Happy Friday, Blurt Social

in blurt •  5 months ago 



As a long-time user of this platform, I want to say thank you to everyone here.

I also want to make it known that I am buying BLURT hand over fist because of what it represents. It is freedom of speech and an alternative way to share content and make connections.

I have seen BLURT rise in price and fall again. In the end, what will make or break us is investment into the platform. Let's spread this platform and alert people everywhere to this opportunity.

Thanks again for all you do.

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It’s super duper cheap. I buy a little Blurt every day on Ionomy.com and Hive-Engine.

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

Me too. Cheap to DCA.

  ·  5 months ago  ·   (edited)

Buy buy buy …. Maximize Blurt Power and then send 50% to @null to get huge upvotes from @ctime and others. The recipe for success on Blurt.

Buy buy buy … Burn burn burn.

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. Read my last posts to make sure that BLURT burning is profitable for you. Before using this bot please make sure your account has at least 100 BP. Get more BLURT:

@ mariuszkarowski/how-to-get-automatic-upvote-from-my-accounts

@ blurtbooster/blurt-booster-introduction-rules-and-guidelines-1699999662965

@ nalexadre/blurt-nexus-creating-an-affiliate-account-1700008765859

@ kryptodenno - win BLURT POWER delegation

@ ctime/burn-bot-liquid-blurt

  ·  5 months ago  ·  

Buying votes does damage to the community, so not really convinced.

I think more engagement and commenting but it helps when price is a bit higher chicken and the egg

Curated by @ultravioletmag