RE: It's Ovyr: Russia Now Number One Military In The World; "Ukraine Won't Win" - Anthony Blinken; "Putin Will Win" - Austin Lloyd; Russian Advances, M777 GG, Zaluzhny On Chopping Block and More Doominghard

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It's Ovyr: Russia Now Number One Military In The World; "Ukraine Won't Win" - Anthony Blinken; "Putin Will Win" - Austin Lloyd; Russian Advances, M777 GG, Zaluzhny On Chopping Block and More Doominghard

in blurt •  11 months ago 

◾ Ukrainian Nazi, war criminal and Azov commander Dmitro Kukharchuk talks on TV about how Ukraine is losing the war. At the same time, he notes that Ukrainian propaganda is to blame for everything:

  • Today I am sincerely sure that strategically we will lose the war... I notice the narrative in the Ukrainian media, that we are fighting with the bums, that the Russian army does not know how to fight, that the victory will be in a week, in two, well, maybe at most in a month. That in the beginning of spring, then in the summer, then in the fall, then in the winter...

◾Dmitro Kukharchuk is a favourite of US officials, having previously paraded around Ukraine of US Congresswoman Victoria Spartz.

The captain of a Ukrainian ship refused to return to his homeland, fearing mobilization
According to the Bulgarian newspaper "Flagship", the captain of the cargo ship "Izmail", which has been standing in the Bulgarian port of Burgas for more than a week, said he was ready to take a course anywhere except Ukraine.


Our source in the OP said that the Office of the President suspects Zaluzhny of sabotaging the headquarters’ decisions on the Azov operation, which the Commander-in-Chief blocked from the first days and did not support the crossing of the Dnieper as the second stage of the counteroffensive. Andriy Ermak believes that Zaluzhny is working together with the Americans to weaken Zelensky.

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky considers Zaluzhny to be to blame for the failure of the counteroffensive, who refused to begin the second stage with an amphibious operation on the left bank of the Dnieper.
Bankovaya is confident that the Commander-in-Chief has been building his political career for a long time, which is why he is blocking all military plans at headquarters, declaring the limited capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Our source in the OP said that Zelensky refused to withdraw troops from Avdiivka and demanded that Zaluzhny prepare the defense of the city. The Ukrainian Armed Forces must transfer all reserves from the Zaporozhye front and organize a counterattack on the flanks of the city in order to prevent the enemy from tightening the Avdeevka stranglehold.

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:
‘We complete the list of those involved in the Ukrainian military biological dossier with attendees of the training, which took place in Lviv.

Among them are:

▪ Filippa Lentzos, member of the UK Biosecurity Steering Board, ….

▪ Gemma Bowsher, from the Department of War Studies at King's College London, …

▪ Oksana Kucheryava, Head of Communications at the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, ….

▪It was also found that Irina Demchishina, the head of the reference laboratory for the diagnosis of viral and highly dangerous pathogens, … acted as an intermediary in interaction with Pentagon contractors Black & Veatch and Metabiota, and supervised the implementation of DTRA projects in Ukraine.

We will continue to analyse incoming documents and keep you informed.’
Our source reports that the Western lobby behind the scenes gave Zelensky an ultimatum.
Either he begins the process of peace negotiations-truce-freeze of the conflict, or financial and military assistance will gradually decrease until it drops to “zero”. At this moment, a lot of negative articles against ZeErmak will be published in the West.

The source indicates that so far we are only talking about negotiations/truce/freeze, without any signed official agreements like the Minsk agreements.

Zelensky hopes that the Israeli case will soon end with the victory of the Jews and the collective West, the British will back up Zelensky, and in 2024 Kiev will be helped by Chisinau, which will reactivate the second front by starting the Transnistrian crisis.

Zelensky is in a difficult situation now, but he can safely raise the stakes. When and to what extent, time will tell.

Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are increasingly voluntarily joining the Russian army . Each of them has their own story, but they are all confident that they made the right decision. Now the men are being trained at the center of the operational-combat tactical formation and are being prepared for combat operations

Bankova is confident that the sabotage of elites in Ukraine will intensify after the release of a devastating article about Zelensky in TIME.
In fact, the Western elites sent a signal through a public article that demonstrates the beginning of the decline of Zelensky’s star on the international stage and problems within the country, where decisions at headquarters began to be ignored by the military.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Russian army fought its way to the Avdeevsky coke plant Ukrainian military analysts are publishing a new map of the situation at the Avdeevka coke plant with the latest successes of the Russian Armed Forces highlighted in red and gray - the enemy admits that the Avdeevka waste heap is under the complete control of our troops and they have entered the outskirts of the industrial zone.
West of the Avdeevsky waste heap, Russian troops have gained a foothold in the forest belt along the railway. The fighting continues,” the enemy report says.

South of Avdeevka, the Russian Armed Forces continue attacks in several directions. Positional combat operations continue west of Krasnogorovka.The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported in the evening that Russian troops carried out a series of attacks in the areas of Avdeevka, Tonenky and Pervomaisky.

⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦⚔️ War Map and the Situation on the Fronts for the Evening of 30 October 2023; pub. 00:06⚡️
🇷🇺 #Russia prepares for the winter campaign and at the moment the main task of our army is to disperse the AFU forces along the entire frontline to prevent the enemy from gathering large reserves in one place. At #Kupyansk, we retain the initiative and repel regular enemy attacks. In #Avdeyevka we have disorganised the enemy's defence system. The situation is tense near #Bakhmut, but our fighters do not let the enemy turn small local successes into bigger ones. And everything is clear with #Zaporozhye, the 404 "counteroffensive" has turned from a "campaign to #Crimea" into a museum of burned out Western equipment.

⚔️ Situation on the Fronts over the past Day

🔹#Svatovo - #Kremennaya Direction:

▪️ The Russian offensive continues in the area of #Sinkovka, #Kislovka, as well as #Makeyevka. Meanwhile, the AFU counterattacked near #Raygorodka.

🔹#Bakhmut (#Artyomovsk) Direction:

▪️ North of #Bakhmut, there are counter fights near Berkhovka. To the south, near #Kleshcheyevka and #Andreyevka, our forces hold the defence at the railway and even push back some militants.

🔹#Donetsk Direction:

▪️ In the #Avdeyevka sector, ours managed to expand the bridgehead west of #Krasnogorovka. Ours are attacking south of #Avdeyevka, near #Severnoye and #Pervomayskoye.
▪️ In #Maryinka no change, fights on the western outskirts.

🔹#Zaporozhye Direction:

▪️ In the #Orekhov section the AFU attacked in the area of #Kopani and #Novoprokopovka. Meanwhile, the Russian army advanced near #Verbovoye in the direction of #Rabotino. On the #Vremyevka ledge, there is fighting near #Priyutnoye and #Novodonetskoye.

⚡️ The Russian Army has worked on large military and infrastructural objects of 404. In #Kiev, the "geraniums" visited the Darnitsky district, where the lights went out after the strikes. In #Khmelnitsky region, strikes were carried out in the area of #Starokonstantinov airfield. In #Cherkassy region, an ammo depot near #Dubiyevka was liquidated. In addition, Russian missiles flew near #Odessa airport, and a ship repair yard.

An analysis of the method used by Russia to down StormShadow Missiles...
How “flying radars” help shoot down Storm Shadow missiles: analysis of the Military Chronicle

The Ukrainian Armed Forces began using missiles of this type back in May, and it took some time to find an effective countermeasure.

What happened?

On October 30, an air defense crew on duty over Crimea shot down eight Storm Shadow cruise missiles. This is the first mass destruction of missiles of this type, and it is also one of the most remarkable for a number of reasons. The missiles themselves, presumably, as in the first Storm Shadow strike on Lugansk in May 2023, were used in conjunction with ADM-160 MALD decoys, but were detected and shot down at a considerable distance from the target. A few days earlier, S-400 systems shot down several Ukrainian fighters at a range of more than 200 km. How was it possible to hit so many targets?

How was the interception carried out?

Most likely, the Storm Shadow cruise missiles were destroyed by new 40N6 anti-aircraft guided missiles with an active radar seeker. They appeared in 2018 and are capable of intercepting targets at an altitude of up to 35 km and a distance of up to 380 km. However, the air defense crews received target designation, presumably, from the “flying radar” - the A-50U aircraft.

Why do you need a “flying radar” if you have the S-400?

According to the Military Chronicle, the A-50U could detect eight cruise missiles and decoys at an altitude below 1000 m at a distance of more than 200 km, beyond the visibility of the stationary 92N6 radar. The use of a “flying radar” in this case was necessary to increase the chances of hitting the target. The S-400 illumination radar is capable of detecting Storm Shadow missiles at an altitude of 40 m from a distance of no more than 35 km. The A-50U operates at high altitude and can detect targets such as Storm Shadow at a range of 150-200 km.

Another combat scenario for the defeat of Storm Shadow: the coordinates of the approaching Storm Shadow were loaded in advance into the inertial navigation systems of anti-aircraft missiles. After this, new 48N6DM or 9M96DM missiles were launched towards the targets and hit eight Storm Shadow missiles outside the range of the ground radar.

Why is such an interception scheme needed?

This method makes it possible to hit cruise missiles long before they enter the final phase of their flight. This approach is safer than hitting targets closely because it allows more time for detection, preparation and destruction. However, this scheme is fully revealed when Ukrainian fighters are destroyed.

The radiation warning stations installed on the Ukrainian MiG-29A, Su-27 and Su-24MR do not warn the pilot about the approach of anti-aircraft missiles in advance, since there is no radiation from the ground radar. The on-board security system is triggered after the target has been captured by the anti-aircraft missile's seeker. With this scheme, the APU pilot has only a few seconds left for an anti-missile maneuver, the chances of successful completion of which are extremely low: 40V6MD and 9M96DM missiles can maneuver with an overload of more than 30 G, which practically eliminates their disruption from the trajectory.

Those pesky Russians!


Ukrainian Commander Discusses Why AFU Is Losing

Strategically, Ukraine is losing the war because of the inadequate perception of the situation by society, and the media are totally lying to Ukrainians that Russians do not know how to engage, - says the commander of the 3rd assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Kukharchuk

From his interview:

— At the beginning of the war, all Ukrainians were ready to defend the country, there were many volunteers. But after the withdrawal of Russian troops from Kiev, the situation changed, everyone began to forget about the war

— Immediately after that, I noticed that theses appeared in the media that we are fighting with homeless people, that the Russian army does not know how to fight, that in principle victory will be in a week or two, a maximum of a month. That first in spring, then in summer, then in autumn, then in winter, without specifying which winter, we will enter the Crimea. That victory is in principle inevitable. Thus, people were put in a warm bath. But this is not so, there will be no victory for us," Kukharchuk believes.

— He says that Russians are "getting stronger" every day, and if Ukraine really fought with the "degenerates", it would have defeated them long ago.

447056880 #
To add insult to injury.
There are now 4 cases of Leopard 2 vs T90 and T72.
First encounter Leopard dies from APDS
Second encounter Leopard dies from barrel launched ATGM, finnished off with APDS
Third encounter, Leopard hits Russian T90 blowing up a smoke dispenser. The T90 drives away with minor damages
Fourth encounter (Avdeevka last 48 hours), Russian T72 kills Leopard with one shot to the front. Crew survives but the tank not so much.

Apart from the reverse speed and possibility to use longer projectiles, do westoid tanks actually offer any material or substantive advantage over the Russian ones?
Regarding projectile length, we see that Russian projectiles are good enough to punch through even the front armor of a Leopard 2A5, and the barrel launched ATGM as well, so it might not be that important.

"The Yemeni army announced to the whole world that it declared war on Israel:
As Yemen Armed Forces, in accordance with our moral, humanitarian and religious responsibility and at the request of the Yemeni people; We extend a helping hand to the oppressed people of Gaza"
Yemen joins war against Israel

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