Over 3000 dead civilians found in Mariupol thus far!

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Russia Found Over 3,000 Killed Civilians In Mariupol After Taking Control Over The City

The Russian Investigative Committee has reported that over 3,000 civilians were killed in Mariupol after Russian forces entered the city.

The Russian Investigative Committee has reported that over 3,000 civilians were killed in Mariupol after Russian forces entered the city, as per a report by Sputnik news. The committee claims that Ukrainian military forces "artificially created obstacles for evacuation" of citizens, leaving them unable to leave the city and vulnerable to attack by Ukrainian forces. "Unable to leave the city and moving in search of food, civilians became a living target for Ukrainian punishers who killed them with various types of weapons," said the Russian Investigative Committee.

The Russian Investigative Committee reported that 51 bodies of civilians were discovered in April at positions abandoned by Ukraine's troops, and after completing the examination of the city, the number of casualties rose to more than 3,000. The Russian investigators have proposed the creation of a DNA database to help identify the victims, as many have yet to be identified. In addition, the Russian Investigative Committee has initiated a criminal case against several Ukrainian military leaders, including Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, and Gen. Oleksandr Pavlyuk, the commander of the operations of Ukraine's joint forces.


Here's testimonials, confessions and even videos corroborating this:

Residents of Mariupol tell their truth about the way they were treated by the Ukrainian soldiers

What’s happened to Mariupol drama theater?
Machine translation: ‘They began gathering people to get the theatre evacuated. So, they assembled them in lines. We saw it with our own eyes. While climbing the mound, the tank fired 3 or 4 times’. The local resident describes how the theatre building was fired from the tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Residents of Mariupol, injured by the "Azov" battalion
"If it weren't for these *** from Azov*, the city would be OK. I saw these crazy idiots myself..."
Local residents of Mariupol say that the fighters of the nationalist battalion shot people and threw them into basements.

Mariupol, Ukraine: Civilians discuss Azov firing up on civilians

🇺🇦 Mass grave in Mariupol. 02.06.22
A mass grave was found in Mariupol, where three hundred people lay. There and in the freezing room Azov Nazis stored about 300 bodies of soldiers & civilians killed by them.
💥Russia: human experimentation in biological laboratories in Ukraine - Biden, CDC & George Soros

Azov Brain Rot (2022) exclusive footage by captured Azov militants who surrendered in Mariupol
On August 14, the "Azov Brain Rot" documentary premiered. The film features exclusive footage and eyewitness accounts, as well as filmed testimonials by captured Azov militants and foreign mercenaries who surrendered in Mariupol. In addition, the film contains expert commentary and accounts of the civilians who were tortured and humiliated by neo-Nazis.
The documentary elaborates on the ideology of nationalist battalions as well as their neo-pagan beliefs and the widespread use of Nazi symbols.
The film’s creator, journalist, and television host Marina Kim visited the detention facilities where Azov members were being held captive in Yelenovka (DPR), days before the Ukrainian Army attack using a HIMARS multiple rocket launcher. The attack killed more than 50 prisoners of war.

Volyna Nearly Brought To Tears Watching Vids Of Mariupol Residents Suffering - He Apologizes To Them
‼️ Captive "Volyn" apologized to the residents of Donbass
The commander of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Sergei Volynsky, who was captured at the Azovstal plant in Mariupol, apologized to the residents of Donbass on behalf of all military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"At the edge of the abyss" - The battle for Mariupol through the eyes of an eyewitness (DOCUMENTARY)
"At the edge of the abyss" - The battle for Mariupol through the eyes of an eyewitness (FILM FRAGMENTS)22 Jul 2022 at 8:37 amRealdoc“When will you finally show your film about Mariupol?” you are constantly wondering.Don't worry - the painstaking work on the painting is going on non-stop, and we want to make it on a qualitatively new level. We have already shoveled more than three terabytes of footage shot in 4K, edited a nine-hour rough “fish”, and came to the conclusion that this is not a movie, but a whole three-part series.
In the meantime, we have compiled, especially for you, a short cut from several bright episodes of the film. As part of the battle for Mariupol, two buildings taken are an instant.
We offer to look at it through the eyes of the attack aircraft of the "Somalia" battalion and find out the price of each such moment. Here and now you will see the war as it is. And you will understand why the Russians were really expected in Mariupol.

Sergeant of "Azov" regiment He tells how they killed civilians in Mariupol.

Ukroid Admits Mariupol Tactic Was: Use Civilians As Shields And Never Let Them Leave
"and statements like this, basically openly admitting that orders to use Mariupol civilians as a human shield came from high command. Do you really think Zelensky and his Western masters wanted such statements from Azov militants heard in open court covered by world press?"

DPR Man Shows Where & How He Was Tortured By Azov Nazi's In Mariupol
“One wire was connected to the leg, and the second wire was poked into the body”: a DPR supporter from Mariupol shows the room where he was tortured by Azov soldiers.

Teacher from Mariupol on how Ukrainian schoolchildren and students were being brainwashed.
‘They were meant to conclude that the Russians are aggressive monsters.


Because no MSM will show you this, here is 50,000 tons of burned by the Ukrainians grain in Mariupol

Former SBU officer gives a tour of Mariupol airport and its secret prisons (Eng subs)
Machine translation: SECRET SBU PRISONS IN MARIUPOLFormer SBU lieutenant Colonel Vasily Prozorov took a video tour of the airport of Mariupol, including the premises of a secret prison in which supporters of the DPR and militia were held in 2014-2015.
The secret prison for "separatists" was located on the right side of the terminal. There was an entrance to the restaurant premises. The restaurant itself was located on the 2nd floor of the terminal, and on the 1st floor there were cold rooms for products that were used as cells.

POW on how Mariupol was handed over to Azov militants
Machine translation: A Ukrainian soldier who surrendered on how Mariupol was handed to the Azovs only to be torn apart

The neo-Nazis entrenched in the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, DPR opened fire on civilians
The Ukrainian neo-Nazis entrenched in the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, DPR (Donetsk People's Republic) fired at civilians walking along it a few minutes after the opening of the "green corridor" a few months ago.

Mariupol Theater drama (Eng subs)
In March of this year, the Ukrainian media began to accuse Russia of deliberately launching an airstrike on the Mariupol Drama Theater. However, this is yet another provocation organized by the Ukrainian punishers. A huge amount of physical evidence, the conclusions of highly qualified experts, as well as eyewitness accounts show that the theater was destroyed as a result of the detonation of a powerful charge inside the building.

Very Clear View Of Azov Living Quarters In Azovstal Plant, Mariupol

Murder by snipers of their own people to blame Russia.
Independent Italian journalist Vittorio Nicola Rangeloni shot this footage in the vicinity of the embattled Azovstal steel plant.
The witness accounts paint a completely different picture than what the Western media would have you believe

TERROR VIDEO from the beach of Mariupol
Ruthless Ukrainian Nazis and their Western leaders
The Russians are clearing the coast of Mariupol from mines.
The mining density is very high, as the Nazis had filled the beach with Ma mines!
They wanted to kill as many civilians as they could! Even if by any chance they could go for a bath after all that has happened!

Citizens of MARIUPOL - WAR in Ukraine Documentary (English subtitles)

Nursing home evacuated in Mariupol after alleged Ukrainian shelling
No food, water, or electricity. This is the current situation of 39 elderly people who were evacuated from the village of Blagodatnoye near Donetsk to Mariupol, after alleged shelling by Ukrainian forces of the care home they were living in. RT visited the current home and brought humanitarian aid to those living under harsh conditions.

Texan in the Donbass
‘Ukraine has real fascism.’ These are the words of Russell Bentley from Texas. He’s been working as a volunteer in Donbas for eight years. Look at what happened this spring in Mariupol through his eyes.

Azov regiment's former Mariupol headquarters walk-through
Another footage from the main base of the Nazi Azov Battalion which had its headquarters in Mariupol

During the Mariupol offensive, DPR army found Azov traps on top of the buildings and targeted them
Machine translation: Unique combat footage of Azov hunt: militants prepared a trap for Russian and DNR forces
The Nazis organized a powerful defense, camouflaged on the roofs of multi-story buildings in Mariupol PTU guns, which could bring terrible damage to the troops of Russia and the Donbass.
But fighters of the internal troops of the DNR Interior Ministry, identified the fighters with drones, including those purchased by the readers of Russkaya Vesna during the collection of aid to the front.

Mariupol Nadezhda Leonidovna Kharchenko, 74 years old, tells how she and her son were wounded
— What happened next?
— The Guys, DPR, they were on duty nearby. When they saw me, there were two of them. One shouted – Timokha. Apparently, a medical worker. He came running, put me on the ground and gave me an injection, bandaged me. They caught a hitchhiking car and took me to Vinogradnoye.

Fighting for Mariupol : Surviving Residents
‘They [ukrainian military] wouldn’t let us out! Snipers shot at us. They didn’t even let us have anything to eat!’ After the liberation of Mariupol by the Donbass and Russian military, residents tell how they survived.

A citizen of Mariupol, Irina Podoruyeva, shot at by Azov sniper
A citizen of Mariupol, Irina Podoruyeva, tells she ran from the shots of a sniper who shot at her when she went to get water:
— When I went to get water, took it and began to drink, I heard and saw branches from the tree falling on me. A Ukrainian army soldier started shooting at me, because there was no Russian army here yet. It was the beginning of March.
I got scared, bent down squatting and started running. He started shooting at me. To drive me away from the well...

Mariupol - mass grave discovery
We have discovered a mass grave (up to 300 people) near the territory of the old cemetery in Mariupol.
Witnesses say that the burial was carried out by the Ukrainian military when Mariupol was under the control of Ukraine.

Graham Phillips - Azov Battalion Truth - Mariupol People Speak!
Residents of Mariupol about Azov battalion

Very informative video. So different to what the lying, filthy and owned by jooos mainstream media dishes out every day.

Andrei Biletsky threatened live on television with a missile attack on the May 9 parade in Mariupol.
The founder of the notorious Azov battalion Andrei Biletsky threatened live on television with a missile attack on the May 9 parade in Mariupol.

Witnesses in Mariupol

Mariupol resident recalls how Azov militants used to threaten him (Eng subs)
Machine translation: In this video, a citizen of Mariupol, Sergey Gaigin, tells militants from "Azov" threatened him:
— He asks me a question - Why don't you serve in the Ukrainian army? Why don't you defend your homeland?
I said that I am a civilian, I work in a factory and I haven't picked up a weapon, and I'm afraid of weapons. He pulls out a gun and starts throwing it from hand to hand and say – Think, think, think what to do. And the second one started singing Ukrainian songs...

Resident of Mariupol blames Zelensky for everything

“Our president has all the dead on his consience”: Residents of Mariupol on Zelensky

A wounded girl from Mariupol tells how the armed forces of Ukraine fired on their civilians in residential areas

Kiev’s ‘heroic defense’ bravado in Mariupol doesn’t fit with accounts of Ukrainian officers https://www.bitchute.com/video/UBbbU61qbpD6/

“You kill me for my money”: A resident of Mariupol speaks about Ukrainian fighters https://www.bitchute.com/video/ULzHnjrFslmP/

Mariupol Children

Unmasking the ideology of the russian captured ukranian prisoners from Mariupol
Nazi elements inside the ukranian army : Swastikas, Satan and Hitler tattoos of the Azov battalion in Mariupol


Mariupol - The War Crime Cars (Deleted by YouTube) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ygfQGgcV8aiX/

A resident of Mariupol talks about the Azovs’ crimes https://www.bitchute.com/video/McoG7P5ZudyK/

👉 Residents of Mariupol speak up
❗️ Testimonies of the civilians from Mariupol will hardly ever be published in Western mainstream media, or shown on Western TV.
Yet, the world must know the truth.
👉 Residents of Mariupol speak up - tell about the inhumane tactics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the atrocities of the #Azov neo-Nazis & their attitude towards the civilian population.
#See4Yourself & #Think4Yourself

Old Woman Rescued By Russian Troops In Mariupol Reveals The Truth

Ukrainian recorded himself committing war crimes when he killed civilians from his APC
Machine translation: Fox (Konstantin Nikitenko) - drove around Mariupol in an armored personnel carrier and shot at people, for fun.He posted his own death sentence in the form of a video on the net.
Civilians can be seen on the start of the video left between the sign and the tree...

Irina Bykova from Mariupol testifies how Ukraine soldiers/Azov Battalion were shooting at civilians
When they tried to leave the city. - Zelinsky 17a... We went to the DPR humanitarian bus. We were (still) on the side where there were Ukrainian residents, on the other side - the DPR (military). Ukraine began to shoot us from machine guns... they began to fire mortars.

Irina Nikolaevna from Mariupol testifies that Ukrainian military are shooting civilians.
Irina Nikolaevna from Mariupol (lives on Shevchenko Boulevard): — From the very beginning, from the first days, we were fired upon from Ukraine (Ukrainian military).

Human Shields: Ukrainian Man Shot in Leg Testifies that Ukraine Army Is Shooting at Civilians
Russian forces come across an old man who said he was shot by Ukrainian soldiers while trying to find water. The wounded civilian crawled to safety. He accused Ukraine's forces of preventing residents from leaving buildings and threatened to shoot them if they did -- in an apparent tactic to create human shields.


Ukrainian marine testifies to shooting a civilian
In this video, the senior sergeant of the 501st battalion of the Marine Infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Anton Cherednik, tells how he shot a civilian of the Vostochny district in Mariupol after the civilian failed the 'pronunciation test' of the Ukrainian word "palyanista"

Captured Ukrainian fighters confess to their crimes against civilians shooting women for refusing https://www.bitchute.com/video/SDkjk5uBeCR1/

Ukrainian Nazi Soldiers Killed Ethnic Russians That Tried To Flee Mariupol Before The Arrival Of RU https://www.bitchute.com/video/AlnVvkkSOyVl/

One cam shows Azov Nazis shooting at apartment buildings with bazookas and disappearing again.

The article goes on to say:

Both sides have been accused of human rights abuses

Accused yes, but there's neither the amount or the type of evidence that Ukrainians have published to show such war crimes.

Reporting by The Associated Press and “Frontline,” recorded in a public database, has independently verified more than 600 incidents that appear to violate the laws of war. Some of those attacks were massacres that killed dozens or hundreds of civilians and as a totality it could account for thousands of individual war crimes.

This reporting focused entirely on Bucha:


The incident that has thoroughly been debunked and exposed:










Question: How will the issue of an international investigation of what happened in Bucha be decided, given that there are opposing statements: was there a provocation or were there war crimes?

Answer: The statements you made are not contradictory. The Ukrainian provocation itself is a war crime, which needs to be investigated. On April 3, in Bucha, the Kyiv regime staged a cynical stunt, accusing Russian servicemen of killing civilians. At the same time, our troops left the city on March 30, and for the entire time they were there, not a single local resident suffered from violent actions. As well as after their departure for four days, until the arrival of the Security Service of Ukraine in Bucha, there was not a single report of mass executions of people.

What the Ukrainians and their Western curators are trying to present as "the atrocities of the Russian military in Bucha" is, of course, staged. We can say this quite accurately for a number of reasons. You have probably seen the analyzes of these stagings, which were cited by the Russian Ministry of Defense, where the poor quality of Western propaganda fakes is quite clearly shown.
Alleged video of Ukrainians editing Bucha massacre propaganda video
Machine translation: And this is how one of the staged videos about the events in Bucha was editedVideo from a captured phone found in the Lysychansk office of the CIPSOThe editor of the fake is dissatisfied with the fact that the bloggers filmed incorrectly, the military laid out the bodies incorrectly, and some of the "corpses" itched during the recording of the fake.

The Ukrainian resource FREEDOM published a video from Bucha, located near Kiev. It shows how the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine drag the bodies of the dead from place to place for subsequent staged shooting.

These Ukrainian soldier tells to the camera how some civilians "lovers of the Russian world" in Kiev Oblast were executed without trial and warns that many more will be murdered.

Bucha - Audible murder as background sound in video from Ukrainian National Guard
Watch the first sentence... and the last.

British merc Andrew Hill debunks "Bucha Massacre" narrative

5/16/2022 The British mercenary Andrew came to fight on the side of Ukraine, but soon laid down his arms and surrendered.

He was one of those who were sent to Bucha after the withdrawal of Russian troops from the city.

According to him, there were no “mountains of corpses” about which all Western and Ukrainian media were trumpeting, and local residents did not talk about any battles:

“It was exactly around April 3-5 - a few days after the Russians left. Personally, I have not seen any corpses, nothing like that. Everything looked untouched

Video from Independent Journalist Sonya van den Ende
BUCHA - "A lot of stories are going on about Boetcha, but facts show, in this video, that the Russians left Bucha on March 30, there were no dead bodies recorded, until April 2, on 2 April Ukrainian forces entered the city and they didn't report any corpses. There were no statements from the authorities as well. All of a sudden reports in Western media stated that a lot of dead bodies occured on the street? At a close inquiry at the bodies , they were wearing the white bandage, a sign which only the Russian army is wearing, so is the Russian army killing its own people?"

  • Sonya van den Ende

Bucha was a False Flag Operation by NATO & AZOV killers


Furthermore this video details exactly the nothingburger that the Bucha report is:

Meanwhile, the looting:


“We are not marauders and did not come here to rob the local population” - foreign volunteers

🇺🇸 An American legionnaire in an interview with the Kyiv Independent complained about the incompetence and recklessness of our command. According to him, the commanders placed over the legionnaires forced foreigners to carry out criminal orders, and sometimes sent them to certain death.

In addition, the volunteer pointed to the name of a certain Alexander Kuchinsky, who "particularly distinguished himself" in commanding units during one of the battles near Nikolaev.

“The Russians discovered our position and started shelling it. We were told to stay here. The rest of the troops retreated from the second line of defense, we were alone in the face of death. A friend from my squad, Scott Sibley, died, three others were seriously injured, ”says an American volunteer, commenting on Kuchinsky’s competence

In addition, many fighters have already expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that Ukrainian commanders forced them to engage in looting. The Brazilian officer, before terminating the contract with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said that the volunteers “came to help these people fight for this country against the occupiers. Not to rob."

According to the legionnaire, Kuchinsky not only sent foreigners to their deaths, but also forced them to rob shops. The Kyiv Independent published a video confirming the words of the Brazilian.


Like the war crimes of fighting from behind civilians:

Ukrainians hide in a school and fire an RPG with a smoke device taped to it
No idea what they're trying to accomplish... other than blow themselves up.

AFU Practices Combat Maneuvers In School

Ukrainians are transferring reinforcements to the Kherson front using school buses

Ukrainian army "kids" playing in a school gym

Ukrainians hiding in another school with lots of cellphone usage... recipe for a disaster

Ukrainian military is hiding in another school in Donbass

Another war crime as Ukrainians occupy another school

Don't tell Amnesty International but Ukrainian armed forces found another school to hide in

Ukrainian army just loves hiding in school gyms... which is a war crime

Another proof that Amnesty report was correct: Ukrainians hide in a school

Ukraine soldiers inside a children's school

Cannon fodder hides in a school and one of them is absolutely terrified of shelling

AF Ukraine uses school as a barrack... the same moment becomes a legitimate military target

The Russians are shelling a school... um...From a school the Russians are fired at

Ukrainians in a school gym practice some mall cop-tier gun drills


Rounds keep cooking off in the aftermath of a strike on a Ukrainian stronghold.. a school
Machine translation: We received a video filmed in the first minutes after the strike on the Lisichansk gymnasium. The video shows that the educational institution was used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the background you can hear the detonation of ammunition that was in the building

Ukrainian fireteam in action... looks like they're fighting from within a school
These guys just love destroying schools! Must be some latent hate due to bad grades when they attended school or something.

Ukrainians are again hiding in a school and committing a war crime


Ukrainian troops hiding in their favorite place: a grade school

WAR CRIME: Ukrainians hide in their favorite spot: a school

Chechens found a large cache of weapons in a village school
Machine translation: A video of a cache of weapons and ammunition that the Ukrainian armed forces placed in a school in the village of Toshkovka in LNR was published by Chechen leader R. Kadyrov.

Ukrainians fighting out of a school somewhere in Luhansk
Machine translation:Video shows Ukrainians somewhere in LNR, fighting out of a school. Using it as a fortification. It’s unknown where or when this footage was shot, the footage just came out in recent hours.

A BTR outside is on fire, likely people’s militia vehicle. Ukrops have been pushed into the outskirts of the cities they previously fully controlled and this continues to be the trend with each new town under attack

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) under fire again. This time in a school

Ukrainian officer hides in a school and goes on a recon and then...
5/20/2022 Machine translation: officer in another occupied school in Donbass went on reconnaissance and then...
That is why it is bad to hide in schools,they become targets and🇺🇦will cry to the west mainstream media that🇷🇺bombs schools.
You can show this video to anyone who watch west mainstream media

Ukrainian troops hiding in a high school gym
5/14/2022 They never learn. Also, this is a war crime.

Ukrainian Foreign Legion merc sniper has taken position in a school
Machine translation:Ukraine. A Georgian teacher is waiting for his pupils for a lesson.In the frame is a new Belgian FN SCAR-L Mk2 assault rifle in 5.56x45 mm caliber with ACOG telescopic sight.

ukraine slavic neo nazis use schools and hospitals and their base and then cry oy vey

Ukraine: Young Ukrianian soldiers using school as a base

🔴Direct evidence of Ukrainian forces using residential buildings as firing points!

Plus the various videos the Ukrainians themselves published executing dozens of prisoners of war, much like the above evidence of using civilians as shields as they fight from behind them, has been entirely one sided, and this while the Ukrainians have killed thousands of civilians bombing them:

A comprehensive timeline on how Kiev regime has been killing Donbass pro-Russia people

Western medias and politicians want to have you believe that 'the Evil Putin' has invaded Ukraine for no reason at the beginning of 2022, but of course it's a lie. It's a bit as when someone punch you in the face in the street and then starts to film you when you punch back, and later it's his video that is used in all the medias so you are accused to have started the fight.But in reality, since 2014, the anti-Russia regime of Kiev (financed by the US militaro-industrial complex always happy to start new wars to sell their weapons and make big profits) started to kill Ukrainian civilians who are pro-Russia in the Donbass, killing thousands of them and injuring thousands more.It's only after 8 years of such massacres against pro-Russia Ukrainians that Putin decided it was time to intervene to protect those populations, by allowing them, as they requested by referendum, to become part of Russia, which Russians also accepted by referendum. So, now that they have become part of Russia, those former Ukraine regions are protected by Russia and as long as the West will not recognize that, lots of Ukrainians are going to die for nothing because Donbass (and Crimea) will never return to Ukraine. Russia and his allies (especially China and several petro monarchies) has the means necessary to keep it.

That video details the massacres from 2022, and features various previous massacres. These are in contrast with the hundreds of thousands of tons of Humanitarian Aid which Russia has brought:

Russian Humanitarian Aid To Lugansk Is Never-Ending
📦 Footage of more than 30 tonnes of humanitarian aid delivered by Central MD's servicemen to residents of remote areas of Lisichansk, Lugansk People's Republic
💬 Locals told that Ukrainian authorities and armed forces had been destroying the city's infrastructure: power plants, water and heating facilities for months.

Russians of the "O" Group deliver humanitarian aid and talk to Donbass locals
Machine translation: While retreating, Ukrainian military units leveled abandoned settlements to the ground, shelling residential areas, schools, hospitals, and kindergartens with artillery. The Russian military noted that most of the social infrastructure buildings were mined and still pose a danger to civilians gradually returning home after the arrival of allied forces. While fleeing, Ukrainian troops destroyed the only Orthodox church, which had previously drawn parishioners including those from neighboring communities where there were no churches

Russians of the "O" group deliver humanitarian aid to newly liberated village
Machine translation: Soldiers of the group "🅾️" delivered more than 150 tons of aid to the residents of the recently liberated village of Novotoshkovskoye

Locals thanked the Russian military and said that during the entire time the Ukrainian side only once delivered food, simply throwing it out of the truck on the ground. In total, during the special military operation, servicemen of the Central Military District delivered more than 150 tons of food kits to the residents of Donbass.

Russian Forces Continue To Provide Humanitarian Aid To Civilians All Over New Russia (ex-Ukraine)
Our fighters never forget about helping local residents. Humanitarian actions are necessarily carried out in all the liberated territories. Caring for the civilian population is one of the priorities of the Russian Army. At the next humanitarian action, a resident of one of the Donbass villages expresses her deep gratitude to our fighters.
#exclusive from the front.

Russian servicemen have organised the distribution of humanitarian aid to the residents of liberated Krasnyi Liman

Russian military delivered aid to residents of Kharkiv region
The brave ones delivered food kits, as well as basic necessities for civilians. First of all, families with young children, large families and people of advanced age are provided.

Russian servicemen deliver more than 20 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Izyum, Kharkov Region
Bricks, plaster, planks, nails and other building materials were brought to the city to restore the Voznesenskyi Cathedral, which was damaged as a result of artillery shelling by the Ukrainian armed forces. The locals thanked the Russian servicemen for their help and have already started the restoration.

Russian humanitarian workers brought animal feed to Melitopol.
Singer Chicherina provided support to the shelters, @rian_ru reports. "I have great respect for people who, in such difficult times, do not forget about our younger brothers," she told reporters.

Russian military hands out humanitarian aid to a village near Kharkov

Russian soldiers distribute humanitarian aid and food to civilians in one of the shopping centers of the port city of Mariupol

Servicemen of the People's Militia of the DPR not only provide humanitarian assistance to civilians, but also rescue domestic animals, which, due to hostilities, were deprived of care and care in the destroyed cities.

Humanitarian aid for residents of the Novoazovsky district
The People's Militia of the DPR, together with volunteers from the Moscow region, delivered food and hygiene products, medicines and medical supplies to victims of hostilities in the Novoazovsky district. The cargo was delivered to Novoazovsk, where it will be distributed among the residents.

Russian servicemen delivered humanitarian aid to one of the settlements in the liberated LPR territory.
Women with children, elderly people and refugees were the first to receive aid from Russia.

Russian servicemen and Cossacks deliver 55 tonnes of humanitarian aid to residents of Zaporozhye region.

Russian servicemen delivered 40 tons of humanitarian aid to residents of the Kharkov region


Russian Central Military District Servicemen Provide Humanitarian Aid & Water To Lisichansk People
📦 Central MD servicemen provide humanitarian aid to residents of Lisichansk, Lugansk People's Republic
◽️ Personnel of Humanitarian Aid Coordination Centre, in co-operation with military police units, have organised targeted delivery of alimentary goods to Lisichansk. The distribution point was protected by military police units. Military motor tankers operated in the city to deliver drinking water several times a day.

Russians distribute aid to a village that's under a constant shelling
Machine translation: The village of Studenok in Izyum district is under constant shelling from Ukrainian artillery.
In spite of this, there are still civilians in the village who wait for the end of hostilities and try to manage their households.
Our correspondent visited the home of one of the residents along with volunteers from the 60th Independent Motorized Rifle Battalion, who delivered humanitarian aid.

Russian 🅾️ Group Feeds Schools In Lugansk With Tons Of Aid - While AFU Only Bombs Them
‼️🇬🇧 "🅾️tvazhnye" helped pupils of the Lutuginsky boarding school
The Russian military handed over to the school administration about a ton of food, as well as office supplies, preparing the children for September 1st. Humanitarian assistance will be provided to about 300 pupils who lost their parents as a result of hostilities in the Donbas.

More Than 100 Tons Of Humanitarian Aid Delivered By "O" Group To Lisichansk
🇬🇧More than 100 tons of humanitarian aid "🅾️tvazhnye" delivered for the residents of Lisichansk after the liberation of the city
The fighters of the "O" group carry out humanitarian actions on the distribution of food packages to the townspeople every day, because not only the "Brave", but also the "Responsive".#exclusive from the front

Russian Forces Provide More Humanitarian Aid And Water Truck To Liberated Territories

Chechens Provide Humanitarian Aid To Donbass

Zaporozhye region civilians line up to get Z-aid
I like the logo to imprint into their brain who helps them. Khakhols persecute the ones who agree to accept aid, even when starving.


Watch the excellent reportage by TFI regarding the article:

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