It's Ovyr: ”Maidan 3”; "1 Million Shells A Day"; "West Biggest Obstacle To Ukraine Peace"; "RU Superior In Everything", Especially Trenches; "Counter-Offensive Is Ovyr"; "New Definition Of Winning"; Avdeevka Progress, DoomingHard and Much More

in blurt •  8 months ago 

Sullivan is Putin Fanboy:

Poland Truckers Are Putinite Idiots:

"A Statement Of Values":

They can't produce a million in 5 years, emptied all stockpiles and 700k to go:


Doom On:

Putin Is Grinning:

Zelensky Isn't:

When You Are The Most Propagandized Country:

NATO Fumes:

First It Was Mines, Then Alligators, Then Drones, Then Bushes, Then "The Russians Are Cheating By Counterattacking", Now It's China:

He Said Almost Two Months Ago That By Next Year They'll Liberate 3 Cities: (secret plan)

Russian Trenches Superior, Along With Everything Else - Russian Ready For This Style Of War, Ukraine Not So Much:

The day dawns covered by fog in Ocheretine, the best protection against Russian air dominance.

The area is controlled at all times by Russian drones.

The problem is that the enemy has already accessed a three kilometer section of the train line. “

in one day we can take and lose three times each the positions there, the fighting is 30 meters ”, explains Ivan, “ they don't stop coming, in platoons of 10 to 15 men. They do not stop assaulting us ”. The casualties on the Russian side are innumerable, says Ivan, but on the Ukrainian side they are also very high: he himself has lost his entire platoon, 17 companions, between dead and imprisoned by the enemy.

The bulk of the 47th Mechanized Brigade was transferred to Avdiivka in mid-October, when the current Russian offensive to conquer this city began. Ivan and his men previously participated in the failed Ukrainian summer counteroffensive, on the Zaporiyia front. The 47th Brigade suffered the most in the first three months of the counteroffensive, when Kiev opted for an assault strategy with large columns of armor. Russian minefields and fortified defenses slowed progress, and enemy artillery and bomb drones easily destroyed vehicles and troops.
Military sources on the Zaporiyia front they assured this newspaper last September that the 47th lost more than 30% of its soldiers, about 2,000 of its 5,000 components. Iván claims that he saw 16 of his companions die.But emotionally it is worse in Avdiivka ”, he adds, “ because defending is morally harder than attacking, you have to pray, sheltered in the trench for four days, the time the relays last, so that his artillery does not kill you, and then resist assault and another assault by the infantry ”.

Ivan shakes his head from side to side, in disapproval: less in the formation of the troops, he says, the Russians are superior in everything and, in addition, they have resources of leftovers. “ If they take the train tracks, they will send the armor again, and if 10 vehicles leave from their second line, our artillery will hit them, yes, but four will pass and reach their destination ”.

Ivan understood in Zaporiyia the main difference between the armies of Kiev and Moscow: his squad surrounded a Russian position defended by professional soldiers from an airborne division. They ran out of ammunition and were urged them to surrender repeatedly, according to their account. The enemies blew themselves up with grenades: “ I don't know of any Ukrainians who have done this. They have another conception of life: the Russians are more prepared for war and to die ”.

The mist recedes in Ocheretine and the nerves appear among the soldiers of the 110th Mechanized Separated Brigade. The troops are sheltered in shelters underground and vehicles are located among the trees pick-up with large caliber machine guns to shoot down the drones that will soon arrive. Seth, code name of an infantry company commander, corroborates what experts and other officers consulted on the Avdiivka front indicate: One of the biggest changes in the war has been the Russian leap forward in drone technology and production. This air superiority over the defending army is overwhelming, military men like Seth point out. The most cited models are the same: Orlan reconnaissance drones observe everything three kilometers high; These identify the target and in minutes the Lancet pump drones arrive. Seth also stresses that they have verified an increase in the enemy of Zoopark radars, which detect the coordinates of the artillery pieces by their sound waves.

“ It's like in Bajmut, they go crazy, like zombies, because they want to take Avdiivka at any cost”, second Alexander, commander of a unit that operates an American Paladin howitzer in the 47th Brigade. Alexander refers to the battle of Bajmut, which lasted nine months and ended with the Ukrainian defeat, and with the city devastated. As in Bajmut, Alexander indicates, there have been days in Avdiivka that between the two armies added 300 drones in the sky. The main difference, he warns, is that his Paladin does not have enough ammunition: if in April in Bajmut, and in summer in Orijiv — on the Zaporiyia front —, they fired between 100 and 150 shells a day, in Avdiivka they can fire 15 shells, 10 times less. Not only this: according to this military veteran, from being used so much, the howitzers lose precision. His Paladin had a seven-meter margin of error on the target in the summer and is now 70 meters._

Ammunition inferiority

The lack of ammunition for artillery has been confirmed by the Government and by Zaluzhni himself, that in an essay published by The Economist he believed that his troops would not have a sufficient arsenal to go on the attack in at least a year. Its NATO allies have remained largely without projectile reserves and the western military industry will not be fully operational to arm their countries and Ukraine until the end of 2024, according to estimates by Zaluzhni and American and European defense analysis centers.

Lack of ammunition would also explain one of Russia's greatest advantages in the war, according to Roman, commander of a mortar unit of the 110th Ukrainian Separated Brigade: its trenches. “ The Russians give us many laps in trench engineering”, says Ivan, who agrees with other military personnel consulted this fall on the various Donetsk fronts: ” The Russians advance 300 or 500 meters and dig, advance 300 meters and dig and dig again. Trenches deeper and safer than ours. They gain ground and secure it. When we gain a position from him we are happy because we are safer than ours”.

Roman replies that this Russian ability to lift trenches is because they do not have enough ammunition to prevent it. According to his calculations, if at the beginning of the war his mortars could fire one for every three shells from the enemy, now the difference is one to eight. “ Nor can we operate for long because air strikes are constant ”, adds this military man.

Zaluzhni detailed in his report for The Economist that the conflict had entered a new phase, that of positional warfare, in which the great maneuvers and rapid advances had been left behind. Now deterrent fire and infantry assaults would predominate to specific positions. To do this, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces asked his international allies for the most advanced technology to take air control, with drones and electromagnetic wave weapons against the enemy's unmanned vehicles. Zaluzhni's brief was disavowed by the president, Volodímir Zelenski. It was shaken by his pessimism for the Ukrainian population and for the international community, but not for his soldiers, Ivan says: “ Nothing that counted is new to us. It was a message to our partners abroad, to warn that the situation is this ”.

  • The whole plan of the big counteroffensive was based on simple things: a Muscovite sees "Bradley", "Leopard" - and runs away. All. "Guys, you're going to wind them up there!" But there is no active defense on "Bradley"! "And [it's not] so good." And the tankers never fired from the "Leopard"! "Don't you know, they worked on the T-72!" This is despite the fact that all the boys were fucked up, I just fell in love with our tankers.
  • And the situation was quite simple: ATGMs in every landing. The Russians knew our routes of advance, and everything flew along these routes - the 152nd, 120th, and "Hradi"... And here you go, and where will you maneuver? Only back and forth because everything else is mined.
  • Once an officer I knew called me and said: "Well, come on, recover. There will be a counteroffensive next year, too." And I tell him: "I don't have enough legs for the next counterattack." - "We have to reach the Crimea!" - "I don't mind, but I really don't have enough limbs..." Storming the Russians' prepared positions head-on once again is not the best idea. I really hope that after what happened, they drew conclusions... An offensive is always a loss. But still, we wanted better interaction between the branches of the military, so that we had aviation, so that we were not afraid of helicopters, so that we had means against it. I really want there to be personnel conclusions.
  • Will I return to defend Ukraine? So. In what condition, in what position - I am not ready to answer. Because, apparently, it will no longer be possible to storm the landings.

Purge For Success:

Too Bad You Can't Purge Everything:


As Long As It Took:

As Long As It Takes:

If You Give Zaluzhny 300 Tanks, 500 Howitzers and 6-700 IFVs, version 2.0:

Exposed As Hypocrites, Supporting Israel Breaks Ukraine Narrative As Propagandandists Panic:

Damage Control Propagandandists Panic As Feeble Russia Narrative Backfired:

More Dooming And "Adjusting" The Cope:

They Seethe It's Ovyr:

"Is Russia Winning?" New Messaging Dropped:

NATO Simulates Getting Proobed By Russia:

The New Cope, The War Has Barely Even Started, No It's Not Ovyr:

"Both Sides Struggle" - Yes My Sides:

Country 404 Gets Strung Along, Que Looney Tunes Theme:

"Reached A Dead End" - Dooming Is Contagious:

Over the past two months, the hopes of Ukraine and its Western partners have shattered against the hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers and millions of mines that stretch across the line of contact from Kupiansk in the north to Robotyne in the south.

In the age of drones and AI, it is the most painful of ironies that old-fashioned Soviet tactics are now proving decisive.

Two weeks ago, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi admitted that things had reached a 'dead end'. It was a sobering moment.

This year began with so much hope. The Ukrainians had sent the Russians scuttling back over the border in the Kharkiv Oblast region of north-eastern Ukraine. The soldiers on the fronts I reported from were convinced they would win.

Almost a year later, things look bleak.

the situation is dire. The Ukrainians didn't push on as much as they had hoped over the winter of 22/23, which gave the enemy time to build entrenched defensive lines. The Russians dug in.

U.S. officials also claim that the Ukrainians have suffered roughly 70,000 killed and 100,000-120,000 wounded to date and is now losing men at higher levels than ever before.

Since the counter-offensive began, Ukraine has advanced a mere ten miles. It lost 20 per cent of its battlefield weapons in the first two weeks of the operation.

Meanwhile, the Russians are relentless. This industrial land war that we thought would never return to mainland Europe is now largely fought out by artillery — often guided by drones as the 20th meets 21st century on the battlefields of the east — and will be determined, in large part, by whether Ukraine can sustain its rate of fire. The West is shipping in ammunition daily, but Nato stockpiles are depleting while Moscow continues. Officials tell me that Putin has put 20 per cent of his country's economy behind the war effort.

The UK Ministry of Defence estimates Moscow will produce one to two million shells next year. By contrast, Washington says it can produce 336,000.

Then there is their cost. Nato member Estonia can manufacture each artillery shell for £4,000-£4,800.

For Russia, which cares little for paying its labour force properly or giving them any benefits, and anyway has state-owned arms manufacturers, the cost is about £500.

No country in the West with voters to consider can compete with this.

And Russia is not alone. An emerging alliance of rogue states is benefiting Putin, as his bloodthirsty peers in Tehran and Pyongyang have stepped in to help bolster his genocide in Ukraine.

I have lost count of the number of times in Ukraine my positions have been attacked by Iranian Shahed drones, while North Korea is believed to have sent over 300,000 — 500,000 artillery shells ready for use. For their part, U.S. officials argue that much of what they have given was sent to the wrong places.

Ukrainian soldiers on the front agree, telling me equipment was sent from Kyiv to the wrong units — inexperienced brigades who could not effectively use them, while battle-hardened soldiers were left with inadequate equipment.

When Putin launched his all-out invasion of Ukraine in February of last year, those who rushed to volunteer were the best Ukraine had to offer: motivated, tough, smart. Many are now dead.

Now Kyiv must rely on calling people up — which is not always simple. Estimates are that 20,000 men have fled the country since the beginning of the war to avoid being drafted. The reams of conscripts who do fight are often eager and patriotic, but green and often less effective.

As an ex-marine friend of mine remarked to me recently: 'Quantity has a quality all of its own'. It's a phrase mis-attributed to the dictator Joseph Stalin but certainly sums up the Russian approach.

It is bad enough for Kyiv that Washington — and the world — is now diverted by the war between Israel and Hamas.

Every dollar of assistance the White House earmarks for Jerusalem is one fewer dollar for Kyiv. The Ukrainians are terrified that a Donald Trump win in the 2024 election will mean the end of US support. Sources inside the UK government tell me they fear the same. Trump has been ambivalent about Ukraine. 'We don't have ammunition for ourselves' he said in May

I also hear talk of rifts over strategy. The Pentagon advised Kyiv to concentrate its forces to break through in one or two strongholds, rather than spreading thinly as they have done, and it is annoyed at being ignored.

Politically, the cracks are more obvious. In disputes over the Speaker of the House earlier this year, Republicans were able to completely strip billions of dollars in humanitarian and military aid out of the Stopgap Spending Bill, which eventually passed in September without any additional funding for Ukraine.

Back in Europe, things are looking equally gloomy. In November, a Russian prankster released a recording of a phone call with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in which he posed as an African Union official.

'I see there is a lot of fatigue,' the credulous Meloni told him. 'I have to say the truth, from all the sides. We (are) nearing the moment in which everyone understands that we need a way out.'
It was a depressing summation of a lot of what I am hearing from various officials and diplomats of my acquaintance.

The weariness is real. And it is contagious.

Doom At The Queef Central:

”1 Million Shells A Day" (month but funny) Russia Vs NATO:

The Other Resource That's "Running" Out:

New New Narrative Cope:

Maidan 3, Best Maidan Yet:

This Is What "Freedom" Naze-Lensky Fights For:

Black Sea Operations:

New New New Narrative Cont.:

More Doominghard, Deceptive Nice Title And Intro, But GloomyAF If You Actually Read It:

Great Kherson Bridgehead:



The Orient Express: North Korea’s Clandestine Supply Route to Russia

High-resolution imagery collected in recent weeks in the vicinity of Tikhoretsk confirms the rapid expansion of a munitions storage facility here beginning in August 2023 – the same time that North Korea’s shipments from Rajin began. Crucially, these images also appear to show trains delivering the same size and colour of cargo containers as those shipped from North Korea to Russia’s far east.

Beginning in mid-August 2023, high-resolution imagery shows that the ammunition depot has undergone a rapid overhaul, with excavators digging over 100 new munitions pits with earth berms designed to divert the force of a blast in case of an explosion.


New New NPC Copentium:

Aidan Triggered By His Fellow Losers:

50 Year Old S300 Too Fast For Patriot, Which Allegedly Shoots Down Vast Majority Of Hypersonics:

The Rumor That The Foreign Intelligence Was Replaced On His Call Could Be True

Apparently Another Hung Aid Package:

Going Great For Uncle Sam:

Salty Naze-Lensky Says Thank You:

They Live:


AKA Why Propaganda Kills:

AKA Why:

Why is Ukraine building the largest military cemetery on the face of the Earth?

Why does Ukraine have ten times as many amputees as the US did in Vietnam?

Why does the average Ukrainian personally know 3 people killed in the war?

Why did a Ukrainian major general say multiple times that they have hundreds of thousands of dead?

Why is the Ukrainian Rada legalizing the conscription of those with episodic and motor disorders, central nervous system disorders, mild mental retardation, HIV, tuberculosis, and blood disorders?

Why does Ukraine have thousands of women in front line non-support roles?

Why did the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister say they had 1300 IFVs 400 tanks and 700 artillery systems destroyed in June 2022 when oryx claimed only 132, 200, and 70 destroyed or damaged? Why the 600% difference?

It's Ovyr: "Counter-Offensive Stalls"; "Counter-Offensive Failed"; "Counter-Offensive Ovyr"; RU - 1 Million 152mm Rounds A Month; Nord Stream Fiction Saga; "Almost Ran Out Of Money", Distracting, Doominghard, Avdeevka Progress And Much More

[It's Ovyr: Elections Are Ovyr; Child Trafficking Zelenska Is Ovyr; Zaluzhny's Major Is Ovyr; Yermak Stage Shy Is Ovyr; Lancets Are Ovyr-All Supreme; FPV Drone Ovyrmatch And Much More Dooming](

It's Ovyr: "Zaluzhny Helping Russians"; "The Infantry Has Run Out"; "The Ukraine Scam Is Up"; "Taking Away Focus From Ukraine"; "Ukraine Advances Remain Relatively Static"; "Not A Stalemate"; "Starting To Fade" and Much More Doominghard

[It's Ovyr: "Don't Abandon Us" - Queef Begs EU; Zelensky's Aid Separate From Bibi's; "Shell Crisis Will Continue For Queef" - Nauseda; Western Polls Continue Dooming; Russian Advances and Much More](

It's Ovyr: Zaluzhny Needs Everything, Immediately, To Win; Russians Break Shelling Record, Best Korea Delivered 1 Million Shells, Zelensky Frustrated, Meloni Tired, Drone Woes and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Russia Now Number One Military In The World; "Ukraine Won't Win" - Anthony Blinken; "Putin Will Win" - Austin Lloyd; Russian Advances, M777 GG, Zaluzhny On Chopping Block and More Doominghard

It's Ovyr: Worst Dooming Thus Far - TIME Magazine's NaZelensky And Crew Interview; Bakhmut Buildup; Ammunition Essential Running Out; Wagner Returns; Aid Is Being Split Up and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Qiiv "No Longer Taking Bites" From RU Territory; EU Dumps Queef? Queef Aid Split From Israel? Ukrainian Protest For Demobilization; NYT: Ukrainian Protests Tens Of Thousands MIA and POW; Russian Drone Production Unmatched and Much More

It's Ovyr: "Running Out Of People", "Struggle To Cope"; "Counteroffensive Has Largely Failed"; Best Korea BTFO NATO Shell Delivery, "Very Little Progress, No Longer Advancing"; Russian Lancet AI, Avdeevka And Opitne Progress and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: "Running Out Of People", "Struggle To Cope"; "Counteroffensive Has Largely Failed"; Best Korea BTFO NATO Shell Delivery, "Very Little Progress, No Longer Advancing"; Russian Lancet AI, Avdeevka And Opitne Progress and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Leopards Burn; Deep Fakes Backfire; Military Industrial Spending Good For Economy; New Speaker Graded F On Ukrainian; Arestovich: Avdeevka Will Fall; Doominghard, RU Advances and Much More

It's Ovyr: They Fear Trump; "War Depleted NATO Stockpiles"; "Russians Surpass Us In Everything But Spirit"; "Ammo Is Running Out, Russians Surrounding Us"; "Warehouses Are Empty Worldwide" and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Avdeevka Waste Heap Captured; Naze-Lensky Will Do Everything For World's Attention; More Russian Drones, Ukraine’s Demographic Disaster; Doominghard and Much More

It's Ovyr: Germany Cuts Aid While Sen. Cotton And Scott Snub Biden's Aid Proposal; Agent Z Needs 500m-1km A Day; Human Wave Attacks Upgraded; Doom On, Russian Progress and Much More

It's Ovyr: "Ukraine Out Of Time" - Newsweek; "ATACMS Gamble" - Responsible Statecraft; Russian Sappers Are Go; UA Drone Shortages, Russian Advances and Much More

It's Ovyr: New Ivan Katchanovsky Interview On Maidan Massacre; US Ammunition Depletion Double-Time; Bored And Malnourished Russians, And Their Advances, Only One Third Humanitarian Aid Accounted For and Much More Dooming

It's Ovyr: Verbove Proob Fails But They Breakthrough At Bryansk; Russia Will Survive Defeat - Politico; Israel Damns Kivv & Sponsors; Russian Advances Continue, And The Dooming On Too and Much More

It's Ovyr: In Case You've Forgot; Russians Advance; Reisner: Objectively The Counter-Offensive Failed; Agent Z Rejected By NetInYahoo; Arestovich: Counter-Offensive A Disaster and Much More Dooming

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