It's Ovyr: Worst Dooming Thus Far - TIME Magazine's NaZelensky And Crew Interview; Bakhmut Buildup; Ammunition Essential Running Out; Wagner Returns; Aid Is Being Split Up and Much More Dooming

in blurt •  11 months ago 

NYT Are Aluding To Russian Propaganda Narratives:

The Ukrainians are taking heavy casualties, too; one soldier described how only six soldiers from his unit of more than 50 remained uninjured after the first days of fighting.

Syrskyi Worried About Encircling Too Many Russians In Bakhmut:

He probably didn't read the Time's Article where they admit that the problem isn't lack of equipment, but lack of personnel, something he might be able to help them with:

The Bakhmut Offensive Which Was Supposed To Sap The Russians Offensive Capabilities, Threatens To Repeat In Avdeevka, As The Meatgrinder Of Russia Narrative Is Resurrected:

After Depleting The Stockpiles We Find Out The Resources Can't Be Printed Into Existence:

Russian Orcs Smash:

Russian Coup Not Even Worth Mentioning, Wonder Why:

Dooming Mode Activated:

Possibly The Worst Dooming Ever:


The End Is Nigh:

Illegal Russian CounterCounterOffensive Should Be Sanctioned:

Dumped By NetInYahoo:

Just Sanction Harder:

May They Be Reunited:

Doom Is Forever:

Satellite images circulating on social media reveal that Russia has rapidly increased its military industry in recent years. The material has been highlighted, among others, by Anton Herashchenko , advisor to the Minister of the Interior of Ukraine .
The material compiled into a video presents satellite images of the expansion of Russian arms factories in three different places: Kazan in southwestern Russia, Irkutsk in southern Siberia, and Dubno in the Moscow region.
Western countries are slow to react
Russia has been able to increase its missile production. It has been able to increase the production of artillery ammunition and to increase tank repair activities, Toveri describes.
At the same time, according to Toveri, Western countries have been remarkably slow to react to the changed security political situation.
I would like things to be done a little bit faster in the West as well, he says.





Zelensky Is Popular For All The Wrong Reasons:



How It Started:



He Is Immortal:

Forces Of Light:

AKA Why:

Why is Ukraine building the largest military cemetery on the face of the Earth?

Why does Ukraine have ten times as many amputees as the US did in Vietnam?

Why does the average Ukrainian personally know 3 people killed in the war?

Why did a Ukrainian major general say multiple times that they have hundreds of thousands of dead?

Why is the Ukrainian Rada legalizing the conscription of those with episodic and motor disorders, central nervous system disorders, mild mental retardation, HIV, tuberculosis, and blood disorders?

Why does Ukraine have thousands of women in front line non-support roles?

Why did the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister say they had 1300 IFVs 400 tanks and 700 artillery systems destroyed in June 2022 when oryx claimed only 132, 200, and 70 destroyed or damaged? Why the 600% difference?

It's Ovyr: Qiiv "No Longer Taking Bites" From RU Territory; EU Dumps Queef? Queef Aid Split From Israel? Ukrainian Protest For Demobilization; NYT: Ukrainian Protests Tens Of Thousands MIA and POW; Russian Drone Production Unmatched and Much More

It's Ovyr: "Running Out Of People", "Struggle To Cope"; "Counteroffensive Has Largely Failed"; Best Korea BTFO NATO Shell Delivery, "Very Little Progress, No Longer Advancing"; Russian Lancet AI, Avdeevka And Opitne Progress and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: "Running Out Of People", "Struggle To Cope"; "Counteroffensive Has Largely Failed"; Best Korea BTFO NATO Shell Delivery, "Very Little Progress, No Longer Advancing"; Russian Lancet AI, Avdeevka And Opitne Progress and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Leopards Burn; Deep Fakes Backfire; Military Industrial Spending Good For Economy; New Speaker Graded F On Ukrainian; Arestovich: Avdeevka Will Fall; Doominghard, RU Advances and Much More

It's Ovyr: They Fear Trump; "War Depleted NATO Stockpiles"; "Russians Surpass Us In Everything But Spirit"; "Ammo Is Running Out, Russians Surrounding Us"; "Warehouses Are Empty Worldwide" and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Avdeevka Waste Heap Captured; Naze-Lensky Will Do Everything For World's Attention; More Russian Drones, Ukraine’s Demographic Disaster; Doominghard and Much More

It's Ovyr: Germany Cuts Aid While Sen. Cotton And Scott Snub Biden's Aid Proposal; Agent Z Needs 500m-1km A Day; Human Wave Attacks Upgraded; Doom On, Russian Progress and Much More

It's Ovyr: "Ukraine Out Of Time" - Newsweek; "ATACMS Gamble" - Responsible Statecraft; Russian Sappers Are Go; UA Drone Shortages, Russian Advances and Much More

It's Ovyr: New Ivan Katchanovsky Interview On Maidan Massacre; US Ammunition Depletion Double-Time; Bored And Malnourished Russians, And Their Advances, Only One Third Humanitarian Aid Accounted For and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Verbove Proob Fails But They Breakthrough At Bryansk; Russia Will Survive Defeat - Politico; Israel Damns Kivv & Sponsors; Russian Advances Continue, And The Dooming On Too and Much More

It's Ovyr: In Case You've Forgot; Russians Advance; Reisner: Objectively The Counter-Offensive Failed; Agent Z Rejected By NetInYahoo; Arestovich: Counter-Offensive A Disaster and Much More Dooming

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