Pojok mainan

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Saat pergi ke bank untuk mengurus sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan keuangan , saya pergi ke bank yang saat itukelihatan sedang sepi saat saya masuki.


Di dekar pintu masuk, tepatnya agak masuk ke dalam di bagian tengahnya terdapat pojok mainan anak. Rupanya disediakan untuk anak-anak yang saat itu di bawa orang tuaynya saat ada keperluan ke bank. Karena saat itu sepi saya juga tidak melihat ada anak-anak yang bermain di sana.


Kita dapat melihat ada perosotan, ayunan dan juga permainan kuda-kudaan, yang semuanya terbuat dari plastik. Warna-warna pada mainan juga cerah semua dan pastinya menarik anak-anak untuk bermain. Selain agar tidak bosan saat menunggu orang tuanya , juga agar orang tua dapat mudah mengawasi anak-anaknya bermain. Karena dapat dilihat dari jarak dekat.


When I went to the bank to take care of something related to finances, I went to the bank which seemed deserted when I entered.


Near the entrance, to be precise, a little inside, in the middle, there is a children's toy corner. Apparently it was provided for children who at that time were brought by their parents when they needed to go to the bank. Because it was quiet at that time I also did not see any children playing there.


We can see there are slides, swings and also piggyback games, all of which are made of plastic. The colors on the toys are all bright and certainly attract children to play. Apart from not being bored while waiting for their parents, it is also so that parents can easily supervise their children playing. Because it can be seen from a short distance.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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