Well, there we go. It's already happened. Ah well...

in blurt •  4 years ago  (edited)

Blurt now officially looks like another clone of steemit. All the cross-posting and posting the same fucking content here that you post on steem and hive, has made blurt look exactly fucking like both of them. What's the point? No flagging means devaluation of blurt even faster by those dumping and spamming because there is no removing rewards or hiding spammy posts.

Ah well. I was hopeful, but seeing the new page and trending page today just confirmed what I was concerned about, more shit posting and cross posting for rewards to cash out, with no real new content being shared at all. Shame.

Now this is a more centralized version of steem, with no flagging. (They can apparently remove your vote button and stop you from voting here if they don't like your content or decide to call it "spam" or whatever. Smh.)

Such potential to be different, ended up the same.
** Big Sigh **

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This point needs time. If the crossposting and c&p shit don't recieve votes and enough users mute theses guys it will be ok.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

They aren't going to stop is the point and muting them won't stop them from self-voting their shit posting and cashing out on it, devaluing blurt for ALL of us. Blurt is officially another failed steem clone, unless flagging comes back in full force, which is unlikely as that's the whole idea of this chain. It'll just be another centralized, circle-jerk. Sad, it had such potential.

unless flagging comes back in full force,

Thats exact the time when I will leave BLurt. You have ALL other condensers WITH your flagging option. Why you didnt use these other clones?

A community with personal responsibility does not need nannies.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

A community where you can't be punished by the community, but only by a central power, makes this place another centralized turd clone of steem and to believe that the community as a whole, wants to follow the same idea of minimizing their rewards to appease other's feelings is retarded and makes you a retard. Blurt is not immune to people looking to abuse and it has even less defense to that than any other platform. A central power meant to regulate this is stupid and makes it not even crypto to begin with. Cryptocurrency (Actual crypto, not turd coins.) is decentralized and has no single controlling authority. Here, you do and if they consider you "spam" or "detrimental to the platform" they can silence you. Not being able to flag is what makes this place worthless and why it won't ever see high value. It'll be a circle jerk of the low IQ who think that it's a "good idea" to "nOt HaVe ThE nEgAtIvItY oF fLaGgInG!" here, which will cause posts that are clear abuse to be paid and nothing you can do about it. When you start seeing absolute trash posts making far more than anything else, you'll finally open your eyes. It's already almost there, the trending is a fucking joke. LOL.

Enjoy the already dying circle-jerk. :-)
