ng China para sa malalaking kumpanya ng Smartphone sa china, maaari silang mag-alok ng mas malaking diskwento habang naghahatid ng kaparehong mga kakayahan kung hindi man mas mahusay na mga tampok para sa kanilang mga produkto.

Tinanggihan ko na ang ideya ng pagbili ng mga Smartphone mula sa Apple™, ngunit hindi lahat ng kanilang mga Smartphone ngayon ay napakamahal. Mabibili pa rin natin ang mga ginawa ilang taon na ang nakalilipas, talagang mas mura at abot-kaya ang mga ito dahil lang may mas bago ang Apple na ibinebenta nila. Ang mga lumang modelo ay naiwan para sa kanilang mga reseller na mag-alok para mabili ng publiko. Ang mga unit na iyon ay may kasamang charger at isang set ng earphones habang ang mga hindi pa masyadong luma ngunit hindi pa rin ginagamit, kailangan mo talagang bumili ng charger para sa kanila. Hindi pa ako sigurado kung magkakaroon ako ng mas magandang karanasan sa paggamit ng ganoong gadget dahil hindi compatible ang Apple Smartphones para sa PC. Hindi talaga ako bibili ng Apple laptop dahil gusto ko ang isang PC dahil lamang sa maaari akong magkaroon ng isang mas mahusay na opsyon na gawing mas mahusay ang output ng tunog sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng mga teknolohiya ng Dolby kasama ng isang software na ginagamit ko upang mapahusay ang mga tunog na isinasaalang-alang na gumagamit din ako. ang PC na ito para sa aking mga pangangailangan sa musika at libangan.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Iphone is overrated. It sucks batteries faster than its peer brands.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your input, they do have a lesser capacity of battery. It is also interesting that iPhone's system has an AI to tailor the power output based on your needs.

When my ASUS X00ID phone was new it can last for more than three weeks on stand-by and when I use it when I go for my dialysis session. Now at least I know now how to take care of these batteries.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also wanted to buy smartphone as the one I'm using is getting tired lol. 64GB storage is not enough for me since I'm doing airdrops. From time to time I'm checking mobile specifications online with their prices, until now I haven't buy one, I am looking for something affordable with a good specs and 5G is also one of the factors I am looking at the smartphone's specs.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes it messes with my brain for just choosing like for example, a unit/model has all the things that I want but it only uses one Nano SIM card but has an expandable storage option, or another late model has a dual SIM card option but no expandable storage, and because of that I would for another model but again, it will cost more considering that these gadgets doesn't last long. @g10a

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Your piece is quite lengthy. Nonetheless, I’ve learnt a lot from you. Thanks for putting this out here.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, I always write what I am thinking about, like how even buying a smartphone that I need is also a complication.

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