Glances of a curator // Miradas de un curador [EN-ES]

in blurt •  4 years ago 

Glances of a curator: eyes of eagles


What is a curator in blurt? : It is a person with the responsibility to read in detail different publications, to verify the information in text and images contained in the publication and to give a vote in the most objective way to the content creator.

Personally I think that it is an activity of much commitment and it requires honest people with very good energy to put affection to the readings.

Being a curator is not a job for me, because I do it with a lot of encouragement and love, but when it is required to make decisions for some unusual situation, one must take action and report the lack and abstain from exercising a vote for some user, but behind that it is important to indicate that, there is a human being who every day devotes his time to read publications and finding some plagiarism or failure can also generate low energy.

It is possible that there are moments of certain discouragement, but remember that we are human beings, each one with our own problems and points of view, however, with enough energy to offer the best and collaborate to make this great blurt family grow.

This writing From a curator's point of view is a publication dedicated to all my companions who offer their valuable time not only to cure content, but to motivate and encourage others to join #Blurt.


For the users who read me, I invite them not to fall into plagiarism and to respect the copyright, so I share some tools with them:

To download images check the following links:

And many others, but in the same way you must add the direction from where you took the image.

About the texts, from my point of view you can make textual quotations or paraphrasing, but in the same way you must add the author who made the writing, because it is not your original idea.

A curator

The curators have the responsibility to have an alert eye and be aware of false accounts or publications that comment on some plagiarism, they also have the duty to leave a warning message to that user who commits the abuse, to give him the opportunity to rectify, sometimes it happens out of ignorance and we are in the duty to inform and help.

In a very general way I share with you my perception of the looks of a curator, I would like to read a little bit in the comments your opinion and contributions to create a formal working role on the tasks of a curator, and so then the duties of a user arise and so several interesting topics.


Miradas de un curador: ojos de águilas


¿Qué es un curador en blurt?: Es una persona con la responsabilidad de leer con detalle diferentes publicaciones, verificar la información en texto e imágenes contenidas en la publicación y dar un voto de la forma más objetiva que pueda al creador de contenido.

Personalmente pienso que es una actividad de mucho compromiso y se requiere de personas honestas y con muy buena energía para ponerle cariño a las lecturas.

Ser curador para mí no es un trabajo, porque particularmente lo hago con bastante animo y cariño, pero cuando se requiere tomar decisiones por alguna situación fuera de lo común. se debe pasar a la acción e informar la falta y abstenerse de ejercer un voto por algún usuario, pero detrás de eso es importante indicar, que, se encuentra un ser humano que todos los días dedica su tiempo a leer publicaciones y al encontrar algún plagio o falla también puede generarle baja de energía.

Es posible que existan momentos de cierto desánimo, pero recuerden que somos seres humanos, cada uno con nuestros propios problemas y puntos de vista, sin embargo, con la suficiente energía para brindar lo mejor y colaborar por hacer crecer esta gran familia blurt.

Este escrito Desde la mirada de un curador es una publicación dedicada a todos mis compañeros que brindan su valioso tiempo no tan solo a curar contenido, sino a motivar y alentar a otros a unirse a #Blurt.


Para los usuarios que me leen, los invito a no caer en plagio y respetar los derechos de autor, por ello les comparto algunas herramientas:

Para descargar imágenes revisa los siguientes enlaces:

Y muchas otras, pero de igual manera se debe agregar la dirección de donde tomaste la imagen.

Sobre los textos, desde mi manera de ver puedes hacer citas textuales o parafraseo, pero de igual manera debes agregar al autor quien realizó el escrito, porque no es tu idea original.

Un curador

Los curadores tienen la responsabilidad de tener un ojo visor alerta y estar atentos a las cuentas falsas o publicaciones que comenten algún plagio, también tienen el deber de dejar un mensaje de advertencia a ese usuario que comete el abuso, para brindarle la oportunidad de rectificar, en ocasiones sucede por desconocimiento y estamos en el deber de informar y ayudar.

De forma muy general comparto con ustedes mi percepción de las miradas de un curador, me gustaría leer un poco en los comentarios tu opinión y aportes para crear un papel de trabajo formal sobre las tareas de un curador, y así luego surja los deberes de un usuario y así varios temas interesantes.


Imagen realizada con: Foto Mezcla y el logo es el original de Blurt.

Read about using the tags // Leer sobre uso de las etiquetas here, aquí


Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

Información Importante:


imagen de firma2.png

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Hey @angelica7,

an important and very useful article, written with good vibes. I can fully agree with you. A tip which I gladly pass on, for pictures this tool is quite good.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Oh lala! I love reading you in my post because you are a very active user and you are always collaborating with others, thank you for that. I am also glad to know new links, I had no knowledge of this link, I will review it. I send you the best of successes and good energy for the community of Germans that make life in Blurt, they are all great.
Good vibes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Curating is definitely an important task, not only to keep an eye out for plagiarism and stolen content, but also to serve as someone who rewards good content creators for their efforts... making it feel like their efforts are worthwhile, so they feel like they want to continue to add value to the site.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Your words are very valuable and I share this comment with you. We can also support and encourage good content creators and we generate value for the chain.
I am delighted to meet you and receive this comment. I share a coffee and cookies with you, this space is like a meeting room between good friends. Lol
Good vibes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

@angelica7 I couldn't agree more with you there. As a curator, we all do have the responsibilities to spot the "good, well written informative posts" and give them some upvotes.

Also, it's our responsibility as well to eliminate those spam posts and keep the community as clean as possible :)

Keep up the good vibes and energy!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your words and contribution, I think that if we all join together in doing a wonderful task, as counselors and guide we can make blurt a great world. Cookies and coffee for you.
Good vibes. ;)

muy bueno tu post me ayuda muchísimo gracias por compartirlo, siempre brindando de una u otra forma apoyo a la comunidad blurt. saludos amiga

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hola estimado Edgar, me alegra mucho que te sea de utilidad, está hecho con mucho cariño, te envío mis mejores deseos y ponte cómodo en la sala de los comentarios jajaja para continuar aprendiendo.
Buena vibra.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Los curadores son una parte fundamental para que las recompensas se distribuyan de manera justa y se encargan de buscar un buen contenido, es un trabajo que requiere mucho tiempo y responsabilidad, por eso mi agradecimiento para todos los curadores que hacen grande a Blurt. Un saludo Angélica, siempre haces buen trabajo ayudando a los demás con tus post.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Los curadores son parte de un equipo completo que hace posible que una cadena se mantenga funcionando, cada uno juega un papel importante y pienso personalmente que dan lo mejor para cumplir con esta tarea. Gracias por tus palabras.
Buena vibra.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It is very interesting to read this co-operative article about what the work of an honest, objective and intelligent curator should be. I read it all and carefully. Go ahead, and successes

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Sincere thanks for your good wishes, they are well received and I am sure that the other members of the curatorial team will also be happy.
Good vibes.

  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

Greetings. Very clear, beautiful girl I think you are "The Sun of Blurt".

Buena formad de pensar. Gracias por los enlaces para recursos.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Siempre que pueda colaborar, estoy la orden. Solo pase por el canal español y podemos brindar mayor apoyo. Gracias.
Buena vibra.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Is not easy, and we do for sure many mistakes, but is curating that we can make Blurt grows.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yes, it is not easy, and finally as human beings we can make mistakes, but from each mistake there is a learning that can make us better. Thank you for your contribution, it is valuable to me.
Good vibes.

Very credited, but not every curator is the same, I would like to emphasize that very clearly. From my point of view as the author of a contribution, I am anxious to indicate my sources. Thanks to @trev03, I noticed my mistake back then. As I said before, most curators do very good work, e.g. @blurtmusik he encourages the community to post regularly and rate the post fairly and he is not alone. But there are also curators who give you the feeling of simply not being there or only give a rating to a very small group of people. Personally, I have found my fun in writing articles here on Blurt, even if not every article is read. But that's the way it is in life, all good things are never together. Even if I do not make friends with this post, this is my experience, which I have made on Blurt so far.
Best regards

Hornet on Tour

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

All the ideas in favor or not of this publication are well received, because I only try to generate a working paper where everyone contributes their point of view. I think that if each member of the chain expresses their way of thinking, we can strengthen the actions to follow to continue improving and providing contributions that add value to blurt.
Thank you for your words and for your time, I value your words.
Good vibes.

@angelica7 Personally, I would like to get to know the curators' side, I imagine it to be very exciting, thrilling, but also very exhausting. From my side, I really want to do this, but I can imagine that it is not enough to become a curator.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It is an activity of great responsibility, identification, commitment but above all affection for the work of healing. If it were only reading, it would be easier, but it is also a job of research, investigating users to identify any fault and that where it is exhausting, and particularly sometimes it reduces my energy, because I can tolerate users who do it for Ignorance is helped, they are given guidance and that's fine, but for users who do it unfairly there is no way they can improve and there you have to act.
Being a curator is a great task because you learn from many users, you even get used to their storytelling style, you know their state of mind and you learn many new topics, for me it is exciting.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi @hornet-on-tour, You do post a lot on blurtrides but only one post can be curated a day, posts need to be in your own words even if you source the article. I use to check the whole internet for content that is similar or the same so run your article through the above first and ensure that your post has 0% on the plagiarism chart and I will support you as well as from @blurtrides.

Hello @trev03 thank you very much for your answer and mine honestly. But unfortunately I will never reach 0%. Because the contributions are also published at Steem and Hive and therefore also shown there. But I will consider this in my next amounts. Thank you very much for this insight, I learned something new.

Many greetings

Hornet on Tour

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi @hornet-on-tour, I can assure you that if I see that the post is from Steem or Hive and belongs to you that I will not penalize you. I will only ignore the post if the sources are from the internet on articles that definitely do not belong to you.

Hola, tambien hay que darse el tiempo de leer las restricciones que esos sitios mencionan. En lo personal pienso que es mejor tomar nuestras propias imagenes para que reflejen la verdadera visión que tenemos y conocer mas de otros sitios a través de las fotos que tomen personalemente otros usuarios.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

En eso concuerdo contigo, también me gusta manejar mis propias imágenes además me ha servido de aprendizaje y disfruto mucho el proceso de creación y edición.
Gracias por tu aporte y tienes razón hay que leer las restricciones, es como leer el manual de uso de cualquier aparato nuevo para estar prevenidos. Gracias por tu aporte.
Buena vibra.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Comparto tus palabras amiga, curar contenido es tan importante como crear buen contenido, ambas son acciones que mantienen en un sano equilibrio el ecosistema, pero además se trata de ser honestos, si el compromiso es compartir contenido original, así debe ser, por el bienestar de todos.
Un gran abrazo, gracias por mantenernos siempre informados de todas las novedades.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hola mi hermosa Syllem gracias por tus palabras, siempre son bien recibidas. Pienso que la medida que todos aportamos contenido original creado para blurt, estaremos dándole su propia identidad.
Buena vibra.

Hello @angelica7, I couldn't get your mail out of my head. Even while walking around I thought about it a lot and realized that only a big part of a blog is covered by your work as a curator. Please do not see it as criticism, but more as food for thought. A blog can be created on different bases, mostly it is done in written form. But a blog is much more and more diverse than you might think, this can also be done as audio or in conjunction with a video. I don't know if you know Vlog or Motovlog. These two forms are also blogs. I myself am a so-called Motovlogger. This form is always falling through the grid, whether it is with Steemit, Hive and Blurt. So I ask myself, is there a change in the users or curators. Or will it continue to be so that the work is simply ignored and it remains a marginal niche. These forms of blogs take much more time to create. I'm not just talking about a few hours, no, it takes several days until a Motovlog is ready. Maybe you can discuss this with the team, because for me it is an important topic. I will gladly give you an example of what I mean by Motovlog.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi, why should I feel like it's a criticism? I don't see it that way at all, because all the contributions are valuable and each one is the owner of what makes him happy to publish. Just as I feel good about what I do.

Now about your video wow, wow, I loved reading in the morning that you haven't taken me out of your thoughts lol, it's just a joke. But I return to answer, about your video it is great, I liked that trip on the back of the motorcycle, I felt that I was traveling and knowing new places, it was a wonderful feeling that I expired when I opened my eyes this morning, thank you .

This type of idea seems very creative and great, before answering you I first spoke with @megadrive and he shares the same opinion with me, so I invite you to talk with him. I suggest you write a private message, which I am sure can guide you in what you should do.

Thanks for that wonderful trip, I don't have a motorcycle, but it was always my dream to have one and to travel.


Nice to meet you and welcome whenever you want to share a coffee and cookies on my blog.
Good vibes.

es bueno ver este tipo de contenido para que los usuarios esten informados, te deseo muchos exitos en tu trabajo saludos

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Gracias por tu apoyo estimado betzaelcorvo, siempre es grato leer que es útil el contenido que compartimos, te comparto un abrazo.
Buena vibra.