Life is also a mirror. The way you look at life, it will catch on to you

in blurt •  4 years ago 


In one of the fairy-tale villages there was a house by the river called the House of a Thousand Mirrors.

In that village there was a little girl with a beautiful smiling face. One day the girl heard her parents talking about the mirror house in their village. The girl had never left the house before. He did not see nature, he did not see any reality. So one day he thought that he would go to see the house in the mirror. But he did not dare to go alone, so he took another girl of his age with him. Appearing in front of the mirror room, the first girl thought that she would enter the room first and the second girl would enter only after seeing everything.

According to the story, the first girl entered the room. As soon as she entered the room, the girl's face was filled with joy to see all the wonderful colorful carvings. She slowly entered the room with a thousand mirrors. The girl saw a thousand other girls looking at her with smiling faces just to look like her. Everyone else is doing exactly what he is doing.

The girl went out having a lot of fun seeing everything this time and told her partner about everything and said that I have never seen such a beautiful place before. I will come to this place from now on if I get a chance.

After hearing all the words, this time the second girl entered the room with some fear in her mind. This time he also entered the room of one thousand mirrors feeling terrified. As soon as she entered the house, the girl became frightened. His face turned pale with fear, his eyes became terrified. She noticed that a thousand other girls, looking just like her, were staring at her in horror. The girl is raising both her hands in fear and saying - who are you - along with the other one thousand girls are also raising their hands and looking at her. This time the girl ran out of the house in great fear and said to the first girl, go home soon, this is a very bad place. I will never come to this place again.

           Lessons from the story:

Life is also a mirror. The way you look at life, it will catch on to you. For those who move forward with courage, love, enthusiasm, indomitable desire to win, life becomes much easier and happier for them. But for those who want to move forward with frustration, fear, mental exhaustion, success is like a mirage in their eyes. Life becomes tedious, depressing. The way you look at reality, the way it will be captured in front of you.

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