Artyomovsk Is Liberated as Wagner Musicians Walk Into History Books

in blurt •  last year 

Bakhmut Has Fallen - Artyomovsk Has Been Liberated

The so far largest battle of the 21st century ended today.

by b himself of Moon Of Alabama

Bakhmut has fallen. Artyomovsk# (the Russian/Soviet name of the city) has been liberated. This was announced today by the titular leader of the Wagner forces, Yevgeny Prigozhin, in a video posted on Telegram.

Why the Ukrainian leadership had decided to hold onto the city even months after the situation there was already in its disfavor is beyond me. The fight was decided by the numerical superiority of Russian artillery fire and the Ukraine had never a chance to top that.

The losses there for the Ukrainians amounted to 300 to 500 men per day over that last 5 months. That sums up to a total of 60,000 casualties. Ten days ago Ukrainian units, including the fascist Azov brigade, rolled up the Russian flanks north and south of Bakhmut to allow the Ukrainian troops in the city to flee west. That attack alone, only one or 2 kilometer deep, cost them some 1,600+ men and some 50+ armored vehicles.

On the Russian side the fighting in the city was largely done by Wagner troops. But they were never able to do it on their own. Russian military intelligence, artillery and logistics all played an important role in the fight.

The city has been destroyed but it will continued to exist as it is an important logistical hub with several rail and road connections running through it.

Mariupol, which fell/was liberated a year ago, is already being rebuild. In a month or two, when the frontline has moved away from Artyomovsk, rebuilding will start there too.

For a moment now the front line in Ukraine seems all around relative quit.

It is not clear to me when or where a new operational move will start.

I believe the next move will be on straightening the lines in Avdiivka and Siversk.

Military Summary channel on the fall of Bakhmut:

He raises the question if this will make Elensky to negotiate, but I don't see why Russian would accept a ceasefire like Minsk One agreement, then Minsk Two, which only worked as nothing but taunts as Kivv never implemented any of the signed agreements while they consolidated, reinforced, and rearmed, all of which the Russians I'm sure are tired of.

History Legends reinforces many of B's excellent points:

Since the issues that led to the fall of Soledar, and now Bakhmut aren't addressed the Kivv Regime will continue to suffer the same grinding war of attrition, and with their degraded air support they can't stand a chance against Russia. Russia has started fitting 250 pound bombs with glider wings and using them just like the 500 and bigger variant, making them able to carry twice was many as the 500 and fly much further than the 500 because they are lighter. Russia likely has hundreds of thousands of rounds waiting for this inexpensive retrofit, if not millions, and since the bombs are extremely difficult to detect there's no way to intercept them, making this one major problem for NATO's Kivv proxy which will only compund the advantages the Russians have with Artillery and firepower on the ground.

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