Questioning Myself

in blurt •  4 years ago 

More than four directions and so many choices. Where to go? What to do? It's like I have these voices in the back of my mind. Asking questions whether I am at the right place at the time?


What I'm trying to do when these questions appear is I'm letting them go by ignoring. To make them go away I keep doing the task I've been up to. Once you have something going, those questions won't bother you, even if it's for that moment. When you're fully focused on the thing you're doing, there's nothing else on your mind. But it takes a lot of time to master it!

Speaking about my blog, there are other choices like which is the best place to blog? How to get better exposure? How to introduce people to crypto using words that a 5-year-old would understand? And most importantly - how to earn money from it?

If you devote yourself to something by putting in the hours, at some point you must be rewarded. Especially if your financial situation is not the best out there. You have to think about how you can improve your life and the life of your family. And not only think but also act! Right now, I'm blurting but with the release of the new, I can see this place reaching new heights!

Hopefully, I will have stacked enough BLURT when the time comes! Until then - let's keep working to bring the power back to the people! Decentralization is the way!

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!


Photo by Dominik Bednarz on Unsplash

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