The difficult thing about being Autistic.- I have invited a person with Autism to Blurt

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Currently I have invited two people with autistic conditions to belong to this platform, since both have a quality in which they can show on this platform, one of them is:


Jesus Rafael is an autistic young man of a minimal degree, at the beginning I cannot deny it that it cost me for him to join here, since the little understanding of the platform I have been guiding him, until one day I went to his house, I taught him how to start session, how to publish. Due to his classes he has published little, he comments little. His great skill is drawings, both in pencil and digital techniques.

Its objective

It is gathering to be able to buy a computer, with the capacity in which you can install a program to draw, perfect your drawing technique, and the one you have, is of very little capacity, it does not allow you to install new programs, because your equipment is obsolete.

Drawing of @jesusrafael participating in a virtual event at the National and International level.

In the foundation. @jesusrafael with his brother who is also autistic.

The second person

Her name is Roxana, she has not yet arrived here because she says that it is difficult for her to log in, she is 43 years old, she is from Chile, I guided her through telegram, I have invited her for several weeks, but I have gone little by little. Her skill is writing, she likes to make poems and stories, I met her through faceboock, that's where she publishes her poems, I liked them, I left her a message. A few days later she answered me, I started talking about this platform, that since she publishes face, she can publish here, but unlike you will find rewards, she told me her story and told me that she would help her a lot.


Capture of my telegram showing her posts to cheer her up.

But the different drawbacks of being a new platform for her, she gets stuck on it, I know it's normal, but being away from her I can't help her physically, but I'll guide her through telegram.

Its objective

Bringing up her son, since she is currently not under her guardianship because she has no income, I know that this platform will help her.

A Pomea that she sent me...

Hard to be autistic

The condition of being a different person is difficult for different reasons, one of them is the difficulty of communication, they are closed people, in which they do not understand some things such as the language of sarcasm among other things. But they are people of noble heart. The other thing for them is society as there is still discrimination against people with autism, a teacher in the street makes little detail telling another child but without autistic condition:

"It is that you are a special child, one of those autistic children who does not understand or comprehend, who seems to have gone"

Listening to this bothers me, how can a teacher say that, just like a person, there is still bullying even of older people, in my family I have two autistic nephews, currently they are in high school, one is 7th, the other 8th, very applied and intelligent, thanks to the help of his mother @yohanna1 (on her blog you can read her story as a mother of two autistic children) who supported him and helped him get to where they are, she gives them confidence, both sons offer their mother if she can move on.

All human beings do not learn in the same way, some of us are visual, other auditory, or kinesthetic, in the same way are people with autistic condition, for them it is more difficult, but this does not mean that they cannot learn, that they cannot to move forward, since some make repetitive movements (you do these movements to control their anxiety) what happens when we are anxious we have techniques such as biting our nails, taking a pencil, rubbing it with our hands, rubbing our hands, different ways, but for us it is to see it as something normal.

Community for mother and people with autism

I hope that more people with autism come to this platform to integrate and learn, express their feelings, fears. The more people you can create a community for them to have the support of people such as Blurt witnesses, or what are on the rich list of blurt, since a vote from them changes the lives of many, supporting it, since you can earn money hereby.

@jesusrafael has published only a few votes that the person votes for him.

(You can check his blog to see his work)

@yohanna1 is the mother of two children with autism, she has published great posts and has not had almost any support either.

(They can check his blog see his work)

Both publish little because it is difficult for them, one because of the bad internet that exists in my country, two one is a student, the mother works, apart from belonging to an autism foundation, she also accompanies her children in their studies.


Lo dificil de ser Autista.- He invitado a persona con condcion Autismo a Blurt

En la actualidad he invitado a dos persona con condicion autista a pertenecer a esta plataforma, ya que ambos tiene una cualidad en la cual puede mostrar en esta plataforma uno de ellos es:


Jesus Rafael es un joven autista de un grado minimo, al inicio no lo puedo negar que me costo para que se uniera aqui, ya que el poco entebndia de la plataforma lo he ido orientando, hasta que un dia fui a su casa, le enseñe como inciar sesion, como publicar. Debido a sus clases poco a publicado, poco comenta. Su gran habilidad son los dibujos, tanto en tecnica de lapiz como en digital.

Su objetivo

Es reunir para poder comprarse una computadora, con capacidad en la cual pueda intalar programa para dibujar, perfeccionar su tecnica de dibujo , ya la que tiene, es de muy poca capacidad no le permite instalar nuevos programas, por estar obsoleta su equipo.

Dibujo de @jesusrafael participando un enevto virtual a nivel Nacional e Internacional.

En la fundacion. @jesusrafael junto a su hermano que tambien es de condicion autista.

La segunda persona

Ella se llama Roxana aun no ha llegado aqui porque dice que le cuesta iniciar sesion, ella tiene 43 años, es de chile, la guio por medio de telegram, tengo varias semanas invitadola, pero he ido poco a poco. Su habilidad es la escritura le gusta hacer poemas e historias, la conoci por medio de faceboock, ahi es donde publica sus poemas, me gustaron, le deje un mensaje. A los dias me respondio le inicie hablando de esta plataforma, que como publica face, puede publicar aqui, pero a diferencia que encontraras recompensas, ella me conto su historia me dijo que le ayudaria mucho.

Capture de mi telegram mostrandole los post para animarla.

Pero los diferente incovenientes de ser una plataforma nuevo para ella, se atasca, se que es normal, pero estar lejo de ella no puedo ayudarla fisicamente, pero la ire orientando por medio de telegram.

Su objetivo

Sacar adelante a su hijo, ya que en la actualidad no esta bajo su tutela por no tener ingresos, se que esta platforma le ayudara.

Un Pomea que ella me envio...

Dificil ser autista

La codicion de ser una persona diferente es dificil por diferentes motivos, uno de ellos es la dificultad de la comunicacion, son personas cerrada, en la cual no comprende algunas cosas como lenguaje de sarcasmo entre otras cosas. Pero son personas de noble corazon. Lo otrol para ellos es la sociedad como existe aun la discriminacion a las personas con autista, hace poco detalle una docente en la calle diciendole a otro niño pero sin condicion autista:

"Es que eres un niño especial, unos de esos niños autista que no entiende ni comprende, que parece como ido"

Al escuchar esto me moleste, como una docente puede decir eso, igual una persona, aun existe el bullyng hasta de personas mayores, en mi familia tengo dos sobrinos autista, en la actualidad estan en el liceo uno esta 7° el otro 8°, muy aplicados e inteligente, gracias a la ayuda de su madre @yohanna1 (en su blog se puede leer su historia como ser madre de dos niños autista) que lo apoyado y ayudado a llegar a donde estan, ella le da la confianza a ellos, ambos hijos le brinda a su madre que si puede seguir adelante.

Todos los eres humanos no aprendemos de la misma manera, algunos somos visual, otro auditivo, o kinestesico, de la misma forma son las persona con condicion autista, para ellos es mas dificil, pero esto no significa que no pueden aprender, que no pueden a avanzar, ya que a algunos hace movimientos repetitivos (estos movimientos la haces para controlar su ansiedad) lo que pasa que nosotros cuando estamos ansioso tenemo tecnica como comernos las uñas, tomar un lapiz frotarlo con la mano, frotar las manos, diferentes formas, pero para nosotro es verlo como algo normal.

Comunidad para madre y personas con autismo

Espero que mas personas con autismo venga a esta plataforma se integre y aprendan, expresen su sentimientos, temores. Entre mas persona se puede crear una comunidad para ellos tenga el apoyo de personas como testigos de Blurt, o lo que estan en la lista rica de blurt, ya que un voto de ellos cambia la vida de muchos , apoyandolo, ya que puede ganar dinero por este medio.

@jesusrafael ha publicado poco sos pocos los votos que la persona le votan.

(Pueden revisar sus blog ver sus trabajo)

@yohanna1 es madre de dos nisños con autista ha publicado grandes post tampoco ha tenido casi apoyo.

(Pueden revisar sus blog ver sus trabajo)
Ambos publican poco porque se le dificultad, uno por el mal internet que existe en mi pais, dos uno es estudiante, la madre trabaja, a parte de pertenecer a una fundacion de autismo, a su vez acompaña a sus hijos en sus estudios.

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