You Are At The Start Of Something Great

in blurt •  2 years ago 

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Being at the Forefront of Something Great

I call it the crypto revolution in relativity the value is the Blockchain and less about what the crypto is. What's important or at least the amazing feel I get is remembering where I was in 2011 when I first learned about bitcoin/crypto and starting mining it and crash coursing in it.

A Look In The Past

At the time I thought it was a cloud sharing application where I put my processing resources on the web to render videos etc. Oh boy how I was wrong at the time, but what's funny is we are now at that point where that's actully happening with systems like Theta network and soon SPK Network. So the real question is now was I predicting the future hhmmmm lol

I then bought heavily into Ethereum at $13 on average and from there started investing in other projects. However my business was still at the forefront of my focus as I wanted an asset I could eventually back away from a bit and earn passive on it. Move to today and that business only takes about a hour of my time each day to simply manage and get updates. It's one of the coolest things ever.

What This Year Brings

While this year brings stacking at the start of 2022 because of the down turn we had that stacking will start turning into building as I have the crypto funds to do so. To me right now is the ground floor to build worth wild applications. Before this time it was figuring out the next blockchain/crypto and working through the kinks that hold many of these chains back fees/limited transactions.

I feel we have a good grasp on this and we are making headway on how to better build and remove bad apps clogging up the blockchain but also expanding the capabilities of this. Because of that this year to me is the year of building applications and less about a new blockchain. These applications will bring in the dawn of some amazing new projects and honestly the way we look at "work" and power starting to be restored back to people, creators, builders etc and less and less to governments which is why I feel they are really starting to dig their feet in now. We have to realize though that this is the future and if you are like me and tired of how overstretching and more controlling governments have become while making lives worse then it's time you realize that this crypto thing needs to be taken serious as the last effort to truly restore freedoms.

The Future

One of the greatest feelings is realizing something is great and while you might not see the rewards instantly I can tell you now 10 years later I see them. From a little miner of CPU and GPU along with faucets and building a few little sites to where we are at today it's clear night and day.

If you feel like your too late I have news for you! I personally feel you're not and right now we are on a new wave of 10-20 years from now where things will look much different once again.

Right now we are teaching and training younger kinds about crypto and all it's possibilities. They are growing up on this stuff it's now part of their almost every day lives. They hear about it from their friends etc. Now when they get old enough for jobs they will start creating their own platforms, their own visions etc. ah heck really even at a young age many of these "kids" do have the capability of building on the blockchain and releasing their own applications.

This is what's going to really start shaping things up and why crypto just isn't going anywhere. We also had the perfect storm of the government screwing us all over giving us peanuts and now inflation at stupid high levels, low supplies and so forth. What do we get now? Higher taxes, more restrictions and less freedoms in general such as privacy which was the biggest taken away.

All of this leads me to believe the next 10 years or even sooner could pave the way to being some of the largest innovations to the way we live and right now you all are at the forefront of it. Do your part to make it something great and of course capitalize on it for yourself that's what web3 is all about restoring freedoms back to YOU!

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