None of us can guarantee what tomorrow will happen.

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Find the right person who will always love and support you because none of us can guarantee what tomorrow will happen.
Boy crashed with a forklift and "cut" half his body... This is what his girlfriend did after knowing this!
What do you think? Are all the events in our life decided before by destiny, or are we choosing our own path through trials and errors? There often comes a time when everything in our lives seems to be turning upside down, no matter how you take it. When one event divides our lives as before and after.
I am going to tell you a story about an ordinary man who changed his life in an instant. I think we could all learn a lot from them. Lawrence Shaz, 19-year-old from Great Falls, lived an ordinary teenage life and planned for the future with high hopes.
He had everything he wanted to be happy. Lovely family, good job and, indeed, a loyal girlfriend. Lauren was a happy and responsible young man who understood the need to work hard for his happiness and this is why he came to bridge construction ground.
The task wasn't easy, but despite her young age, Lauren appreciated the opportunity to work. His relationship with a girl named Sabia was on a very good level. They were in love and understood each other well and spent their free time together.
On the day life changed, Sabia was haunted by their strong bond with the default of something bad. That morning, Sabia woke up in a bad mood and felt a sudden anxiety entering her body.
She tried to call the boyfriend but he never picked up the phone At work hours, the young woman felt deeply anxious, and then received the call that divided her life before and after. A woman's voice at the other corner of the row told her about a tragic accident.
Later appeared, Lauren was driving a forklift along the under construction bridge and suddenly one truck broke the laws and overtook him. The young builder never lost calm in stressful times, while he tried to find a way out of the situation, but the only thing he could do is get closer to the edge of the bridge.
A terrible accident that the bridge had to fall under him. According to this, the young man tried to jump out of a forklift that was falling 15 meters high. Unfortunately, there was no time to put up metabolism.
The young man grabbed the seat belt, when he finally managed to jump out of the forklift, he saw a four-ton truck coming straight to him. It may be hard to believe, but survived the horrible incident, Loren was always cautious and watched his arm and lower body crash in the heavy vehicle.
Rescuers quickly came to the tragedy and rushed the injured young man to the hospital where doctors found his number on his phone and called her 20 minutes later, Saviah was still in the intensive care unit praying for Lauren. No one told her anything specific, but judging how many doctors and surgeons ran into the room, Savi realized the situation was very complex.
All she could do was pray for her loving boyfriend to survive. Loren lost part of his right arm, as later seen, but doctors were still hoping to save the patient's leg. After hours of surgery doctors concluded the young man's pelvis and lower arms should be cut off.
This is the only chance to save his life even though the doctors cannot make any promises. Even with this action, it's hard to imagine what Sabia would have felt at the moment. She was awaiting the doctor's update, she said goodbye to her loved one six times, losing confidence that he will live until the morning. However, the really surprising thing is that Loren didn't pass. Even then he was in consciousness.
Until the doctors are discovered. He even managed to write a I love you short note for Sabia the night before surgery. Sabia still refused to believe that her boyfriend was leaving her, even though it was the end. Even doctors suggested saying goodbye to cousins because Lawrence's condition worsened. And when I jump I really want to say true miracle happened.
12 hours after the surgery, the surgeon saved Lawrence's life but the hard part was still ahead. After all, he is now a disabled person, his life will never be normal. We don't know what we will do if we become the Savior's state. No matter what we think, especially when you're a young and attractive woman, choosing to live your life with a disabled person is definitely a challenge. Some told her to leave the hopeless and forget Lauren.
But as you already guessed, Sabia didn't give up on him. Not only that, the incident was closer than ever, and they were engaged while in the hospital. After four weeks of physical therapy, the young man returned home and began to adapt to a completely new life, more complex than ever.
Lauren learned how to get into a wheelchair by himself wearing his artificial foot, but he had a lot to learn. Coming from the bedroom to the kitchen was an easy task, this felt like a long journey.
The current-builder couldn't find the strength to do ordinary doorwork, but he understood well that he had to try hard for his boyfriend. According to this, he found unusual ways to do what was needed. He used his talent to be as independent as he could and face obstacles. He discovered many solutions that a healthy person could never think of. My boyfriend is an amazing person, Xavia said in an interview.
He not only supported Sabia to adapt to new conditions. Now Lauren is thinking about his future because he wants his family to live. Also, this couple plans to travel and after a while they want to get children and raise them to be good people. After many conquers they will succeed.
My advice to anyone who has experienced something like this is to not get stuck on what you can't do, live your best life, appreciate what you have, Lauren once said to many people think about his words and most importantly don't go for what you have. After what's not right.
Find the right person who will always love and support you because none of us can guarantee what tomorrow will happen.



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