Appreciator App: What is it and how does it work?

in blurt •  4 months ago  (edited)

Introduction from the Creator

Appreciator is another project that I have wanted to realize for a long time, aimed at creating a tool that, in a more or less intelligent way, rewards popular content on the Blurt platform, even after the post's payout period has ended.

This application gives a second life to posts on the Blurt platform, highlighting those that continue to attract community interest over time, rewarding their authors with additional tokens.


How Does Appreciator App Work?

The Appreciator App scans the Blurt blockchain in search of posts that continue to receive votes, even though a significant amount of time has passed since their publication. When the application detects that an old post has received new votes after at least 7 days since its creation, it adds a special comment as a reward for the community’s continued appreciation. The comment is then automatically supported by a vote from the curator's account, resulting in additional rewards for the author of the post.

The Process in Action

  1. Monitoring the Blockchain: The Appreciator App monitors the Blurt blockchain, analyzing voting activity on older posts.
  2. Adding a Comment: When the system detects that a post has received new votes, it counts these votes and creates a ranking of the most appreciated posts of the week. You can see the ranking of posts on the website in the promotion tab
    For each post in the ranking, the app automatically adds a congratulatory comment, emphasizing that the post continues to be appreciated by the community. The comment assigns two beneficiaries: the author of the appreciated content receives 95% of the comment reward, while 5% goes to the application itself to cover operational costs. These values can be adjusted based on posting costs and the app's voting power.
  3. Voting on the Comment: After adding the comment, the app waits 5 minutes and then automatically votes on the comment. If, for some reason, the vote isn’t cast, Appreciator App retries up to three times to ensure the process completes successfully. If the app's voting power falls below a specific value, the vote will be cast during the next ranking review, once the voting power is sufficient.
  4. Weekly Cycle Renewal: The Appreciator App doesn’t stop at a single comment. Comments are added weekly, as long as the post continues to receive new votes from different community members and makes it into the top ranking list. Practically speaking, if a post receives new votes from different users each week (unvoting and revoting by the same person won't have an effect), it can be rewarded an infinite number of times, regardless of whether it was written one, two, or even ten years ago.

Why Is This Important?

The goal of the Appreciator App is to support authors of valuable content that, despite being created a long time ago, is still appreciated and read by community members. In this way, the app supports not only creators but also promotes quality content on the Blurt platform, making it more durable and valuable by rediscovering it from the depths of the blockchain. Authors whose content remains popular can keep earning indefinitely.

Who Can Use Appreciator App?

The app can be used by curators who want to promote valuable content within the Blurt community by delegating part of their Blurt Power to the app. With this tool, curators can support authors by systematically rewarding their work for its continued impact and appreciation by other users.

Protections Against Abuse

The first protection in place is the ranking system, meaning only content that receives votes from multiple users will be supported. This limits potential abuses, such as someone voting on their own content using multiple accounts or creating accounts to exploit the system.
The second protection is the registry of voters, which prevents users from unvoting and revoting the same content endlessly. A blacklist will also allow for the exclusion of accounts that abuse the system, ensuring that their content cannot be rewarded by Appreciator. Therefore, I warn against trying to misuse this system.

Benefits for Investors and Curators

The Appreciator app is a perfect solution not only for the authors of valuable content but also for curators and investors. By delegating part of their BP to the application, they gain a convenient way to reward authors of valuable content in an automated manner, with the assurance that their resources primarily support community-chosen content and respected authors who publish timeless posts.


Appreciator App is a step towards fair remuneration for authors whose content keeps the community's interest over time. By automating the processes of monitoring, commenting, and rewarding, the app simply enhances the value of creations on Blurt, contributing to building a stronger, more supportive community.

From today, we can move away from the culture of voting only on posts that are less than 7 days old, which many of us inherited from Steem and Hive. If you like an article and we haven’t come across it before, you can just vote for it, and Appreciator will reward the creator with additional tokens.

I encourage everyone to promote this solution, and anyone wishing to increase the app's voting power to more effectively support creators, to delegate part of their BP to the @appriciator-app account.

Currently, the app casts very weak votes. In a few days, I will delegate more funds from the khrom-proposals account (I am waiting for the delegation to be withdrawn from the main account). However, the more delegations the account gathers, the better the support will be for content that has been buried in the depths of the blockchain ;)

You can also always support the comments left by the app to further support the creator.

Best regards,

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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  ·  3 months ago  ·   (edited)

No votes

Is it possible for this app to do reblurt after a vote? This would make easier to detect posts for manual curators and track potential “abuses”

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Great idea. :) It's a matter of creating an additional function that will be called in the event chain. It shouldn't be difficult.

Great idea. I think there's lot of content that deserves more due to its quality but the payout time ended.
Let's see how it goes, I'm afraid you'll have a lot of work to do on filtering multi-account users that exploit the blockchain currently and prevent abuse.
Best wishes for your initiative 👍

  ·  4 months ago  ·   (edited)

Well there is a few blacklists on our blockchain so i can just use one of them ex coal list . I can just use param Farm to filtering and that's it ;) They are actively updated that list.

Great app for authors who write serious articles that require hours - days of research or for video creators. I always thought a seven-day payout period would not attract them to Blurt. Now it's possible. Thanks for creating this app.
I will delegate some Blurt Power

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I can delegate some BP if that will help the project.

I’m off work next week and I plan to add something to Blurt Booster that could either trail the votes of this app or vote on the posts that are reblogged from this account. I’m not sure what would be the best way, but I think it would make sense.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

It'd be great! :)

300 blurt delegation added.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Great app, but it should be somehow also handled in FE. Example FE do not need to show those comments. Also vote can go directly to the newest comment from this account if has less than 7 days. Additional thing is to create a new token on top of blurt where each user has TokenPower and tokens the same way like blurt but calculation is working differently. It's much harder solution but can work perfect.

Another token is the last thing I would want to see on Blurt.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

why? this token can fix all blurt problems without HF. Of course blurt can do HF and change economy to support conten lomger than 7 days, but it means a lot of changes and probably not all people will approve that.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I don't know what Marusz has to say about this but I see it this way: The second token is an additionally blurred market. The depth of the blurt market is not spectacular anyway and to think that an additional second layer token will blur it... Secondly, look at HE how many rubbish tokens you have that used to be worth something and were given away right and wrong and now you can't sell these millions of tokens even for a dollar ;] Whoever was supposed to make money on this, made money. Ultimately, investors make money on such a token because they know how to navigate the markets and the rest is screwed.

I think that around Blurt we need to create one strong currency that has strong foundations and simply try to decentralize the entire economy as much as possible.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I'm not proposing a hundred of shity token but one with a good economy - similar to blurt.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

The years that have passed since the appearance of the first cryptocurrencies have shown that the most important factors in the long-term success of currencies are their usability, the ability to hold the price and the depth of the market. If the price of blurt does not even go up, but the depth of the market and resistance to market declines are large, it will gain interest and recognition, which will translate into the development of the network and users.

In turn, the increase in price will translate into the number of people willing to work for the project. For example, if I were able to support myself at least partially from blurt, I would spend more time on it. It would be enough for the witness node to allow you to earn 10 times as much as you do now.

if you introduce a second token before the first one has a reasonable value, you will only slow down the price growth and it will be a shot in the knee because the low price discourages those who want to develop and build something here because it simply means that the time investment that has to be put into even the smallest things can take forever to pay off...

Take even a junior programmer from Poland who works for 50 PLN per hour... to create anything he has to devote, let's say, 5-10 hours, which gives you 250 to 500 PLN... expected return for the effort put in.. now think about the possibilities of earning such amounts on something that you create in 10 hours, on blurt at the current price...

  ·  4 months ago  ·   (edited)

I know and I understand, but apart from that, as you said yourself, it would be much more complicated, which also means that it would be expensive. I made this set of scripts that works as the Appreciator app by tinkering with it for an hour some evenings by few months. It is far from perfect and a lot of work still needs to be put into it. But if I were to estimate the cost of such an implementation, I think you can guess that it would be quite a lot anyway. Now imagine how much it would cost to implement a new token and create the entire infrastructure for it...

The second issue is that even one token could really shake up the economy.

The third is that for an average user who has no experience with e.g. Hive or Steem, the idea of ​​blurt itself is already hard to grasp and complicated enough. Adding more tokens is an additional complication.

The fourth issue is the fact that an additional token will not increase the demand for using blurt, so why bother? wasted workload.. How to focus is on solutions that people would be willing to pay for or that give them a sense of purpose in being here.. For example, appreciator gives purpose to promoting your posts and building a community around your blog. It opens the way to, for example, implementing an advertising center by pinning your posts at the top in FE in exchange for blurt because if you buy yourself a week of hanging an ad, let's say for a start for a number of blurts, a few people will come to you and give you an up for an article that you think is good, then you are sure that it will pay off and at the same time you will attract new readers, which will pay off in the future and help you, for example, build your brand here, sell products, etc.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

I'm not saying that current solution is wrong. It sounds like a great workaround without any changes in blockchain. But it still sounds like a workaround before final implementation. I'm not sure if the new token is a good solution. Is easier than HF but needs additional server. HF with infinitive payout time is not big deal because of linear curation reward, but even without that its possible to implement similar way like dtube did.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

przejdę na polsk tak bedzei wygodniej ;)

Ja tez byem zwolennikiem takiego rozwiązania zawsze ale w sumie jak sie nad tym zastanowić to ten sposób kuratorki daje większą szansę na wyeliminowanie nadużyć przy jednoczesnym wmiare uczciwym wsparciu i zdecentralizowanj struturze.

Takich programów jak ten może być tysiące, w sensie każdy może sobie zasadniczo cos akiego odpalić na własnych zsadach, przekonać kilka osób do oddelegowania częsci bp i tyle. To mogło by zasadniczo działać również tylko w ramach danej społeczności albo danego tagu gdyby te były juz tak wielkie że np pojawiało by się w nich dziennie tyle wpisów co na blurt.

Z kolei wprowadzenie takiej zmiany z nieograniczonym payoutem dla całej sieci ma swoje ryzyko.. Przykładowo jesli ktos jest wielorybem tworzy kolejne konta, bierze swoje bp i deleguje kolejno dajac upy z każdego nowego. A nawet jak wprowadzimy zabezpieczenie ze jesli konto które juz oddało deleguje gdzie indziej to ta kwota nie bedzei liczona to i tak mozna wymyslic cos w stylu: Przerzucam je sobie między kontami co miesiąc i z każdego nowego konta głosuję na wszystkie swoje wpisy przydzielajac sobie 1000 blurt za kazdym razem na wszystkie wpisy tórych może miec przykładowo 10000 i teraz pytanie jak go powstrzymać? Przecież może tak przez całe życie tworzyć co miesiąc nowe konto potem po 4 tygodniowym powerdownie przelewać wszystko na nowe i znów oddawac głosy. Zdeczka problem nie? Tu akurat to chyba tylko downvoty by były potrzebne zebby go powstrzymać no ale to juz przerabialismy i teo tez tu nie chcemy .

Z kolei przy tym rozwiązaniu każdy głos jest w miarę równy.. można oczywscię uzywac wielu kont do podbijania wpisów i na wczesnym etapie to sie pewnie bedzie zdarzało ale jak bedzeisz miał siec w której np wpis bedzie dostawał po 1000 głosów i w rankingu bedzeisz miał cyfry w stylu 200 upów za 1 miejsce to razej juz bedzie trudno cos takiego przebić. Z reszta nawet jak bedeisz miał 20 kont i raz ci sie uda wbic wpis na góre to drugi raz juz nie chyb z znowu utworzysz 20 kont a to kosztuje i raczej zwrot z upa będzie póki co mniejszy niż cena tych kont ;)

No i aplikacja pozwala na dodanie do czarnej listy kont które np będa regularnie upowane z nowotworzonych masowo kont a nawet jesli ktos w ogóle wpadnie na taki pomysł to wiecej uda pewnie na tworzenie kont zanim cos zyska bo apka nie przydziela jakichs astronomicznych kwot i pewnie tez sami delegujący zaczną sie rzucać jesli by np przydzielała za duże.

You can do it on your own, but I don't think anyone would be interested in such a solution

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

What does this mean to content-creators like me?

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

If current Blurt users or new Blurt users find your articles after months or years and give you upvotes, your post will take part in the ranking. If it reaches any ranking position within a given week, it will receive a comment with an upvote from this app, and your account will be the beneficiary. As long as you continue to find enouh new readers for your articles on Blurt to reach the ranking, you will continue to receive extra rewards from those posts for your work.

What an awesome tool! Following and supporting! ❤️🏆👍😍

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

thanks! :)

  ·  4 months ago  ·   (edited)

Benefits for Investors and Curators

And apart from supporting content (which I may not like or goes against my principles and beliefs, but receives votes from appreciator-app) with the BP delegation that is transferred, what other benefit does the curator and the investor? have because I don't think BP is delegated to receive nothing in return in an investment blockchain, or is it altruistic or ad honorem support? And will users who no longer log in to Blurt for a long time, vote for those accounts?

  ·  4 months ago  ·   (edited)

Delegating funds is a mechanism that makes your BP used in the same way as when you use it by voting yourself, i.e. you earn the same from curation. The difference is that someone else simply decides who will receive value of your vote.

The funds still belong to you and you can withdraw them from the delegation at any time. Basically, it is also a security mechanism. Let's say you have a lot of BP and you are worried about your account being hacked, which can most often happen when, for example, as a result of user error or security breach, during everyday use of the network the keys leak in some way. Thanks to delegation, you can secure your funds by creating a second account and delegating the entire BP to it and then using this account on a daily basis. Even if someone hacks into this second account, they will have no possibility of withdrawing these funds. On the other hand, for example, the keys to the first account will be safely stored, for example, in a safe and unused, so the possibility of leakage will be practically zero.

Even if you use both accounts on a daily basis, this gives you additional security because the delegation withdrawal lasts 5 days, which means that the funds you delegate in the event of a hack give you an extra 5 days to realize that someone unauthorized has accessed your account and recover your password before someone can do anything with them.

Another benefit for investors is that if their goal was to simply invest in the blurt network but they don't have time for independent curation but also want their funds to work somewhere where they will be used to support content in a way that resonates with them, they can transfer their funds to applications whose assumptions and purpose of operation are clearly defined or to people who think similarly to them. If you don't like the idea of ​​the Appreciator app, you don't have to delegate your BP here. But maybe you have a friend who actively uses the network and you know that he thinks similarly to you and votes for what you do, then you can delegate funds to him.

On the other hand, if you want to support more initiatives and disperse your funds so that they work for many projects and people, you can divide the delegations into any number of accounts and they will work for you everywhere.

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

damn you were right. It works like this, the delegator doesn't get a curator reward. Damn I always thought it was different but I haven't used this mechanism in practice.

Now I'll have to figure out some way to pay out rewards to investors. Fortunately Mariusz was aware and wants to leave his delegation so the community will be able to enjoy the support of a bot with quite strong votes.

Nevertheless I'll answer your question why someone would want to support such an initiative anyway. Because such tools make blurt attract more users or give meaning to being here to those who are already there. They also make it much more meaningful to build your blog here and your content can be rewarded even after years. So ultimately it's for the benefit of the entire network and as a result the price thanks to such solutions increases.

Such delegations wouldn't have to be big but let's say that everyone here would delegate 5 USD to each tool that supports blurt. It's not really a fortune, but if you multiply it by 500 users, you have 2500 USD BP, which serves the entire community, while the author of the tool is paid. Remember that in order to create something like this, I first had to devote several dozen hours of my time, I didn't do it just for charity. Maybe I don't expect a fortune, but it would be nice if this time paid off someday :P So, to pay someone's work, you can delegate them some of your funds, so that through the % of this sum that they gain from operating the tool, you can pay them for the time they devoted to developing the network.

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Great initiative to reward posts that are past the 7 seven day curation period. Thank you for this! 😀

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

Everything reads so beautifully and so fairly, but in advance you already know the accounts and users that will benefit and set trends as quality content that should be read or rewarded only for the amount of blurt they have in the rewards pool, a situation that, although it marks a trend because people see, consume and support the most viewed content, when you read you realize that it does not cover even the minimum of your personal expectations because the concept of taste and quality has been mixed.

I'm not saying this, but rather the reality that is seen daily even in the large social networks and content creation networks, where the person who has the most visits and followers, even if they present garbage content, earns more than someone who prepared something with time and dedication, I know because I see it every day on YT, one of the large platforms where an algorithm is used that determines and recommends what is trending to be rewarded without filtering even topics that are sensitive in any society in the world.

In any case, although as a user and a tiny account you rarely or never benefit from these ideas... and only because in one way or another they try to give a plus to the Blurt blockchain to make it attractive, good luck with your initiative and project 👍

  ·  4 months ago  ·  

This is what you are saying, it grows beyond the programming capabilities. This results from the general level of awareness of humanity. These trends are the result of the fact that pop culture consumes things that are trendy and not those that have some value. So if someone releases, for example, a stupid video in which someone farts in someone's face and it is accepted in pop culture as something exceptionally funny, this video will have millions of views because everyone will show it and recommend it.

On the other hand, pop culture is just like the curatorial window on blurt ;) Trends come quickly and go just as quickly. On the other hand, valuable timeless content is appreciated and dug up even after many years. And this is where I see the opportunity for a slightly more rapid distribution of these awards - in the habits of people who chase trends, who simply do not dig up older content but concoct it, so the OC is in the pan at the moment ;) So I hope that this will to some extent limit abuses by itself and allow the authors of this content to earn money that people return to after years. For gross abuse there is a blacklist.

This is indeed a beautiful initiative towards supporting and encouraging quality content! All the best, and I wholeheartedly support this project! 😍👍

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

I'm glad you like it. I've always wanted to figure out a way to support buried content in some additional way, and on blurt it turned out to be possible :)

If you want to support others, you can always delegate a few blurts. Although I warn you that there is no return on curation from this. I was a bit mistaken in believing that the delegate gets the curation reward. For now, the bot doesn't have a mechanism for paying out the reward. Nevertheless, if you think the tool is worth supporting, I encourage you to do so.

Sure! I tried to delegate some of my Blurt yesterday only, but it did not pull through due to some technical problem it seems. I will try again tonight! 👍

  ·  3 months ago  ·  


Successfully delegated 200 Blurt to @appriciator-app just now! 👍

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Thank you very much! :)

Excelente iniciativa ,saludos.

  ·  29 days ago  ·  

¡Gracias! :)

I missed this post. Nice project, congratulations :)

  ·  29 days ago  ·  

thanks :)

  ·  last month  ·  

It's a good project and a valuable app.

  ·  29 days ago  ·  

thanks! :) soon I will develop the app to make it even better and adapted to Blurt media to also support movies. currently I am unfortunately swamped with work at work

  ·  24 days ago  ·  

Thank You