Sunflower "The finest alternative of oilseed crops. Some interesting facts about it.

in blurt •  4 years ago 

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one who related with farming well knows the utility of sunflower. Presently, sunflower is being used more as oilseed which is very beneficial for us.In this post I am going to discuss about the agricultural production and utility related to sunflower plant.Presently, its cultivation is being given prominence in our region. Most people like to sow sunflower in their fields.




Although most plants are sun-oriented, the sunflower plant always faces the sun. Most of the sunflower plants are used more as oilseeds in our country. Sunflower flower is very large. Plants are also relatively large. Sowing of sunflower commences in the month of February which is fully ready by the end of May.
Although sunflower plant is considered to be the origin of America, but at present it is being cultivated in most countries•




History of sunflower-

Although about 60 species of sunflowers are found, but only those species are secondary. Initially, it was cultivated mostly in the country of America but gradually it was also grown in abundance in other countries like India, Russia, Britain, Sweden Denmark etc. It is a member of Helianthus species of the Compositae dynasty. Most of the plant of sunflower has its face towards the Sun, due to which it is named Sunflower


structure of Sunflower Plants-

The sunflower plant is comparatively longer than other plants. It is considered to be the largest plant among the plant species whose stalks are very thick but very delicate which are easily broken.
If done later than the length of the plant, it is 8 to 12 feet tall. The early species were longer than this. By the way, it cannot be said clearly about the sunflower plant, what size can it be? Yet in some areas it is found to be longer, then in some areas it is found shorter. Some areas have relatively higher elevations. Some plants are 1-year-old, some plants are also multi-year-old.
If we talk about its leaves, it is relatively long and wide, which can be about 7 to 30 cm in size. Sources also reveal that 38 species of sunflowers are found in the US. Some of which are being tried to develop perennials by developing them through technology

sunflower cultivation

It would not be wrong to say that sunflower farming is currently being expanded in the form of oilseeds. Presently, it is being cultivated in many forms in the country of India.
Although sunflower cultivation can be done in three seasons, Ravi Kharif & Zayed, but sunflower cultivation is the biggest loser in Kharif season. Because it is a rainy season in India, during this time, fungal insects are more susceptible to pests in the crop. Zayed season is most suitable for this crop. Because the fear of insect moths fungus is less in this season, the crop is good due to favourable weather.
The best time to sow sunflower is the first week of February, which is likely to ripen by the end of May. The loam soil is most suitable for this, alkaline, acidic and user soil, this plant does not thrive



Quantity of seeds and fertilizers

There are also different species of sunflower seeds. In which there are some common species, some are of Shankar species. Those we call hybrids.
Between 10 and 12 kg of seed per hectare is required for the common species while 5 or 6 kg is required for the Shankar species. Before sowing, it should be soaked in a cotton cloth or a sack made of jute and in the evening its sowing is more suitable.
If we talk about fertilizers, then nitrogen fertilizers and phosphorus fertilizers are more needed for them. In which Save Potash and Phosphorus are put in the drains at the time of sowing. Nitrogen is also used in some quantities. If you have compost made of cow dung or rotten throat substances, then you should reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer.
It requires a lot of caution for irrigation. This type of irrigation should be done by machine in the initial time. After 15 days, light irrigation should be done and more care should be taken at the time when the rash starts. During this period, the chances of falling of the plants are increased due to more irrigation.

Utility of Sunflower-

Surajmukhi as we all know is an important oilseed crop which is used in various forms.
In fact, sunflower oil has medicinal properties that protect our body from cholesterol. It enhances the skin as well as strengthens and lengthens the hair and is also very useful in heart disease. It would not be wrong to use sunflower oil as a substitute for margarine and biodiesel by various countries. Is being seen in However, in India, it is mostly used as an oilseed. In our regions it is being seen as an alternative to refined.

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