Funding projects in blurt ! [PROPOSAL]

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)


In my humble opinion, I think that projects who are working hard on blurt to make it a good place to be, deserve to be supported.

Someone just told me that the funds for proposals are blocked, but I'll create this anyway. Maybe it will be a good example for a proposal.

So, let's suppose that I see so many projects in blurt that are not supported that much. Maybe that's done to make people buy more blurt, but not everyone can afford that. So, why do not create such a fund where all the funds will be powered up, and then delegated to those great already working projects.

I'm not that aware about all of them, but I already know a few, for example : @onchain-curator, @visualblock, @greenhouseradio, @blurtfundme and others.

Please mention the projects you know in the comments.

The number I'll choose for funding is just an example. If that will be realized, so I'm ready to work on it, if not, so I'm giving a good example about how the proposal could be created.

So, the first thing we need to do is to create a post about the idea.

Of course to explain the importance of the idea, and to think about how many daily funds we need for it.

Then we will need to submit the idea here :

Here is my idea :

I already created @blurtfund account and all the rewards will go there. Including the post I'll create about that. The progress and what we will achieve for that. In case it's possible to edit the proposal, I'll edit it depending on the tips I'll get from the community and the team.

So, let's say I would like to power up the account with 10 million blurt to start delegating to valuable projects in blurt. If we divide those 10 millions on 365 days, it will be about 27k blurt a day. So, let me try that. Even knowing that the number is big, I'm ready to edit it. But if that's ok, so why not to start with.

This is my first ever proposal in blurt, so just bear with me. lol

So, what will be done with the funds ?

  • Every single blurt will be powered up.
  • The account will never upvote content.
  • All the blurt power will be delegated.
  • We add and remove delegation depending on what the community decides.
  • We have a lot of long term people here who can just report a project if it's not doing well, or in case of any fraud.
  • We will recycle those delegations from bigger to smaller projects that need support.

And now about me, and why you can trust me with all this :

I'm an early adopter here. Like more of you here, I'm coming from steem and hive. I know so many things about how all this graphene blockchains work. I have a big experience in steem, I was running a show there to connect communities, before even hive or blurt existed. I worked about six months as a curator in @dtube. I've created as well many interviews with project founders and community leaders on youtube. Check my old videos here : Clixmoney's youtube channel. I'm the founder of @dcooperation community and DCC token. I'm also running the tag #dcc and supporting tags in blurt. You can check that here : Blurt Contest. Recently I've created @blurtcast as well along with @ultravioletmag.

Follow @blurtfund to assure that the funding is working.

All the rewards from this post will go to @blurtfund.

So, every upvote, every reblurt, every mention of this proposal may help.

You can't imagine how much we can do as a community !

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Hello @clixmoney, I'm glad you recognized the impact of this project. The daily activities we do on Blurt is on one side, the share and earn blurt promotion is on the other side and it have been gaining good ground on Twitter.

Our stats shows we have recorded more than 300 tweets from people on Blurt who are participating in this promotion every Monday to Saturday. Of course, we don't have enough voting power to reward them with tangible vote but we give decent voting percentage with hope of growing on the long run.

Whatever becomes of this proposal of yours, I hope it generates good feedback.

@blurttribe and @epistem are other decent projects on the chain.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you @Onchain-curator for mentioning the EPISTEM community. I'm also glad that the whole blurt community have noticed the impact you are making all round.

THANK YOU for seeing GROW BLURT RADIO & COMMUNITY to be a worthy project, I am already delegating and gifting BLURT to help new users and will expand this effort as my POWER to do so increases. YOU and the others who participated yesterday in BLURT IT OUT are some great people who will achieve much with our aligned interest in GROWING BLURT. I would love for GROW BLURT RADIO to be a HUGE part of promoting inside and outside of the blockchain. #LetsGrowBlurt

It's clear you and @ultravioletmag are extremely passionate and motivated to grow blurt. Personally I think it would be a huge missed opportunity for the higher-ups to not take advantage of such positive energy and trust-worthy, skilled, and experienced people. Re-blurted.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

cool music. ☺

I mean I defo thought the point was proof of brain not proof of stake here. I appreciate that blurt needs investors to function but I thought the point of making a proof of stake and brain on one platform was that enabled those who can’t add stake to do the creating and those who can do stake to almost be their agents to a degree. I saw someone the other day I think @blurtbot say all artsists should just buy 1 million blurt and use upvu. Well that’s very out of touch with the fact most artists and creatives are not traders, not that good at anything right brained and generally don’t make enough income to then invest in currency. Obviously when it comes to owning most crypto that just excludes them. But I thought the whole difference about these blogging sites is that those ppl have the chance to create and earn stake through pob whilst those who are good at investing, trading and money making can support the bloggers to create engaging content that then makes the site more valuable for their tokens to go up etc etc and creating a nice little exchange circle. I would like to bet 50 percent of users here simply do not have the funds to invest in the tokens outside of paying for their own life, especially after 2 years of not being able to work in many cases. I think to people that have lots of stake they just feel it’s so easy to put down 10/20/30 k etc funds onto a token because it is to them. A lot of ppl simply don’t have that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You said it all. I'm really thankful to you for your honesty !

I just feel like we can’t only value the proof of stake or proof of brain ppl. Excluding the investors means blurt doesn’t survive and excluding the creators who often don’t have as much money or ability to trade and also blurt doesn’t survive. It doesn’t survive without a balance of stake holders and artists. If it just becomes all about owning stake and buying tokens then it’ll be come dry and might as well just be another other crypto. That’s just my opinion anyways.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You are right. And especially doing this ( supporting only investors ) after inviting so many artists here is not fair.

Without cool posts this site will go downhill very quick and investors will lose out.

Great idea! 👍😜🏆

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I hope it will work, or at least a similar one will be created and supported.

This seems to be a fantastic initiative sorry all I can offer it is about 4 c 🤣 but I’ll also reblog.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, as a community we can do a lot even with those cents or reblurts. I'll start this right now, even if I'll power up only 1 blurt. lol It will be right away delegated to a project. I hope people here comment with more of them, so I'll take them all into consideration.

I think it’s great sometimes waiting for something from one person is actually just a delay and we forget we can do it all ourselves even if just starting small and growing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

On Blurt it is better to start something even if it is "small" then others will join in because it is good.

for sure I think sometimes it's necessary to generate the beginning on a small scale then others join later.

I looked down the blurt rich list today and it’s sad because so many in the top list don’t do anything at all. I’ve not followed close enough but be nice if they delegated

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, some of them aren't even active. So, funding @blurtfund could be a good idea to recover that not used power to make it work.

Might be good to reach out to some of them if they are maybe active on other places like steemit. They are just sat there wifh all that stake they could actually be earning something too by delegating?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, who knows what's really going on, and what kind of accounts are those. Maybe they are not alive anymore, or lost access, or left all this, or don't know about blurt, or as you said, it's a part of the big experiment. lol


There is enough community here @ctime might also be interested in following your trail for any projects they feel called to upvote too. I feel Ctime is a very fair curator who rly wants the best for blurt and tries to cover a real range of posts.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@blurtainment seems to be a good project.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They can all tokenise their projects and get funding that way.
is not hard to do.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For example, I have @dcooperation in hive, a working project for a year. I created DCC token, but it never brings me any income. I use it only to reward others. Maybe I'm doing something wrong with it, I don't know. I just created it to support people, and sometimes I support the price with buying it. Maybe I really need an education about this. I would like to tokenise @blurtcast for example, I wish I know how to do that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe we need a longer DM chat - feel free to get in touch and we'll work through the process. Coz, yeah, YOU as admin need to make something too, else becomes tiring.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Could later also work as a template or guidelines for others.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cool, I'll contact you about that.

Wow would love to know more too

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What do you mean tokenise ? Careate a token ? In hive-engine you mean ? Or something else.

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Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is a great idea @clixmoney, and I hope it gets approved. There are lots of community initiatives in blurt eager to support authors, but due to limited voting power, even their great initiatives are greatly limited.

EPISTEM is a young community and already we are making impact on the blurt community, even with the resources we have now. Just imagine the size of impact we will make on the blurt community after benefiting from this great initiative you just came up with. I hope it pulls through.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Your project also seem to be great. I'll write posts about all the projects from time and time and always ask for the support. I think we should all work together in promoting each other. That way we will build a healthy and strong community. I think behind each project there is a community, and if all those communities will work together, we will create so nice environment here. So, when someone will join, we will show them all the projects we have here, and they will choose where to join.

Hello @clixmoney
Thank you for sharing such great content!
Use #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Going through this I must say this is very wonderful idea and we hope it gets approved.

@blurtfundme is a newly created initiative by @henryglowz and barely a month old yet we’ve already started a journey to greatness with the help of blurt so with this plan of your many other projects will
Be empowered.

We hope it’s gets approved as it will be another way to boost blurt to greater height.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It seems that will not work.


I hope they will fix them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We hope it gets fixed soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@blurtchallenge this project also deserves to be funded in the future.