Esala Full moon poya day falls on July 13.

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Several significant events in Buddhist history are associated with the Esala poya day.
King Suddhodana and his queen Mahamaya were without children for 20 years and the Bodisatva as prince Siddharta was conceived in Queen Mahamaya on an Esala poya day.
Prince Rahula, the son of Prince Siddhartha and Princess Yasodhara was born on an Esala Poya day. The very same day Prince Siddhartha became disillusioned with lay life after encountering an old man, a sick man, and a corpse and went in search of Enlightenment.
After achieving Buddhahood the Buddha preached Dammachakkapavattana Sutta, his first sermon, to the five ascetics on an Esala Poya day at the Deer Park in Isipatana in India.
It was on Esala Poya that the Buddha visited the Tauvthisa Dev Lova, to preach Abidhamma to the Maathru Divya Rajaya (Mahamaya Devi in her previous birth) and the other Gods there.
The Buddha performed the Yamaka Maha Prathiharya or the Twin Miracles on an Esala Poya day to show that he was the Supreme Buddha to the proud, older Sakya clansmen.
For Sri Lankan Buddhists several important events took place on Esala Poya day.
The first ordination of Prince Ariththa, nephew of King Devanampiyatissa as a bhikkhu by Arahath Mahinda took place on an Esala Poya day in Anuradhapura.
It was on an Esala Poya day that the laying of the foundation for the Ruwanvelisaya took place and the enshrinement of relics by King Dutugemunu.
It was on Esala Poya Day that the Sacred Tooth Relic was brought to Sri Lanka from Dante Pura, in the state of Kalinga in India.The King of Kalinga, Guhasiva was a devout Buddhist and he feared that the Hindu kings would try to destroy the Sacred Tooth Relic. So, he instructed his daughter, Princess Hemamala and her husband Prince Danta to take the Sacred Tooth Relic to Sri Lanka where it would be safe with the Buddhist King Kithsirimevanof Sri Lanka.
The Sacred Tooth Relic was taken annually to Abhayagiri Viharaya in a grand procession and kept there for three months. It is thought that this procession was the origin of today’s annual Esala Dalada Perahera held in August at the Dalada Maligawa, in Kandy.
The present higher ordination Upasampada rites were brought from Thailand by Upali Thera during the reign of King Kirthi Sri Rajasinghe on Esala poya day in 1753.
Esala Poya also marks the start of the Vas Kalaya (rainy season retreat) for bhikkhus.
It is owing to the combination of these events Esala festivals are held throughout SriLanka.
The Wheel of Dhamma was set in motion by supreme Buddha on an Esala Poya Day.
Many believe the essence of Buddhism is embodied in the Dhammapada.
Dhammapada is a master-piece of 423 Dhamma verses in 26 chapters.
Today I thought of unravelling a few verses from Chapter 6 relevant to all of us.
The Chapter 6 – Pandita Vagga, embodies 14 verses [V76-89] recited by the Suprme Buddha for people of all walks of life at different places to remain wise.
These verses transmit strong messages on the value of right livelihood.
Buddhist scriptures are full of counsels to avoid association with the papamithra or fools, and to keep the company of the kalyanamithra or the wise.
In this age and time, with worldly considerations and unlofty ideals forming the core principles of human struggles, it is certainly refreshing to dive deep into the spirituality and wisdom of Buddhist teachings. Verses 78, 79, 80, 81 from Panditha Vagga are quoted to illustrate right livelihood relevant to modern day.
V.78. Na bhaje papaka mitte - na bhaje purisadhame
Bhajatha mitta Kalyana - bhajetha purisuttame
One should not associate, evil-minded and lowly men as friends; one should only associate good and noble friends Kalyana Mitta. If you associate low men, women and friends, your future is very bleak. Therefore, associate good, honest, true friends, who will always stand by you in difficulties.

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