Blurt LIVE is here... WOW!!

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Screenshot 2022-02-12 at 3.39.14 PM.png

Does anyone know how to access BLURT wallet?

I'm just creating this test post to see what this new frontend is all about. Today when I tried to find the last blurt site,, I nearly had a heart attack when it was nowhere to be found? Immediately I did a quick google search to find blurt, but to no avail?? Luckily I checked out discord and saw that I am not alone, everyone there was frantic about the new site being all messed up!

I don't know how many times blurt has moved, next time we should call the site blurt travels.

I remember when it was blurtter, I liked that frontend the best because it reminded me of twitter. Next came, with blurt.wallet, now it's with no wallet??? Hopefully there will be live streaming, or something super cool like that, for the sake of the new name?? There must be a good reason why we had to move once again, does anybody know what's going on?? We'll I guess as long as it's not re-named blurt.ded or we'll still be in business, and hopefully one day blurt can stop hitchiking around the internet and eventually settle down into a permanent domain already!!
NOTE: The wallet just started working for me after I made my first test post on, so everything's looking great!

Follow@ coininstant for more!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The site was temporarily redirected while we were working on the backend. We had a major crash of the RPC nodes this morning and been working on it all day. I just got everything back up and running just a few minutes ago and I removed the redirect. The official site at is back up and running now.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh wow, thanks for the info, that's great news!! Thanks 🤙🤙

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  ·  2 years ago  ·