Success is paying for it in advance

in blurt •  2 years ago 

They say that to be successful in life we ​​must pay in advance, that it does not come for free or in a gift box, when you want to have benefits in life, we must accept the package that contracts to have that benefit, because that will not come In an email, there is always something that we must give for free, that does not mean that everything is included in money, there are different types of payments, be it time, skill, sacrifices, among others. When we talk about success, people always think that I don't have money to start, but you have gifts, skills that make you stand out in which you can take advantage of and invest time.


We are used to dreaming of having everything in life, of having all kinds of rewards, but without having to take a single risk for them, because that is the first thing that does not paralyze the risk of losing. obtaining victory without proof, this is almost impossible because life is not obtained in this way, what does work is that you lose your fear, that you give importance to your objectives and goals, that you stop doubting your abilities, that when you find something you want ask yourself: What are you willing to give to get it?

Today we want to earn money, be rich, have our own businesses, but this does not imply a great effort, we can see that there are even internet pages that sell you many of this, become a millionaire through this in a few steps, invest nft the roi is 3 days, they sell a lot of this type of market because many what they want is to have everything in life without making any effort, we want great benefits, but without having to work to achieve it, we cannot achieve any goal, at least honestly without making any effort, but we must realize that the things that are worthwhile are the ones that are most difficult to achieve, on the internet with this type of market there are always many risks and scams.

Life in this time is of great speed, that we have not forgotten patience, to wait, to think in the long term, and not in the short term to obtain the reward, we are willing to wish for things, achieve our goals by magic, you must to be very clear about the importance and value of effort, it is the only way you have to achieve the tools to achieve your challenges, to learn and grow in the process.

We must learn not to go backwards, when there is a downturn in this process to
DO NOT take it as a defeat. Because the only real defeat is not learning from experiences, because it is established to put labels on things when they go well we call them successes and when they go badly failures, from now on I want you to label yourself with the name EXPERIENCE everything that happens to you in life is good or bad, everyone has a situation in life that is different, whatever yours is, that's why only you are the one who can decide, each one of us depends on what we are living , we must pay a price for our dreams, goals, objectives depends on how it is classified or labeled.

We do not have a different path when we want something, we must pay for it and accept the pain of each defeat we have, but remember they are experiences, it is the label that we must give it, so our brain will capture it in a different way, because mistakes are part of the process is a part of the process, it is a fundamental part, but the triumph will be lasting, once you overcome this, it will be easy to move forward, until you achieve what you set out to do, never believe that wanting those objectives is demanding too many, in you, because when you stay, in that same place, without doing anything to get ahead, then if you are going to pay a high price, of course there are many demands, it is very important that you have to say goodbye to your comfort zone . do what you have to do without caring about criticism.

Be prepared to face the results of your decisions, whatever your decisions may be, whatever they may be, because on this path it is not worth saying, "If I knew it was going to work out, I would do it." It would be very good to know, but in this life it is not like that, you have to live it, experience it to know if it will go well or badly, you have to take that risk, be prepared to launch yourself, it will depend on your character, on what is important to you. you...

Are you willing to accept the sacrifice? what it takes to get what you want, it is your question, only you have the answer, because different from what you believe, success has a price, because it is not worth just dreaming, wishing, or looking, you get it when you take risks, you strive for your goals, every second, every hour, every day for the rest of your life.

Focus on the essentials, choose the best options, stop those bad habits, stop justifying yourself, learn to say no, learn to organize your time and priorities, focus, learn, and create, stop being entertained and distracted, fill your days with activities what you and take you to the place where you really want to go, fill your days with activities, that take you to the place where you really want to be, once you do it you will make a difference, nothing will be able to stop you even when things get complicated, you must keep in mind that there will be people who will doubt you, people who will say that you will not be able to do it, but it is you and only you who has the power, and to know how to move forward, because you learned to live with a purpose, occupying your time in things you value, when you realize that when you fight, when you don't give up, that you have a dream that demands all your strength, and even if it's expensive, you'll pay for it with pleasure, it's the only way you're going to experience progress Constantly, it will differentiate you from others.

It is your life, only you decide when to take the step, but stop thinking that the other people who have obtained their dreams have not sacrificed in life, that they have not failed, but that they learned how to get ahead, because that is the great problems of people who see others with success, who usually think that it is a stroke of luck, that the situations are not the same, of course not, but all successful entrepreneurs who have had to pay for that success, through of sacrifices, effort, time, energy, perseverance and dedication. And not everyone is willing to pay that price, no matter how long it takes to fight for dreams.

We always have to keep something in mind, never forget, is that success is paid in advance.

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First, let me say I searched this post out due to a post made by ajerkoff. He had thought he had rewards set for you and instead it declined rewards. So my vote here is the one I would have placed there.

I wanted to also personalize this, and comment that you're correct. Many believe owning a business is easy, and have no understanding that often it means working 12+ hour days only to still fail. One must be prepared for failure as well as the idea of success.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello, thank you for your good intention... Grateful to both of you for your support.

Well, your words are very true, having a business is not easy, you have to know how to manage it, not only administratively, but our thoughts must learn to remove the word failure to be experiences.