I won the lotto / Gané el lotto [ENG-ESP]

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

Enjoy every opportunity


I won the lotto

I would like to share with all my friends that a few days ago I won the lotto. Yesterday, Monday, I woke up to this great news and you cannot imagine how wonderful it is when we receive incredible news. But beyond having won 5000 Blurt delegates for 4 weeks, I feel like I gained more friends and good relationships.

Now, I would love to share that you also have the opportunity to participate by coming every Sunday to talk with friends, learn, clarify doubts, add value with comments in the PUB which is administered by @doble-u who kindly and with very good Energía opens the doors of the PUB to enjoy a spectacular evening. You can also read more here.

The lotto, is run in an orderly and disciplined manner by the friend @reiseamateur who with his joy and good energy every Sunday invites you to play and participate; therefore with this publication I wish to publicly send my most sincere words of thanks and congratulations for your perseverance and dedication. It's great to be able to receive a visit from @ lotto-austria.

My experience

More than winning a lottery, I feel that I have been able to win new friends, that from a distance we can share a cake, a drink, a coffee, laughter, contests, riddles, joys, concerns, we also generate contributions and collaborate to promote alternative solutions to any situation that causes us concern at Blurt.
The PUB has become a place to share, but also to support us if you have a problem, we can listen to you and encourage you to get ahead, it seems something a little strange, but it just happens, I call it "the time tunnel" because it's like leaving a letter dedicated for example to the friend @jeenger and then in time wait for an answer, and so on with all the friends.

I will only dare to name some of the friends that you can know more closely and of whom I am sure you will always find a friendly word, they are not all, they are just some.

We all started to get to know each other little by little, we know that @mers likes sweets, @elkezaksek has a beautiful project with a purpose of social benefit, also that @dotwin1981 likes games and walks, @kryptodennoa constant winner, @vickyguevara nice and kind, @blessed-girl active and happy user, @freakeo makes some super cool gifs that imitate Doubleu, @mima2606 who is always present and happily shares her dreams, @michelangelo3 a good friend and creator of great content, who shares beautiful photos, @nerdtopiade who likes burgers, videos and streaming platforms. Like these friends, there are many more who meet every Sunday to talk.


Thanks to all the friends that I have tagged, and those who are not on the list are also present and I send them good energy to continue building community and to make Blurt a charming space.

So what will you do next Sunday? See you at the PUB and let's play Lotto.

With all my affection


Disfruta de cada oportunidad



Gané el Lotto

Me gustaría compartir con todos mis amigos, que hace pocos días me gané el lotto. Ayer lunes me desperté con esta estupenda noticia y no se imaginan lo maravilloso que es cuando recibimos increíbles noticias. Pero más allá de haber ganado 5000 Blurt delegados por 4 semanas, siento que gané más amigos y buenas relaciones.

Ahora bien, me encantaría compartir que tu también tienes la oportunidad de participar acercándote todos los domingos a conversar entre amigos, aprender, aclarar dudas, aportar valor con comentarios en el PUB el cual es administrado por @doble-u quien amablemente y con muy buena energía abre las puertas del PUB para disfrutar de una velada espectacular. También puedes leer más aquí.

El Lotto, la lleva de forma ordenada y disciplinada el amigo @reiseamateur quien con su alegría y buena energía cada domingo invita a jugar y participar, por ello con esta publicación deseo hacerle llegar públicamente mis más sinceras palabras de agradecimiento y felicitaciones por su constancia y dedicación. Es genial poder recibir la visita de @lotto-austria.

Mi experiencia:

Más que ganar una lotería siento que he podido ganar amigos nuevos, que desde la distancia podemos compartir una torta, un trago, un café, risas, concursos, adivinanzas, alegrías, inquietudes, también generamos aportes y colaboramos entre todos para promover alternativas de solución a cualquier situación que nos genere preocupación en Blurt.

El PUB se ha convertido en un lugar para compartir, pero también para apoyarnos si tienes algún problema, podemos escucharte y alentarte a salir adelante, parece algo un poco extraño, pero solo pasa, yo lo llamo “el túnel del tiempo” porque es como dejar una carta dedicada por ejemplo al amigo @jeenger y luego en el tiempo esperar respuesta, y así con todos los amigos.

Me atreveré solo a nombrar a algunos de los amigos que puedes conocer más de cerca y de quienes estoy segura siempre encontraras una palabra amiga, no son todos, son solo algunos.

Todos empezamos a conocernos poco a poco, sabemos que a @mers le gusta los dulces, @elkezaksek tiene un proyecto hermoso con un fin de beneficio social, también que @dotwin1981 le gustan los juegos y los paseos, un ganador constante @kryptodenno, @vickyguevara simpática y amable, @blessed-girl usuaria activa y alegre, @freakeo hace unos gifs que imitan a Doubleu super geniales, @mima2606 quien siempre está presente y comparte sus sueños con alegría, @michelangelo3 un buen amigo y creador de contenido genial, que comparte fotos hermosas, @nerdtopiade a quien le gusta las hamburguesas, los videos y plataformas streaming. Como estos amigos hay muchos más quienes cada domingo se reúnen a conversar.


Gracias a todos los amigos que he etiquetado, y a los que no están en la lista también están presentes y les envío buena energía para continuar construyendo comunidad,y para hacer de Blurt un espacio encantador.

Entonces ¿Qué harás el próximo domingo? Nos vemos en el PUB y vamos a jugar Lotto.
Con todo mi cariño

Imagen: Pixabay
Edited: APP Avaton.

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, @double-u's sunday pub is very nice and we often have fun.
We hope that someday we will all win the lottery together and then we'll have a big party!

By the way, I found your description of @dotwin1981 very funny
..he likes walks .... yes to play Pokemon!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, my beautiful lady, for sharing your energy I could feel it here where I am. It would be great one day to be able to meet all of us together at a big party, I can imagine myself with my phone translating to lol, I'm dying of laughter.
lol if pokemon are dotwin1981 friends lol
I share a big hug and a glass of wine if you like to toast.
Good vibes.

Congratulation! @angelica7 !!

But beyond having won 5000 Blurt delegates for a week,

not for one week, you got it for 4 weeks!!! 🥳
cheers 🤠

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh lala! much better then. Oh! I don't know, because with you I can't I can be perfect lol. I'm always wrong about something.
It makes me laugh, I prefer to take things with humor.
Thanks for sharing and saying hello. I have flavored water for you.
Good vibes. ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh, this is such a lovely article about our pub, the guests and the friends.

Thank you so much for this, dear Angelica!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello dear friend, I just share a little bit of the love that I receive and that I would like everyone to be aware of the beautiful community that we are in and that everything can be possible if we believe in something and do good for others. I love being able to receive a comment from you.
For you, I have a special drink, made with Venezuelan rum, lemon, pineapple, and coconut hmmm, a piña colada, delicious.

Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hope you win real lotto some day too, then you can use it to buy more Blurt :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ojálá, so be it, although I think I should buy a ticket first lol.
Thanks for coming to share, it's always nice to read you. You take orange cookies with coffee.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Congratulations. This is one way to spread Blurt cheer to many people.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love sharing the joy in Blurt, because it is part of what we want here, that everyone feels happy sharing and contributing together.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi Angelica... CONGRATULATIONS! Cheers to your winning the Lotto!
Thank you for mentioning me here, that is sweet of you. I hope to visit the pub soon so see you there perhaps this coming Sunday. Take care and spread your good vibes as always!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your words, it is very kind of you. Hope to see you soon to share a drink at the PUB.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hola angelica felicidades por tu gran premio. Me imagino la felicidad que sientes, mas el compartir con otras personas interactuar ayuda al crecimiento. Estoy iniciando en esta plataforma espero participar en este Lotto

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Eres bienvenido. Gracias por tus buenos deseos y espero que te diviertas compartiendo aquí en Blurt.
Buena vibra.

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano. Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Te invitamos a votar por @blurthispano como Witness


Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord

Felicidades por ganar la lotería, me encantó la descripción del Pub, es un lugar muy agradable, dónde consigues muchos amigos. Gracias por tus lindas palabras sobre mi. 🙂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


A gentle reminder to participate in this week's challenge.

We missed you
