My thoughts from yesterday... / Mi pensamientos desde ayer...

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

Yesterday, Sunday was different for me, I know that many users of the platform, since we did not have in the Sunday meeting that is Live pub, that place where we came every Sunday to share a different time, without the time or space existed, where in one country it was 12 at night and in mine it was 4 in the afternoon. But many of us came to share, many new ones joined and learned and enjoyed.


** Image taken from post @double-u**

Where there was a category, each one could integrate what they wanted, among them was:

  1. Conversation

  2. Questions and answers about BLURT, cryptocurrencies, computer and software knowledge

  3. Recommended posts

  4. BLURT Single Meeting Point

  5. Wish List

The purpose was to have a good time, in several moments that I participated I observed that it reached more than 346 comments, this was crazy beautiful, and a great battle for me, because my internet in my country Venezuela was slow, to be able to participate many times even my computer got stuck, since having a bad internet, a piece of an old computer with little capacity (but it is the one that helps me day by day to be ahead), when it got hot it turned off,


But those Sundays were different for me since I arrived at that #PUB, I had fun among friends, acquaintances, I had the opportunity to participate about 4 times, because I am active not long ago, when I read the first time I remember that I did it for a post what I read, what did he say member with people, among several that they named was the name of the user @double-u it said in it: he is a person with a noble heart, he knows that this is very true, my dealings with him have been only through the Sunday post, where I detail that my mother was sick with high blood pressure that day, to my surprise he visited my post and gave me his positive vote, for me it was a great joy to see his vote, where it helped me get ahead and raise BP.

Since, as I said in my presentation, I am from Venezuela, a single mother of a 4-year-old girl, in my only investment that I can make in my time and knowledge, a very valuable asset, but in very few platforms it is valued, but here In Blurt I found and met a different person with a good heart.

This Sunday we had the closure of that wonderful place that many of us shared, we enjoyed, I know that many felt that closure, in which many esperbana who arrived were attentive, I remember that in my case I went to the early services, I had all the things ready, to share and have a different time. But yesterday that place was closed, that there will be a void in many users, a sadness is in my heart not only because of the closure of the #PUB, but because of the so much tension that has existed in blurt, a withdrawal of several users began that I have German-speaking acquaintance, among them is @michelangelo3 who also met him, was very happy for his great initiative that he had, which was to support new users by supporting their next 5 articles after presentation, it is a great project because it is in the look at the rookies rooting for him.

I think that more German users are retiring, I don't have the names of all of them or who, but whether they are Germans, Nigerians, Venezuelans, Indonesians, Haitians or anywhere in the world that saddens, because when someone leaves you feel that great emptiness of that person I know that maybe later we will meet, I hope so, sharing with them again is great.

I'm not here to comment on your decisions, they were just my thoughts that I've had since last night I saw that closing post, I can only tell you a see you later, because I want to find it again and share it. Wish you my greatest wishes of blessings, I have always said every person with a good heart, God rewards him. Thank you for your wonderful Sunday, thank you for helping people who started their way here.
A very special thanks

@elkezaksek thanks for the support he gave me, God always bless for his good deeds, God always multiplies who we help...

Just a see you later My good friends...


En el dia de ayer domingo fue diferente para mi, se que muchos usuarios de la plataforma, ya que no tuvimos en el encuentro de los domigos que es Live pub, ese lugar en donde llegabamos cada domingo a compartir un rato diferente, sin que el existiera el tiempo, ni el espacio, en donde en un pais era las 12 de la noche y en el mio eran las 4 de la tarde. Pero llegabamos muchos a compartir, muchos nuevos se integraban y aprendia y disfrutaban.

En donde existia categoria cada uno se podia integrar lo que deseaba, entre ellas estaba:

  1. Conversation

  2. Questions and answers about BLURT, cryptocurrencies, computer and software knowledge

  3. Recommendable posts

  4. BLURT Single Meeting Point

  5. Wish List

El fin era pasar un rato agradable, en varios momentos que participe observe que llegaba hasta mas de 346 comentarios, esto era una locura hermosa, y una gran batalla para mi, porque mi internet en mi pais Venezuela era lento, para poder participar mucha veces hasta mi computadora se me trababa, ya que al poseer un mal internet, un equipo de una computadora vieja de poca capacidad (pero es la que me ayuda dia a dia estar adelante), hacia que se me calentaba se me apagaba,


pero esos domingo para mi era diferente desde que llege a ese #PUB, me divertia entre amigo, conocidos, tuve la oportunidad de participar como 4 veces, porque estoy activa no hace mucho, cuando lei la primera vez recuerdo que lo hice por un post que lei, que decia integrante con personas, entres varias que nombraron estaba el nombre del usuario @double-u decia en el: es una persona de noble corazon, sabe que es muy cierto esto, mi trato con el ha sido solo por medio del post de los domingo, en donde detalle que mi madre ese dia estaba enferma de la presion arterial alta, para mi sopresa el visito mi post me dio su voto positivo, para mi fue una gran alegria ver su voto, en donde me ayudado salir adelante y subir BP.

Ya que como dije en mi presentacion soy de Venezuela, madre soltera de una niña de 4 años, en mi unica inversion que puedo hacer en mi tiempo y conocimiento activo muy valioso, pero en muy poca plataforma lo valora, pero aqui en Blurt encontre y conoci persona diferente de buen corazon.

Este domingo tuvimos el cierre de ese lugar maravilloso que muchos compartimos, difrutamos, se que muchos sintieron ese cierre, en que muchos esperbana que llegaba estaba atentos, recuerdo que en mi caso hacia los oficios tempranos, tenia todas las cosas lista, para compartir y pasar un rato diferente. Pero ayer se cerro ese lugar, que quedara un vacio en muchos usuarios, una tristeza esta en mi corazon no solo por el cierre del #PUB, sino porque la tanta tension que ha existido en blurt, se inicio un retiro de varios usuarios que he conocido de habla alemana, entre ellos esta @michelangelo3 que tambien lo conoci, estaba muy feliz por su gran iniciativa que tenia que era la de apoyar a los nuevos usuarios apoyando sus 5 articulos siguientes luego de presentacion es un gran proyecto porque se tiene en la mira a los novatos apoyandolo.

Creo que mas usuarios alemanes se estan retirados, no poseo los nombre de todos ni quienes, pero sean alemanes, nigerianos, venezolanos, indonesia, haiti o cualquier parte del mundo eso entristece, porque cuando alguien se va se siente ese gran vacio de esa persona, se que talvez mas adelante nos encontremos espero que si, volver a a compartir con ellos es genial.

No estoy aqui para opinar en sus decisiones, solo fueron mis pensamientos que he tenidos desde anoche que vi ese post de cierre, solo puedo decirle un hasta luego, porque deseo volverlo a encontrar y compartir. Desearle mi mayores deseos de bendiciones, siempre he dicho toda persona de buen corazon Dios lo recompensas. Gracias por sus maravilloso domingo, gracias por ayudar a persona que inciaban su camino aqui.

Un agradecimiento muy especial

@elkezaksek gracias por el apoyo que me dio, Dios siempre a bendiga por sus buenas obras, dios siempre multiplica quien ayudamos...

Solo un hasta luego Mis buenos amigos...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Big loss for Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very true it is a great loss that we will feel a lot...

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

People who have messed up, slandered IDUVTS will someday suffer the consequences for their hypocrisy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ultimately, it's about different ideologies and power struggles.
Actually, there would be enough space on such a blockchain for everyone....everyone the way they like....

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your words are very true, there is always a place and spaces for everyone... there are people until they take care of themselves, that they post votr and that they don't so that they won't label it... That is not freedom...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Its very big loss.we will surely miss all should to upgrade blurt community.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes... SAD

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Realmente es muy triste que se este marchando gente con tanta influencia en la plataforma, espero que esto no pueda perjudicar el gran futuro que se veía aquí en Blurt y que todo vuelva a como estaba antes en ascenso.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Si, son perdida muy grande, ya que esto podria afectar la economia no solo por el retiro de su dinero, sino tambien son personas que apoyabas a los usuarios, son grandes perdidas que vemos...

Ademas del ran #PUB que viviamos los domingo ese compartir, que era una taberna digital, se generaba diferentes temas en iun solo lugar...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wonder where they will go ? Back to Hive ? Steemit ?

Does anyone know where they are all going ? Have they given up on blogging ? Strange times.