First Blurt Podcast !

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Recently in @blurtcast we decided to create a collaboration.

The collaboration is in a form of a podcast of people talking about how they missed blurt when it was down, what they think about it, and people they met here.

I'm @clixmoney the founder of @blurtcast and the one who created this awesome collaboration happy to present to you the first part of the podcast we're creating. In the future we can even turn it into a documentary movie. That will be awesome.

I'm really thankful to all who participated in this and those are :

  • Me who was so happy presenting the podcast and the idea to people and talking about how blurt works, and how it's different from facebook and instagram where people to get anything from liking others and being likable. But here we earn from that.

  • @world-travel-pro who invested in blurt about $10k or even more when the price was about $0.02. The one who invited so many people to blurt. The one who is doing everything to make the price recover and to make investors have confidence in blurt again. I'm impressed about how he's playing the intermediate between two powerful sides. And he's doing everything to keep the space more respectful and solid. His entry is for sure awesome, that's why i put it right away after mine.

  • @imransoudagar who idea man I would say. He's one of the top witnesses and one of those who's always ready to give the support. He helped so many people to learn about blurt. And once anyone has an issue, he's always here to help. As well, he does his best to participate in as many projects as he can. You can say a man living in blurt. And of course I had to put his entry right after. Without even thinking. Plus he has a good experience in running shows. And he helped so many times with @blurtcast and you can see his presence in all of our YouTube videos. I guess we don't have a video without him. ☺

  • @chibuzorwisdom the founder of @blurtconnect-ng. The biggest promoter of blurt in Nigeria. The great leader. The wisest person I would say. He's also always around to help. Very polite. Very friendly. Very nice person. You have to hear from him for sure. And the thing I like the most from him, is his smile. Oh, my god. I love positive people who always smile. And @chibuzorwisdom is more than positive. You need to follow him for sure.

  • @iykewatch. His entry was one of the longest one. And you know why ? Because he's so excited about blurt. He has a great experience in crypto. Especially in bitcoin cash community. He's also a steem veteran. And he joined dtube recently, and he's active as well in many other crypto communities. He was also chosen as the moderator of @blurtcast. Because he was not taking any sides, but the only side he took is the blurt side. That means just like me, he wanted to blurt to keep improving, working, evolving, and being the friendly blockchain like it always was. For sure, you need to hear his entry in the video, to see how blurt is making him and many people happy in all around the world.

This podcast will always be on. I mean, you can still participate in it if you didn't yet.

And it's only one collaboration we're working on.

Imagine how many we can create !

The beneficiary rewards of this post will be split fairly between all the participants, each 20% !


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey guys I'm glad to see you so excited and sharing about Blurt, I'm sure that the more we talk about this network many more users will join us.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For sure. That's why I think using other platforms is very important. Otherwise, we can't bring anyone here. I understand those who are not happy of putting the content in the platforms where they were censored. But this is for blurt, not for personal reasons. That's why I think we should use other platforms. We should be open to the world. The more open we are, the more chance we will have to find that attention that we really need as a community ! ☺

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

I am so happy seeing this wonderful innovations from @blurtcast.
Thank you so much for the superb presentation @clixmoney

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're very welcome. We all had feelings and emotions to share when blurt was down. It's nice recovering from all what happened before. ☺

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Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@blurtcast is here to stay , promotion is achieved through @collaboration come over and make a difference in the world of content creation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, that's awesome. Russia, US, Nigeria and India. Four countries met together to create this great collab. ☺

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm very positive and certain that more countries would join and making blurt a famous blog name in all continents of the world.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is very nice, will like to join the next time

Just stopping by to have a nosey at what ur blurtcast is about. Looks good. Well done.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks a lot. We did our best to make it that good. Let all the world know about blurt. YouTube has huge traffic, and maybe we may attract someone here. The podcast is planned to be in all podcast platforms, and there are so many of them.