New To Blurt - Introduction Post

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Hey There! Bitcoinflood here!

Some of you might know me already from platforms like steemit way back in the day and what we now have as Hive. I also once upon a time got started in Whaleshares as well. Just recently I found out I could login to this account and to my surprise I think I have a decent voting power already!

I'll be posting unique content on here as I get the lay of the land and see how this community operates. If you have any tips for what I should know about the going ons around here let me know in the comments please.

Things such as....

  1. How does Blurt different from Hive/Steemit?

  2. It looks like Blurt has close ties with DTube? If this is so how come? and I'll be stacking up the dtube tokens as well if they blend well with each other here on Blurt.

  3. How can I get my hands on more blurt? The exchanges I went to are a little sus to say the least and the volume is nearly non existent. That doesn't mean I shouldn't use them but it does drum up some red flags that make me questions it right now.

What will I be writing about?

I once worked a retail job from there a factory job and from there a tech job moving on a few more years running my own business and to the point I'm at today still running the business but well hands off and instead now 95% focused on crypto and building a sizeable income which can be used to passivly earn enough to live off of.

I'll be writing primarily about crypto but also the business end and for sure crypto and lots of it! I'll also be going over marketing as when I find a project I like not only do I invest into it but I also market it via passive methods I've learned over my many years in the field.(and one that constantly changes)

Some last things that come to mind are what projects or innovation from blurt are you looking forward to what are the key topics or things I should know about as an investor?

Look forward to getting to know you all and see what Blurt has to offer as well as growing with it. Thank you for the time, support and answering any of the question above it's a huge help when first getting started and I can then use that info to help others get started.

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