Death in a kind of house.... The dead husband. He had four children and a wife. This man died after years of persecution from the division. During that period, the wife suffered a lot while touching his ugly garbage, looking after the children and thinking about the estate income. Pulling dead and urinating everywhere has finally become normal in this house. The wife had to stop all the work and clean the house when she got a bad smell because she couldn't ask someone to come home. She stank on the floor until she thought she would fade away. Laundry washed, sun washed. He finally died overnight.
That was the last day of death. The wife got ready to give thanks to those who came to death for her husband. She thanked everyone with so much respect. Finally she started talking for her husband.
"""He was a very handsome young man when I met him". So I liked him with one kick. Without thinking twice. We got married. Just fell in the cuddle. The kids were raised. But I never slept well since I married him. Because he roars so loud. That was a great roar. I wake him up in anger with all that roar. He falls back to sleep. It's roaring again. I've suffered this infertility for 35 years. Now I am 55 years old. I suffered without sleep for 20 years and 55 years. That's a huge annoyance. No woman will tolerate that annoyance.
He got sick at the end. He rolled around every night as usual. That roar brought me so much comfort. "He's still alive" I found out from the roar. If the snoring stopped for a bit I would have woken up. I couldn't sleep anywhere else but hear his roar. Stopped roaring and I woke him up shaking. Checking if I could breathe with my hand on my nose.
Now he is dead. I can't bear the pain I feel when I feel like he'll never roar from today. I feel so much pain when I'm gonna hear that noise again. It's like everything was taken away by thieves......
So I tell you that some little weaknesses of the people we love might once hurt us but how beautiful those weaknesses are when we lose them. Sometimes those beautiful weaknesses that get angry with us will be a wonderful memory for us one day. So I ask you to forgive their little weaknesses. Just let them go Feel those weaknesses beautifully. You'll feel amazing relaxed at the end.. "She ended her story by saying"
The anger you get when your husband doesn't wash the dishes and leaves the cup where you had tea. But someday that trouble maker is going to leave you, like initially my story you will have those weaknesses a beautiful memory. If your mind improves enough to ask "Can't you talk when you're free" to your boyfriend's wonderful phone who never says hello even if you're free, you'll have wonderful memories. One day he will feel some pain about losing a patient woman like you.
Those are not weaknesses. There are only moments. Success is not a big task if we can find happiness in the world we wish for even if we don't have the perfect world we wish for. Enjoying those little weaknesses will make your life beautiful than losing your happiness and family happiness by shouting and fighting everyday. That's when you can be a good wife by making different foods making your husband happy rather than getting angry in the kitchen everyday and cooking the same things.
Some things you inherit with womanhood are not weaknesses. Those things are so beautiful.... Because every woman is Wonder Woman.. Let's think in a new way....

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