Thursday of TBT ... New Year's Eve find

in blurt •  3 years ago 

This is a photo that I want to share with you as it reminds me of those Christmases where we were all at home, my father was there, who has been on a trip to heaven 3 years ago ... I remember we made the Hallas where each one placed their grains of sand, from washing the hayaca leaves, cutting the thread, chopping the dressings and the meat, the stew if I prepared it between my mother and father who were watching the fongon .. Those moments were beautiful because we shared in famalia had music and joy .... For more than 3 years we have not prepared Hallas in my house, first because of my father's illness, then because we miss him, they are strong moments ... But I pray to God that this year we Give the happiness of taking this custom again with my mother, that this is the economic part, this strength to do it without him ... since he was the one who encouraged us in the preparation, I know that if we do it he will be happy, to see us together happy ...




I miss you daddy...

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