Frontend will be shutdown by the end of the month

in blurt •  last year Frontend is going to shut down.jpeg

Hi Everyone,
it has been a long journey both with highs and lows, with bumps on the way.
The frontend was just started as a way to temporary allow users to use the platform when the official frontend goes down.

But it developed more and more with some custom changes different from the main frontend and many people supported us as well. We thanks to all of those people.

We dont have words to say anything about the support. It was good until it was there.

Why closing

The main Dev @tekraze is busy with his main job now and don't get any time for development as well maintenance. Another reason being the funds, as the proposal added did not worked and not many people supported. The other way with ads also not worked.

On the other side, there is also a better frontend by @nalexdre which works with latest Nexus based RPC and have better UI with community support.
Even if we decide to keep the frontend and adding community support with nexus, it would take another set of months, which is not good as we already said we have limited time and money.

So, we will focus better on other services. We will keep the autovoting alive as well the RPC support with new Nexus system.

What will happen to domain

We will keep the domain with some static page to support with Blurt marketing and detail for frontend as well other things.

We will renew the domain and use it for a better purpose in the future. As we own the domain, we will not give it to anyone. But if anyone wants to host something, we will be happy to link the subdomain to that.

So, thanks to you all for the support and using our frontend. You all can keep using the frontend until the end of this month.

We will keep the witness account and other services running for now, until our next plan.

Greetings to you all. Have a nice day.

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  ·  last year  ·  

I wish that this is only a temporary decision and that in the light of an idea, availability, and support, we'll see BlurtOne make its big comeback. Whether in the form of a frontend or other type of Blurt dApp ;)

  ·  last year  ·  

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