More than 50 million Americans have exercised their voting rights in early voting for this year's presidential election

in blurt •  4 years ago  (edited)

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As reported by AFP, Saturday (24/10/2020), More than 50 million Americans have exercised their voting rights in early voting for this year's presidential election, which pits President Donald Trump against his challenger, Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate.

This figure broke the record for early voting in the history of the previous US presidential election. National voting will be held simultaneously on November.

Those who vote in the early voting are people who might want to avoid busy polling stations and long queues amid the Corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic that is still rampant.

The Voting Monitoring Group, the US Elections Project, run by the University of Florida, reports that more than 35 million people have voted by post and more than 15 million people voted directly by putting ballots in drop boxes. ) which is determined. The total number of more than 50 million people has exceeded the 47 million votes cast in early voting during the 2016 presidential election. This figure is still possible to increase because there is still one week before 3 November.

Whereas the rules for initial voting vary by state. One of the most populous states in the US, New York, will only hold an early voting on Saturday (24/10) local time. This will potentially increase the total number of voters for early voting.

The Democratic Party encourages US citizens to use their voting rights in early voting as a deterrent, and in some cases, long queues are observed at locations where voters can submit their ballots.

According to information some time ago, Trump, who did not provide evidence, insisted that the postal voting was prone to fraud and fraud.

Thus the information regarding the politics of more than 50 million Americans have used their right to vote in early voting, I hope this information is useful.

Thank you for reading. Stay safe and Stay Healthy. Health is Wealth.


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