RE: Development Update - Power Down Bug Fix and Proposal System Improvements

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Development Update - Power Down Bug Fix and Proposal System Improvements

in blurt •  2 years ago 

The inflation rewards pool pays out into various baskets, the most common being the post and curation rewards as well as the witness rewards and the passive inflation on powered up Blurt. A portion of the global annual inflation is paid into the proposal system so that users can submit worker proposals to get funded for non-blogging activities such as development work.

It isn't actually that much, circa 326K Blurt per month which at current rates is just over 2K USD, so it doesn't fund very much.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's cool, though. Thank you for the info. Is there anywhere a simple content-creator like myself can find similar info (like on how things work around here), all in one spot? I keep learning little tidbits like this, mostly in comment replies, but maybe there's a more efficient way. Thanks!

@drutter part of the work I am doing is to gather all relevant information to Onboarding New Blurt users as fast & efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, resources have not been applied to this task yet, or nobody has pointed me to that information either since I started on Blurt 2 month's ago. So I have developed a rudimentary Onboarding System that can be modified Quickly & Easily with no programming knowledge needed.

Blurt Open Source Learning Management System and Onboarding Dapp Model featuring TTFM Turntable.FM as a 'Case Study' for any GitHub Open Source Dapp currently running on Web3.

What is LMS [Learning Management System]?

An LMS is a software that delivers online courses to your employees or Open Source Colleagues, providing them with fresh data when it’s not possible to gather in one place.

Now ANYONE with a Smartphone can Build their OWN BLURT Open Source Dapps via Turntabl.FM simply by copying the Libraries Already Built in the BLURT Quantum Party Channel of Turntabl.FM initially as a learning exercise that teaches the person how to repeat it for themselves with ANY project of their choice~!

And NO PROGRAMING KNOWLEDGE NEEDED to Get Started in the Dojo Today~!