What Happened When Money Went Away

in blurt •  3 years ago 

What Happened When Money Went Away Title.png

Free energy technology came out – and energy flowed freely.  The cost of energy dropped to nil, and so the cost of things began to drop.  It took a decade, but it got to the point that asking for the penny for the house was more effort than it was worth.  It seemed to surprise Some that money was no longer needed, but when You see that 100% of the cost of everything is energy, You can see that the addition of free energy would naturally cause the removal of that archaic and very dangerous tool.

It’s easy to grasp why the cost of everything is energy.  The resources sit here freely on Our planet, but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration.

People were freed to live as richly as They chose to.  Yes, there were problems, but We worked to solve for them Ethically.  We added robots where not enough of Us wanted to do a needed thing – thank goodness there are plenty of Us who love to create robots.  People vied for the good reputation that came from having the best robot designs.  They were paid in appreciation, lauds, fame, and other positive social currencies.  They earned bragging rights.


Many People moved to land that They could farm on, loving to do that – land only became important if One lived on and/or used it.  There was no longer any point to “owning” land One never saw.  Robots filled in in food production where not enough wanted to do the farming and other aspects of food production – as well as any other needed thing no One wanted to provide.  (We went back to natural diets, rather than the illness-creating crap the globalist psychopaths were pushing on Humanity in the 2020’s.)

The products began to be made without the planned-obsolescence flaws they had when money was in use.  If the products One offered were inferior, One earned negative social currency – disgust, bad reputation, and such.  So, as quality made a comeback, the degree of waste diminished radically.  Also, no useless products were made so as to try and profit off them.  More waste gone.

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Wars became pointless and impossible.  Why would We war when We all are living richly?  How would soul-diers be paid?

Teachers who were good and interesting became sought after, Many earning renown for Their knowledge and ability to impart it.  They were esteemed.  Most had a small number of students who came to a classroom setting, but Many who tuned in on the web.  All the teachers loved to teach.  The Ones who hated teaching had moved on to things They loved to do.

Along with the free energy technology being released, other technology began to emerge from the vaults of the moneyed as the point to money dissipated.  The technology to electromagnetically stimulate the jaws to regrow teeth was just one.  Knowledge They hid to maintain profit in the things They controlled.

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Doctors now became doctors because They cared.  With profit motive gone, no doctor was in it for the money.

Medicine became health-focused, not profit-driven (keeping Us ill drove profits).  Actual cures came to the fore.  Knowledge hidden broke into the light.  People were made well rather than being “managed.”  And the caring Ones filled the hospitals to help, no longer fearful of losing livelihood if They went “maverick” and tried to actually help the ill.

Research became honest – no point to hiding things and lying about what was found, refusing to bring out what worked best, so as to enhance profit.  No strangle-hold on research to “find” what the moneyed Ones wanted “found” for money/power/control.

Because virtually everything in the legal/governmental system dealt with commerce, with corporate bottom lines, and because the whole point to these institutions vanished with the money, they vanished as well, and what was left was Natural Law and its expression as the three Laws of Ethics.  The three Laws are:

1.  Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2.  Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3.  Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)


We became a society of Ethical sovereigns.

Truth became supreme, as no One was paid to push lies (which were always about power and control).  If One lied and was caught, One earned lots of negative social currency.  So there was scant motive to lie.  Liars are unEthical Ones – to lie is to defraud, and breaks the third Law of Ethics.  Breaking any of the three Laws earned Ethical consequences.

The consequences were up to the Ones who cared.  As long as they were Ethical, any consequences were acceptable.  And when an unEthical behavior choice was made, there were, with the information put on the web, a great Many who cared, wanting true justice and having no “horse in the race.”  So what was decided, relative to guilt and consequences, was dealt fairly and Ethically.

With this, the ability to produce propaganda vanished.  One person, or even a small group, could not sway many minds with things that could be proven false.

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Crime dropped radically.  Without the motive and constrictions of money, there were scant other motives to defraud, steal, damage Others’ things, hurt or kill the flesh of anOther.  When We all can live richly, We are not motivated, as a rule, to do any of these things.

Sure, a jealous lover might kill the rival – but even that is extremely rare.  So statistically, there was no more crime.

Yet Many chose to arm Themselves – it is a foundational right to arm Oneself as One sees fit – and society began presuming Others were armed, and Others presumed One was armed.  This increased the politeness, as the presumption alone deterred unEthical choices.

Organized crime disintegrated.  With nothing to pay toadies with, nothing to maintain the structure, the Al Capones of the world turned to living richly and things that interested Them.


Communities arose, of families, of friends, of Ones with similar beliefs, of Ones with similar interests, of cultures, of project focus.  As long as all behavior was Ethical, any sort of community was acceptable.

Though a very small Few became couch potatoes, statistically All of Us found things that, with money in the way We could not afford to do, now there was nothing to stop Us.  Learning things and doing things were now possible that We had no options for with the ghastly gelt.

Traveling, learning, contributing to the betterment, were things Most did.  In fact, the Betterment Ethic replaced the slave’s creed, the work “ethic.”  Rather than believe that One’s slavery was a good thing, People saw that Betterment was far...er...better.

Families spent a lot of time together, with parents teaching Their children the basics (though for the parents that were not good at or had no interest in teaching, there were plenty of Ones willing to teach), with the web to assist.

The web became truly free and open.  No One was in a position to censor (unEthical because it steals the ability to ponder all publicly offered views, which rightfully belong to all of Us), and the truth prevailed.  There was no backbone to shut down, which gives Some power over the whole system, but instead, was mirrored on nodes around the globe.


As People moved into doing what They love to do, the arts and the sciences burgeoned.  People wrote movies and plays, Others performed them.  Some designed sets and costumes.  Others directed and instructed.  And People painted, sculpted, did macramé, designed interiors, built furniture and many other things.  They wrote songs, performed them, played instruments in orchestras and on the street, just because They loved to do these things.

They invented, designed, probed the world in scientific pursuit.

And They lived in relaxed states, happy and Betterment-focused.  They traveled, They became students of the things They’re interested in.  Some became hermits, living without society.  Some threw parties and had hundreds into Their homes.  Some lived with no technology, like the Amish, while Others thrilled to every technological thing They found.  And everything in between.

And when problems affected Them, They looked for any Ethical solution.  They helped out where They could, stayed out of the way if They could not (creating problems earned great negative social currency), gave idea, and discussed the best solution to the problem.

Because the planet belongs to all of Us, damaging it broke the second Law.  So pollution, littering, and destruction of monuments and habitats earned greatly negative social currency and Ethical consequences.  So We began working in harmony with Our planet, not as a scourge upon it (as money promoted).


The freedom We have, every One of Us, without the chains of money, is complete within only those three Laws, that are Laws because no One would say it was okay to do them to Them, is perfection.  (To say it’s okay to do those things is to consent and leaves the question, Is it okay to do these things to You?, unanswered, because it’s about things being done without consent.)

As so…  From the carcass of the psychopathic moneyed society, Humanity emerged, fully free and Ethical.  The plans of the top psychopaths foiled.  The “great” reset aborted.  We shined in love and happiness.

++To learn more about one free energy technology I know of, see:**

Electrogravitics:  Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/electrogravitics-gravity-control-energy:6?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

About the fact that We own the planet but have been made slaves, though We are all multimillionaires:

Trusts:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/trusts:0?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

And for more on the society We can build:

I Have a Blueprint:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/i-have-a-blueprint:1?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

The Detailed Blueprint:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Ethical Trumps Legal:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/ethical-trumps-legal:c?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

For a look at the havoc money creates on Our planet:

Is Money Evil?:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/is-money-evil:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

The Money Push:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-money-push:d?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

We Have Psychopaths in Control:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/we-have-psychopaths-in-control:b?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

What We can do Now:

The GentleOne's Solution:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-gentleone-s-solution-7-minute-video:4?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

More aspects of this society of Ethical sovereigns:

Abundancism:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/abundancism:8?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Solutocracy:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/solutocracy:c?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Stygmergy:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/what-is-stigmergy:f?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

Collectively of Aggregately?:  https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/collectively-or-aggregately-4-minute:b?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72



Endia – A Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change – by Amaterasu Solar

The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar

My father taught Me never to believe anything.  He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data.  He was an aerospace engineer, and worked with T Townsend Brown (see My featured vid on YouToilet).  From a very early age I was concerned that the way I was told things worked, in terms of government and social affairs, did not explain what I saw.  So the first few decades I worked to determine WHY this was.

I wound up in banking, seeing the flow of things in the headquarters of a major bank in Los Angeles.  I became intimately familiar with the flow of money, and economics.  I asked the question, "Why do We use money?"

When the web arrived, My research capabilities flourished, and I learned much that explained what I saw, but the only explanations I found for why We use money started with trade and barter, which are still money in a direct form, and did not answer the WHY.  Then, I came upon the explanation that these were used because, with a finite amount of stuff, it was to ensure that We got Our "fair share" in a scarcity environment, in exchange for the work We added.

From this I realized the WHY.  We were accounting for Our energy input into things.  And that We needed to do this because the Human energy was scarce compared to what We needed to be produced (back then).

I also discovered that over half Our planet's wealth was "owned" by fewer than 100 Humans...

I was very interested in psychology, too.  And studied it deeply, being fascinated by psychopathy, focusing on that aberration, learning that They had discovered a gene that manifested Individuals who were incapable of love, compassion, caring, and empathy for Others – primary psychopaths.  Seeing that the wealth was so disproportionate, and that the families who "owned" it inbred, what would explain what I saw would be that They wanted to retain that psychopathic gene.  Given that the wealth could feed, clothe, house ALL of Us (and give Us freedom) abundantly and many times over, and yet None set forth to care for Humanity, I had to give probability approaching 100% that They are psychopaths, as that explains perfectly what I see, and answers My quest for why the way I was told things worked did not explain what I saw.

And I asked...  If I was a psychopath, with enough wealth to buy anything and anyOne I wanted to, and given that money = power (power over Others is something psychopaths seek), would I be motivated to create a false "reality" for the masses and thereby manipulate Them?  I think You can figure out what answer I came up with.  And would that explain what I see?  Absolutely.

Now, given that money is merely the accounting token used to account for Our Human energy, it would follow that free energy would threaten fully the accounting for Our energy.  If I was a psychopath, with enough money to buy sites like Wikipedia, the media, the education system, etc., would I do all I could to suppress and hide free energy? 

And given I personally know that electrogravitics offers both gravity control and energy from the aether (the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe), and that it went into black projects, such efforts to hide and suppress would explain what I see completely.

So I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather...  I am a conspiracy analyst.  And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound.  That explains perfectly what I see.

Love always.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather... I am a conspiracy analyst. And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound. That explains perfectly what I see.


Not sure I follow the point.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Frank was passing Fake Checks before I was born 🤬🥓

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Unbanked since 2016 🥓👍

Is all of Humanity living richly yet...? LOL! JK. I know what You mean, but it's not the same as what I suggest here.

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