Why Hillary Clinton needs to retire, now.

in blurt •  2 years ago 

The Clinton supporter keeps a mental inventory of everything "Bernie did to cause Clinton to lose," while refusing to accept any fault of Clinton's own.

At every chance, this list will be pulled out like a gun-singer. A Hillary supporter would never pass up an opportunity to tell the world why Bernie is the most horrible thing that has ever been on the planet.

She was faultless, perfect, the most qualified, and had all the answers, and if you didn't understand, it's because you aren't smart enough to recognize her genius!

She was only defeated because Bernie lied and James "The Commie" Comey worked for Trump! Her death was caused by Russians, plots, and the wicked, sexist, hatred for women that exists in the hearts of all males!


At least, that's the argument I hear from many of her followers who refuse to let it go. You can't reason with them, they can't go on, and there's no logical justification for them to be so unhappy.

I thought about it for a bit and concluded it's not sensible at all. It's religious in nature.

These extreme athletes are part of a quasi-religious cult. Hillary served as their Jesus. They blame Sanders because, in their imaginations, he is the serpent who revealed the truth in Eden. "She would have won if he hadn't ran against her!" they'll say.

He spoke the truth, much like the snake in the garden, he gave us knowledge of good and evil, and when we realized it, we looked down on the democratic party.

They despise him and those who voted for him for revealing a fact that made it difficult for them to believe in a flawless candidate. Bernie Sanders is the Satan of the Democratic cult religion.

I recognized this behavior because of an intriguing movie created a long time ago by a youtuber on why religious people despise Atheists so much.

The film describes God as a reflection of the believer's own personality. When you "reject" God, you are causing the believer to experience emotional rejection. The same thing is occurring to those who refuse to let Hillary go.

The Hillary Clinton that leftists refused to vote for was the actual, physical, corrupt, money-hungry, pro-war, pro-bank, pro-Wall Street person.

The Hillary Clinton that her supporters believe we rejected was the romanticized, savior figure that they created.

This is why there can be no logical conclusion to the debate. We are not referring to the same individual. One group is discussing Hillary the person, while another is discussing Hillary the concept.

They spent so much of themselves in adoring the concept of Hillary Clinton rather than the actuality of Hillary Clinton that when the real person lost, it damaged a fundamental component of their sense of self.

We "bad people who refused to believe" in the one true rescuer stole what they had formed much of their identity on.

Our rejection of the real Hillary's poor behavior and weak ideas killed the idealized Hillary in their hearts.

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