Dev Updates | Code optimisation | Voters Modal | Contests | Witness Info Page

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Hi Everyone,
here we are back again with more updates to the frontend.

Dev-Updates-Code-optimization-Voters-Modal-Contests-Witness-Info-Page.jpgMade with Canva

Here is a quick list of what changes are

  • Witness Info page UI and data loading enhancement
  • Voters' modal UI
  • Contest Card with UI
  • Comment confirmation modal UI
  • Optimising muted users' functionality

So, we have worked both on the UI and the code optimization.
We have cleaned up and shifted most of the API calls from the component to the redux levels. Using what we achieved

  • clean code
  • better loading
  • improved speed

So, let see

Witness Info page

There was a bug when the link direct opened, gives a server error but is now fixed. Along with fixing the URL, we also worked on optimizing the UI as well as API calls to load data.


We have made the UI better by adding some modern touch and shadow, some of my friends even shared early feedback that, it looks like 3d, which gives the idea I am in the right way.


Other than the UI, we have to load some data, which was at the component level, and multiple API calls with set state, that was causing issues with loading, and performance was fine. But for some users, it was not the case.
So, we removed all the API code and chained code to redux instead and now we have clean, better, and fast code which is optimized.

Voting Modal

Before this, the modal had some dark colors, which were added to make the text visible with the dark mode. But we missed setting some colors, so when we fixed that. We were able to make it light in color and better than before.


Confirmation Modal

All the modal's are still from the old code and we will update them one by one to make them better and more modern

For now, we just updated the confirmation modal that shows up when you comment/post or do any operation and shows the fees. We might change it a bit more later.


Muted Authors

Same way as the witness info, there were some warning as setting the state at the component level is bad and not recommended, so we have moved the logic from the component level to the redux level with the same benefits as before.

Contest Card

As we mentioned before how to pin posts and pin URLs work, we also have added a contests box, that will list the mentioned contests. Let us know in the comments or tag or @tekraze or @powerclub team to tag your contest-related posts.

With this update, we have tried to make the user experience better. We hope the users will notice that too. Feel free to let us know if you experience any issues in the frontend.

Note: We only provide a frontend that connects to Blurt Blockchain that we do not directly control. Some services are still provided by the official team.

Funding support

As the dev @tekraze is not in the team anymore, there is no earning other than witness earning which is not enough to keep these going on.

So you can support him by either voting as a witness, setting beneficiary, or sending donations in another crypto.
Feel free to contact us if anyway you want to support this project.

Thanks, everyone

You can also support us by voting as a witness

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thanks @abiga554