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While I give a probability of more than zero on's not much more. I still look for evidence of "extra dimensions..." I have found none.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·

There's a start, he has numerous more stories, if you want something that corroborates the book of Enoch/epic of Gilgamesh and the Sumerian Gods story and the flood look up mudfossil university, I made a playlist of the few videos I consumed in the order I watched them here:
Hes a material scientist, I think you'll enjoy the mind boggling revelations if you haven't already discovered him, I certainly did, and I'm curious what you think of the Mr Ballen stories in relation to crop circles once you watched those videos. Btw this was by far the most persuasive article debunking the nonsense of flat earth to date, and I now have to look into the NASA link you brought up, if you have anything to share regarding that I'll appreciate it.

  ·  last year  ·  

Have you listened to Mr Ballen? He has some very compelling stories..

Cannot say I have, and I have heard compelling stories, but I seek evidence. Not just hearsay. Just saying.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

These are corroborated by law enforcement and various witnesses, even scientists along with pictures and various evidence, furthermore some of these stories have recurring details and none seem as contrived simply for fame, most of the people loose their homes not just their peace of mind.