Brofund Witness Statement.

in blurt •  4 years ago 

A lot of you will be wondering what we plan to do for the blurt chain now that we're in the top 20 witnesses. You'll have to excuse my silence for the last few weeks because I am getting my kid ready and prepared to go back to school. After Thursday it will be all stations go.

We just ran the very first weekly newspaper on Hive today. Included in that was a statement from our lead developer that is creating our accompanying dapp with our community. In his words:


"Ray, what we are building is an application for all people. We want them to be able to access the power of HIVE, along with other blockchains, but overcome for them the inconveniences of having their own HIVE account.  We can accomplish this by performing HIVE blockchain actions in their name, proxy actions.

Much has been talked about onboarding, and onboarding is good but HIVE could first build 1 thousand great uses that would then convince people to onboard to it. That's the way we see the picture

We are going to skip onboarding and go straight to building the great things because, truth be told, people have stopped claiming accounts. Whats the point of claiming RC accounts? Who wants them at this point? So we will come back to that when people are clamoring for accounts because so much cool stuff is built here that they then want to learn about cryptographic control over their own accounts.

So we want to create different ways for people to access HIVE for the 'highest quality' type posts. We will be able to bring in authors and give them access to social media management in a way that solves a lot of their problems, and gives them a lot of freedom. Not all the users of our App will be a good match for hive, this is not a HIVE only app but the best, highest quality content from our users can be placed on HIVE and credited to them, by us"


What does this mean for Blurt?

Our app will be multi-platform. This means that although we will have a hive presence, we will also have a solid foundation in Blurt. We will aim to bring in new users, creators, and people that can see Blurt for what it truly can be in the future. We are only at the beginning. From what I remember Steem started off small and grew into something exceptional. Blurt can be too.

We will bring excellence to the Blurt chain, whilst also strong moderation.

But that's not all. Of course not.

We are a community in Brofund, we have our own community coin, and it's doing really well. I will leverage the collective mind of The Man Cave to consistently build on the Blurt chain. We will create marketing campaigns, competitions, content curation and so much more. We plan to give this platform a real test of strength.

So essentially, with any new users we get into The Man Cave, or our dapp (once it is live) then they will automatically be introduced to the power of Blurt. We ourselves are a fairly new project just finding its feet. I'm hoping that we grow together.

You'll get a witness update from me regularly to advise everyone of what we're doing and how we're going about it.

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Thanks for the update, it's good to know knowing some updates. Yes I think it needs more exposure and the value maybe up higher so that many will be interested in joining blurt. Just my own opinion by the way.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)
  • "Growing Together" is what #BLURT & The #ManCave is all about Ray 😎
  • I will support BOTH in any way that I can 👍
  • We are ALL just beginning a journey that will be AWESOME √
