Update Regarding Proposal and Thanks everyone

in blurt •  last year 


We created a proposal this week for funding.


We were to post yesterday but it got delayed, luckily It was right that we didn't before. Because something happened.

Proposal Update

First of all thanks to everyone who supported our proposal and voted.

We were able to reach the 3rd position and were able to get funds, some atleast. And it showed a possibility of funding and hope. It also made us happy that the community is active and supportive.

Screenshot from 2023-05-09 16-41-16.png

This was not expected, but its good to see that number voting for our proposal.

Reaction to Proposal

Before we say anything, we want to share that, whatever we are doing or changing is always available to the public in form of posts.
We always declare changes, even bugfixes in our posts.

Some people still say that we are keeping them in Dark. So the decision if that person is right or wrong, I will keep that to the community itself.

Second, it was stated that we should do things with own money, rather than asking for funds. Its like asking me to work as well spend money.

Have you ever heard that, when you spending time, as well you spending money ?

Right ?

Its crazy, isnt it ?

We spend time in any job to earn money, and when we are spending time somewhere, and instead we have to spend money as well. How can anyone do this.
It makes no sense to us. So again we keep this decision to community if he is right or wrong.

Third, he mentioned that Blurt is in a poor state, and I should be only getting witness earnings ? Do anyone know witness earnings ?

Its just 14K BLURT per month and the same person is getting same amount as we are.

So, why in the first place he himself created a proposal when he already have the witness funds.

Or is it that, he getting funded from proposal is making Blurt grow in price, and we getting funded is actually making Blurt poor.

Anyone got it ? Then feel free to explain us as we dont get it, Really .

Last, that asking for justification or code.

We will not do this, as we already share everything with all.

The same person who is asking us to show the code, is using same latam version which was worked upon by @blurt.one team.

Simply running that and using your own domain, doesn't make it yours. He might have added some changes, but unless he do changes that are different than existing contributions, it does not really count.

And this is why we have made code of Blurt.one private, so no one can steal our code and market it as his own.

Everyone do this, in fact in Hive, we have multiple projects that are closed source and getting funded. Some part of it are public, and so do we have some of the code, but not everything.

If everyone have the access to same code, and they be running same services. Why would anyone use our services and not them ?

Feel free to check below post to know why we said this. We dont have any issues with other devs getting funded. But we have issue that someone is making false statements and defaming us.


We cant take any other action other than letting community know. So feel free to share your independent views.

We are not funded by anyone, even the so called foundation. Nor do we get huge votes, nor we do get any monthly pays, nor the donations. So asking us to work free is not acceptable.

Devs also have life to live. They run on food and not code, they need money and not free praises. Its a hard truth, if we are spending time here, working for community, then we expect same from community.

The funding is not going to make us rich or anyone. It does not even cover 1/3rd of our costs. So, if anyone say we should not be funded, let them know. No one have time to work for free and expect nothing in return.

The blurt platform itself is a way to make money, so to expect someone to work free when you have the ability to earn is a crime.

Now, we will report it to authorities here and include those names, that are doing this crime and encouraging others.

So, if you are trying to steal what is my right, you will have to answer to legal authorities.

That's all for now.

Thanks everyone.

Posted from https://blurt.one

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