The big updates on Frontend and Tekraze leaving Blurt

in blurt •  last year 

Hi Everyone,
as you know the main dev @tekraze has an announcement.
Please check the post.

So, coming back to the main point

UI upgrade

We have experimented with UI before, but that did not work, so we have to do something better.

We have improved things like

  • Uniform image size in cards with new design of list
  • Better menu design
  • Better fonts
  • Some animations
  • Voter list modal (Will be improved)
  • Editor form and Inputs
  • Buttons

Image size

Images now take up the entire width and are uniform in the list. Along with this added some styling to make it even better.

Screenshot from 2023-02-13 19-11-21.png


A fresh new look for the menu

Screenshot from 2023-02-13 19-12-42.png

Voter list modal

The voter's list before was a single list scrolling long to the bottom. But we have tried to make it look better with less scroll.
We know the colors are not much good, as we are still checking on that.
We will make it better once we have removed the old CSS

Screenshot from 2023-02-13 19-13-34.png

Editor and post

We have improved the inputs and also added some ideas so new users don't get confused about what to add and how.

Also added some shadows to make the posts look better.

Screenshot from 2023-02-13 19-15-09.png


We have added some modern fonts as well. We will still be experimenting with this all.

Deps Upgrade

We have upgraded the backend before as well, but still, the majority of the application is running with old dependencies.

We have tried to update it and @tekaze almost spent 3 days working on the full upgrade. It went well and worked fine in the dev, but for some reason broke the production.

So, we have to roll back those changes and deploy old changes.
We will still try to get back to those to improve the performance of the app.

Domain Renewal

@tekraze had to manage some bills, so domain renewal was delayed. But we will renew the domain tomorrow and share an update

Future of

Now that @tekraze doesn't have any compensation coming from blurt team. It will be hard to manage expenses. But we promise we will not turn off

So, how you can help us?

1. Use our Frontend

As we get 2% every time you create a post, It is not enough but will help to some level.

2. Add us as beneficiary

You can be a frequent poster or a less poster, but you can dedicate the rewards for one post to at least a month by adding as a beneficiary to 100%

nothing goes out of your pocket this way. right?

and it makes you feel better as well.

3. Delegations

You can delegate to @tekraze or @techclub to support and get back returns as a liquid blurt for your delegation. So helping and earning both.

4. Donations

You can send us a liquid blurt or power up the account with Blurt.

We know sometimes Blurt can be down and not a better option to spend.

So, you can also send us tokens in a metamask wallet as USDT or some other

Metamask Address for BNB chain


You can also send it on hive-engine to the username


5. Witness vote

You can also support us by voting as a witness

we plan to make it better and independent. So, be with us on the journey. Thanks, everyone. We will be posting as soon we have a new update.

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