The other side of the coin !

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)


We can always look at things from different angles.

So, let me write this post based on my almost 5 years being in all these graphene blockchains. And I'll write about this also based on my experience in life, because I lived 37 years and that was really enough to learn about so many things. So, if you will reply me here, please be adult, and got directly to the point. Plus I'm not a native speaker to understand everything you're talking about if you use slang or a language of strange metaphors for me and the international community around.

Now let's dig into it :

Based on my experience in life, I don't like bullying. And I was the kind of people at school who looks like a nerd, but in case you mess with the guy, you'll get hit right in the face. I still remember when once I was so angry because my father told me to clean the street, because he was doing some work there, and while cleaning it, one guy came to me and started to bully me and I hit him with the shovel. I was very young, about 18 - 19 years old, and I'm glad I didn't kill the guy. And once I was in a classroom even earlier, in my 15's or 16's years old, and one guy kept bullying me during the lesson and I didn't care about the teacher, or anything and stand up and hit him right in the face. That was crazy to do, but still I'm proud of myself being able to shit up those mouths.

I also know about how many students committed suicide because they couldn't afford to be bullied at school. And we never know what can happen to our kids if we let them go to school. That's a reason why we decided with my wife to give free education for our son. I mean one of the reasons. Of course, you may say that we should make our kids be ready for that, but in case you don't have kids, you'll never understand how is like having them. Plus you'll never understand parents if you were never a parent. No matter what experience you had in your life, unless you were a teacher, or a babysitter or having some experience with kids at at least. Even though parents sacrifice more than teachers or babysitters. They are ready to sacrifice their time, health, wealth and even their lives for their kids.

Now, let's talk about the experience I had on all these blockchains !

I joined steem the 25th of may 2017. Even me, I made mistakes when joining and did wrong things by sharing pictures without sources, because I just didn't know that should be shared. I was learning, I learned about free pictures and how to find them on the web, where even sharing the source is not important. I also learned that using the content of others is not good, and if we have to use it somewhere, so we have to make it like a quote and again to leave the source. Then when dtube was created I worked there as a curator for 6 months and I saw how people can misuse a platform by just sharing youtube videos there that don't belong to them. That's why I've interviewed so many people to be sure they are real. Then I was attacked, the same about the community I was building, I was removed from dtube team because of that, and many things happened. Because some group of bullies started to create rumors about me. Like I'm a Russian agent because I live in Russia, or caring only about money because my name is ClixMoney and a lot of shit I heard, and see toward my character. From people who act like they are fighting racism, while they are the biggest racists in the world.

So, you may understand why I hate bullying that much.

I will also give an example of my kid joining a platform. Will I allow him to be bullied on it ? Some may tell me that there is a mute button, but still what if my son realize that he can see everything on the blockchain and after seeing that he'll have a bad mental health ? Ah ? Will I or any parent onboarding his kid here be happy about that ? If I know that such bullying will not be fought anyhow, of course I will never onboard my kid here. The same about my wife, she's not active here because she is busy, but what if she was. Will I allow any bastard to bully her ? Of course no. I'll be reading every single her post and check if no one is writing shit there. I wouldn't be happy to see her bullied in public. And I'm not the kind of guys who will just swallow that because everyone is loud freedom of speech. I'm against freedom of abuse.

Of course when it's about the blockchain, I would like to see big decisions made by the community, where the stake will have a role in implementing the change. That's not because I like money to decide things, but that's because most of the crypto turned now to proof of stake and I can't do anything about that. So, if we are already choosing witnesses based on the stake, so let's do everything based on it. And every single blurt powered up will decide who's right and who's wrong !

But after all, I'm just a simple guy who want to have a voice on a platform. I'm not a witness or not even a developer. I just have very big experience in all this crazy virtual world created for us.

I still have questions about witnessing, about how everything works here and everything. I'm still learning.

And by the way here is the comment I wrote recently about the situation, so I would like you also to say your opinion about it :

I also agree with @drutter that every single blurt power should decide. Even if someone has 1 blurt power still has some voice in the game. So, just like voting for witnesses is decided by stake, this should be also decided by stake. But again, I read the following comment from @drutter, and he's right that proof of stake is dangerous. Justin Sun will come here and turn blurt to steemit. Or anyone with a lot of money. Maybe the only solution is to have that list, but not for opinions said, but for spam and plagiarism. But still bullying someone shouldn't be accepted. There are crazy people that can try to sue the platform for that, that's not nice as well. So, warning someone to stop bullying others is also a good way to go, if they will stop ok, if not, why we need trouble. A lot here don't know that witnesses have to pass KYC. This is what I heard about. So, keeping the bullying put them in danger first ! It's easy for someone anonymous to say what ever he/she wants, but to put a platform in risk, that's not cool. A lot have bad understanding about what's decentralization is. And in fact nothing can be decentralized, even bitcoin is controlled by miners somehow. Will a bitcoin maximalist put miners in danger if they have to pass KYC ? Does that maximalist really care about bitcoin in such situation ?

But first I would like to know if witnesses have to pass KYC ? We can ask such question in the show.

So, I'll be happy to see you in @blurtcast today at 3 pm UTC.

And of course we have there real people, who don't hide their faces, genders, voices or anything of that. I'm used to to talk with real people, but I don't know how to deal with anonymous accounts that maybe even run by a group of people, but not only one person. And such things exist, trust me !

Peace ! ✌️

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Dude! What on earth are you talking about. Don't you know that it's totally not racist to hate white men....especially Russian White me! like seriously. hahaha The mainstream has polluted so many minds it's a crying shame.

I love men and women who don't take shit and stand up for themselves. So I'm a big fan of you my friend.

One thing I've noticed however is that the Bullies....who technically start the harassing, hate it..I mean totally hate it, when they get punched in the face. They immediately flip the script and say you're the bully, for standing up for yourself...and sadly many fall for it instead of realize they just got what they deserved a taste of their own medicine.

That is picture they are currently painting with me on Hive. I was the most peaceful positive non confrontational person there for 5 years. Then they tried to bully me off the platform. Then I stood up for myself in a big they call me the bully! Good thing I don't give a shit! lol

Keep up the great work here on Blurt and thanks for sharing your story.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hahaha, totally! Agreed.

"They immediately flip the script and say you're the bully, for standing up for yourself..."

Definitely! In fact, there are entire nations employing that very strategy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe this will put some enlightenment on that topic as well : Are Russians White or Asian?

If we are going by the US definition of race, then Russia is only about 3/4ths white. A lot of people do not realize that Russia is actually an extremely diverse country. If we go into the Far Eastern region of Siberia, there is a city called Yakutsk where the majority of the indigenous population looks like this: ....

Read more here !.

Absolutely, look a @blogita. She even wrote to me saying she's a mix of all sorts of white, asian, and who knows what else.

All my great grandparents came from moscow, kiev, odessa, lithuania,....and me being an American....I'm the white devil! hahaha

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@blogika you mean.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, the funny thing is that I'm half Algerian, and I have a little accent when I speak Russian, but I'm still more white than my Russian wife. lol Even my son didn't turn very white like me. But I'm glad because he will not have troubles with sunbathing. I have that, and I remember how many times in my life I got sick because of the sun. That's why you see me on the sea always hiding and not swimming that much. lol

I'm lucky, I tan easily. I love the sun, V-d. Makes you feel good too. My best friend as a kid was Irish. One time we went to the beach, after a day in the sun I had a nice tan and he had the most horrible sun burn I've ever seen. He was in extreme pain for like two days. It's no joke. Gotta be careful.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I know what you talk about. I was in the hospital because of that for 10 days. Almost died because of that when I had about 8 years old. I went to the sea with relatives and my mother didn't watch me, so I've spent many hours on the sun, and they took me right away home and then the hospital. That was horrible. And another time in my 19 years old, I also went with friends to the sea, and also we needed to find a hospital for me, not for so long, but they gave me some medicament. But since then I always hide from the sun. That's how I live. I wished I had a better skin. lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dude! What on earth are you talking about. Don't you know that it's totally not racist to hate white men....especially Russian White me! like seriously. hahaha The mainstream has polluted so many minds it's a crying shame.

Can we call that a discrimination ? I'm telling you, I can mess with the words, especially when I'm emotionally writing about things. lol

And I just care about the platform. I want everything to be ok. You know the hard work I did and still doing. After all we are all learning from each other. ☺

You are doing great. It was a fun and interesting read. I'm just joking around about how it now seems socially acceptable to hate people based on their gender, skin color, and long as they are a white man from Russia. Looks like you hit the trifecta! hahaha

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, in fact Russian people are the kind of in the middle, between the west and the east and other world. We have a mix of everyone in the world. We are maybe even more international than US. I mean I don't know, I didn't count how many races we have here. But I know a lot. Even religions and many types of people. And we always respect each other, no matter what. Of course there are crazy old style people who hate everything and everyone, or brainwashed by TV and mass media. But the young Russian generation are perfect people looking to explore the world and have friends from all around the world.

That is good to hear. One of the things that attracted me to steemit in the first place 5 years ago, was the chance to learn about people from other countries and cultures and being a world traveler, it really fits me well.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I stand with you against freedom of speech being used as an excuse to have freedom to abuse others. This actually takes away their freedoms to feel safe and enjoy the platform.

I also confirm that some of the foundation members said they wouldn’t onboard their kids here in the current form so let’s fix that together.

We are working on a solution separate to the COAL system for such users.

I also confirm the current witness set never had to undergo any KYC, where did you hear that?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also confirm the current witness set never had to undergo any KYC, where did you hear that?

I heard that somewhere, I'm not sure. And it sounded logic for me, for those who are hosting APIs. I just know that there are services asking for that, especially nowadays when even simple crypto exchange is asking for that. Anyway, I don't know about that. Never hosted APIs, never been a developer, and not a witness. I'm still learning about all this things.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Stargaze on Cosmos required Notional to KYC to receive the validator bonus. Synapse and Fractal are common services used. We haven’t required that on Blurt but when you think about it, validators hold the keys to the chain regarding governance and could really harm the chain if they go rogue or could be all the same person with multi accounts, and then you get single point of failure. KYC is useful for this, but since alot of our witnesses are already known from the Graphene ecosystem and known as individual bloggers it wasn’t really necessary. I think it is good actually for a witness set to be probed but not doxxed to public, the risk comes if their kyc is ever leaked.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, for sure. Glad to know that there is no KYC for them. That means blurt is safer.


I don't know who told you guys that we have kyc for being a witness.

Blurt doesn't ask any kind of identification for being a witness.

I have been a witness since 2020 I think and no one asked me anything.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I heard about that in other blockchains. Glad to know you didn't need that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for posting about this important topic. I agree with you my friend.
Freedom of speech is paramount, and once lost is very hard to regain. We are right to be concerned.
There are many here, sadly, who would say people have the right to not be offended, the right to feel safe, and the right to enjoy this platform. I disagree, we do not have those rights. Those are wants, not rights. Freedom of speech must come before any "right" to feel safe. If this platform does not align with me on this, I will not be here long.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're right. After all, it's a big philosophical topic maybe to write books about. What's the most important, freedom of speech or the right. And everyone may consider that not all the rights are more important than freedom of speech. The right of living, the right of being in a place or another, the right to practice the religion we want, and the lifestyle we want. Sometimes I see that respecting the opinion of others is the solution. And even if that's the worst opinion ever to reply it politely, and with no offense. Because we have people here from all around the world. And the humor of people from one country could be considered as an abuse to others. I understand most of you if this is about only one country, one group of people, but here I can see so many types of people. And why do not make it safe even for kids to join. Or teenagers, what I don't see a lot here. They may learn a lot of things from us. But if a young person join and see mostly people bullying each other, he/she will be even afraid to write something. We should think about the future generations to come. And maybe even about leaving a better version of ourselves in the blockchain. At least I'm trying to do that. Even if I'm emotional or angry at somethings sometimes. I wish everyone else understand me and my point of view.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

my thoughts...if you see any gaping holes, feel free to fill me in.... I won't feel bullied or harassed, and will not be seeking a safe space to hide from your comments !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My son is used to digital communication and around the time he finished primary school he always invested time in online activities, primarily in multiple player games. He has fallen for subscription traps that I have had to box him out of (which has caused some excitement and has been a valuable experience for us for that very reason).

His mistakes in the digital world were also his own learning experiences. I never controlled what exactly he was looking at and only reacted when it had to do with costs and subscriptions.

Would that be my recommendation to all parents? No.

There is nothing I can recommend in the coexistence between parents and their children. I can only say that my trust in him and his learning experiences have made him cautious about what he clicks on and to stay away from fishy sites and sites that resulted in a computer virus and the crash of his system, which happened a total of three times and never again since.

He had to have these experiences because if I had kept them from him, he would still be naïve and blue-eyed. He had to feel for himself that catching a computer virus meant his own effort in completely reformatting and also investing in new hard drives etc. It had to "hurt" in terms of energy and time spent to fix the problem on his own.

So things have to happen from my perspective and prevention at all costs, for example, would mean that I control his actions at all costs. My intuition is that he has a good understanding of fairness from the group dynamics he experienced at the games (but also offline) and knows how to argue, resist etc. He wouldn't know all that if I interfered too much. He hasn't consumed pornography or anything else according to my feeling, on the contrary he is still a bit green by my standards, I can see that for example in his choice of films. It is rather romantically inclined.

I am often of the opposite opinion when it comes to my son and there are some things I will never see the same way as he does and vice versa. It's painful, but that's how it is.

My goal as a mother is to give as little control as necessary and as much freedom as possible.
This inevitably leads to the fact that our arguments couldn't be more different; on the other hand, he learns that by hook or by crook it doesn't have to be about adopting the same views.

When I get fed up with his know-it-all attitude (typical of young people), he has to be content with me telling him that I know what I'm doing and that he doesn't have to understand all my reasons. It is none of his business if I made "embarrassing statements" to the school in his eyes. I don't see myself in the debt of accountability to my son and therefore I don't grant him any interventions regarding my communication with, for example, school authorities; in other words, he can't tell me how to behave (which consequently means that I do not judge his communication myself, which he usually forgets - lol ). He didn't like that because he didn't want to be ashamed of me when it came to making decisions for the last two years. So he had to go through the experience of being ashamed of me, which I don't see as my problem. He will get over it or he already has. After all, time doesn't stand still. If not, that still is not a major problem. Other things balance it out.

Personally, I would consider it supreme interference from my husband if he regularly followed my online activities and interfered if he got the impression that I was being bullied in any way. He would have to ask me if I wanted his help. My son would definitely refuse and tell me that I have no idea what he is doing.

If you want help, you can ask for it. It's very simple.

To sum it up: there is no general guide/rules how to act, interact between parents and children. To the most you can say that trust in each other is the best way for everyone to be together.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My son is about 5 years old. I can't put him in the online jungle and count on trusting to lose him all. His protection is my duty. In our time even adults can be brainwashed, imagine what could happen to kids. That's why before he can protect himself by himself and understand all the danger in real world and the web, I'll keep protecting him the maximum.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Was I in any way telling you what to do with your 5year old? I didn't.
I gave my experience with my parenthood. It's self evident that your little son is not be left alone to the digital world. For me, it was a growing into a time when I decided that having a strict eye on how much and where and with whom my son spends time (off- and online) to losen bit by bit (he turns 18). Him having his own computer required a least technical knowledge and skill how to operate that thing. So it's apparently a matter of age, no?

It's not my duty to protect "brainwashed" adults from being brainwashed. What I can do is to inspire them or have an inspirational oder motivational conversation with them. For me personally, I did my very best to leave my son into a world to not have him brainwashed. It still will happen as it also happened to me. One cannot avoid all the times to have been manipulated oneself.

So my question to you would be, do you have an example of a good memory where you were a kid and your parents showed trust to you even though you sensed or even were told that they have some issues in letting you do some stuff you wanted to do?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You will never know about the hard childhood I had and how my father was strict to me. I was mad with him all the time and still we are not in touch now, but you know what, when I got over 30 I started to understand many things about him and why he was like that with me. Of course, I will not be that strict to my child, but being at all tolerant with anything he does is not good as well. And after all, you said that everyone has his own way of educating his own child. It's all based on our experience and culture.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am very okay with that. Everywhere in the world parents raise kids based on their experiences and culture. It's self evident, I think.
When it comes to the reflection of an adult about his childhood, I know of no one who did not have a tough childhood in some ways.
My question pointed towards the exception, if you will. If you remember episodes where it was not the case that your dad was rough on you but showed you trust (or your mom). It's good to have those memories in order to balance them out and to take something from them for the good.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, my mother always trusted me. She is the most lovely person in the planet and I more than love her for that. There is a saying I know in Arabic : "The heaven is under the feet of mothers". That means that if we care about mothers we will be in heaven. Or that's the easiest way to get to heaven is to care about our mother.

I also hate bullying… I believe that bullying exists only because there is ignorance in some people. in my opinion we should stop using the word bullying and call it ignorance

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I also don't think that mute button will stop the bullyer to stop doing that. Still it's not nice to see someone doing that in my comments even if I don't see that.

I would say that just ignoring these people is enough. We think more about the people we respect and less about those who don't respect us

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For sure, that's the best solution.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Talking about bullying obviously I see much hate on hive they don't have the word Love in their dictionary no room for the poor to grow if you're in the circle of the big guys nothing for you it's well though.

Blurt has greater love for the community and I'm glad to belong here.
I have really learned so much from this post

And I'm not the kind of guys who will just swallow that because everyone is loud freedom of speech. I'm against freedom of abuse.

Abuse is one thing I don't fancy there's need for respect of persons I am also of that school of thought is that is against countering people's views and opinions rather I say my view and the best would be adopted for the progress of the group.
I have 12 years of teaching experience I understand what parents go through in raising their kids and bullying them doesn't go down well and looking at the other side of the coin would anyone appreciate it if bullied the answer is no.
The golden rule states

Do unto others as you want others do unto you.

If you want to see real people and users then @blurtcast is the place

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For sure, I'm inviting anyone wanting to show he's right on @blurtcast. We don't hide, we show our faces, we speak our voices, and we see the real us. It's hard to fake it there.☺

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have experienced the glory, the beauty , the love during blurt it out on @blurtcast for two Saturdays now today's meeting was marvelous on the telegram group.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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