Twin siblings have an amazing bond...

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Twin siblings have an amazing bond... Sometimes it's two but they live as one according to their wishes... There is a love and affection between each other that is not a stranger... And they have an impossible relationship with each other.. This story is about two twin brothers who have a similar relationship in America...
Two twins were born from an American middle class family in 1978.. These two children were born healthy with a change of about five minutes, but the elder brother of the two was completely healthy, the relations with the brain due to the condition of the younger brother's heart are corrected. Diseases such as absence of balance loss and muscle not functioning properly Doctors are finding that he suffers from several circumstances...
However, these two boys growing up under these tragic circumstances are spending time very closely and very much love.. Big brother always takes care of his sick little brother, helping and treating him very well.. Always helping him, always motivates him to do something, always encourages him..
Doctors say he was at least 13 years old and his younger brother's illness has increased a bit and would need a heart transplant to keep him alive.. The elder brother who knows this will even commit suicide just to give his heart to his brother.. Anyway the doctors find the heart on time for the little brother to be in need and then after successful surgeries and remedies they are starting to fall in love again..
Elder brother who studies further studies to become a biochemical engineer with the determination to find treatment for his younger brother and other such people who suffer from this disease then became a Hollywood actor and a superstar It is happening... And his twin brother is well educated and becoming a lawyer protecting the rights of children with brain stroke.. To this day, these twin brothers Ashton and Michael Couture are doing charity for the disabled..

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