Cannon Fodder Chronicles: Ukranazi No Retreat Execution Caught by Drone

in blurt •  last year 

Uh - Wow - Video Claims To Show Ukrainian BTR-4 'Blocking Unit' Killing Its Own Troops
18+. Evidence of the work of the detachments of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Berestovoye region of the Kharkov region.

UAV operators of the 27th brigade filmed how the punitive detachment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the BTR-4 "Bucephalus" destroy their own fighters, who retreated from their positions due to the harsh pressure of our units. The video shows that the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are battered after heavy fighting, there are wounded with them, but this does not stop the Nazi punishers from destroying the living and wounded fellow citizens.

And such executions happen all the time, it's just that it doesn't always happen to shoot them. Usually, the mobilized fall under the execution, whom the Ukronazi punishers do not spare at all and use as cannon fodder.

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