Rwanda genocide

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Rwanda genocide of 1994, a premeditated campaign of mass murder in Rwanda that lasted around 100 days from April to July 1994. Extremist factions of Rwanda's overwhelming Hutu population sought to kill the minority Tutsi people as well as anybody who resisted their genocidal objectives.


It is believed that 200,000 Hutu engaged in the genocide, fueled by lies from numerous media channels. During the campaign, around 800,000 civilians were slaughtered, mostly Tutsis but also moderate Hutus. Up to 2,000,000 Rwandans fled the nation during or soon following the genocide.

The Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups account for more over four-fifths and one-seventh of the total population in Rwanda, respectively. The Twa, a third group, account for fewer than 1% of the population. All three communities speak Rwanda (properly, Kinyarwanda), implying that they have coexisted for millennia.


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