Society of Ethical Sovereigns (SOES)

in blurt •  last year 

Society Of Ethical Sovereigns Header.png

We are all born here as sovereign Beings.  These days, right from the start, Our crowndom, Our flesh, is breached with jabs of toxins.  We are too young to defend Our crowndom.  And Our parents have been indoctrinated to think such toxins are good for Us.  So They don’t protect Our crowndom either.  We start life with unhealthiness forced upon Our flesh, sold to Our parents as “protection.”

We are then, like Our parents, indoctrinated into the ideas and ideals that the Ones in control on Our planet want Us to have.  The Ones who arranged to inject all newborn flesh with things They want in Us.  The psychopaths in control on Our planet.

They indoctrinate Us with the idea that They, in the form of governments, “education,” medical establishments, media, etc., are here for Us.  They care!  When in reality, all that and more is controlled by Them and They use it to create a false “reality” so as to get Us to do as They want.


We are made to think We need the “leaders” They give Us (who are merely actors on Their stage, leading Our perception to conclusions They chose).  They’re even saying We will own nothing…  Who owns nothing?  Slaves.  Slaves own nothing.  Be happy?  With eternal servitude?

Do We really want to continue with this setup?

Do We really want to consent to what They are aiming to make Us into?  Mere units to serve, protect, bow down to Them?  To be Their servants, slaves, sex toys, and sacrifices?  To become less than Human, more like robots to be programmed as the psychopaths choose?

Or do We want to consent to a better foundation, one that allows the caring Ones to take care of things, and not the psychopaths?  Will We have the strength that is required to make a stand, sovereign on Ethical ground?

Will We stop doing the “mandated” things?  The things that do nothing but display obeisance to the frivolous commands of Ones We would best stop following?  Because the shape of the future for Humanity depends on whether You choose wisely – or poorly.

You.  Personally.


You have the power of consent.  If You withdraw Your consent from the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system, the only Laws that apply are the three Laws of Ethics, natural Law expressed as the three things not to do.  When no One is doing these things, though personalities may clash, there are no real problems, other than natural and logistical ones.

When the system of control is cast off, We can solve problems Ethically, rather than pass “laws” and let Some enFORCE them on the rest.  Such enFORCEment draws the psychopaths for the power over Others it offers.

If We are responding to problems with no monetary incentive but because We care – the problem affects Us or Ones We care about, and (this is important) if We think We have the skills to help, problems will be solved Ethically.  If We do not have the skills, if We are problem-creators, We will earn great scorn, and possibly Ethical consequences, if We interfere.

And if there are no problems…  Well, I rather think We would have no problems.

Free Energy.png

We also have the ability, overall, to bring forth free energy technologies.  Thus far, the inventors have filed for patents, alerting the psychopaths of the threat to Their single tool to power, the accounting for Our energy added.  Money.  Free energy strips Them of the power to pull the money chains, to buy the things and the People They use to Their agendas.

So needless to say, They avidly hide and suppress any technology that would strip that tool away.  (You might believe the psychopaths’ claims that there is no such thing, but They keep the energy We swim in secret, and I personally know – as in know!!! that We have it – see below for My linked video, Electrogravitics:  Gravity Control and Energy from the Aether.

When monetary requirements are removed, We have the ability to respond to problems personally, as transportation costs nothing, with the choice of vehicle abounding.  With the web, We can know of the problems planet-wide and can respond if We can help.

And when We do not have to worry about affording what We love to do, We can do what We love to do, fulfilling Our potential.  And reach out, because We care, to help solve problems Ethically.


So.  Are You willing to stand sovereign for freedom?  To let Others know We all can do so?  And keep on letting Others know until Our aggregate strength overtakes the psychopaths presently in control?  Are You willing to work for a vastly better future?  For You and for Our children?

If so, join the Reshare Rescue Army, and, one way or another, reach 10 or more People a day with the awareness that They do not have to consent to the psychopathic legal/governmental system and can stand sovereign on Ethical ground.

Peace on Earth, good will toward men, women, children, and All in between.

Free energy:

Electrogravitics:  Gravity Control & Energy from the Aether  (9 min):

Freedom Path:

I Have a Blueprint  (8 min):

The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns)  (7 min):

Is Money Evil?  (14 min):

The GentleOne's Solution  (7 min):

Abundancism  (10 min):

Solutocracy  (7 min):

What Is Stigmergy?  (7 min):

Collectively or Aggregately?  (4 min):

We Have Psychopaths in Control  (8 min):

Trusts  (7 min):



Endia – A Short Story by Amaterasu Solar

Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change – by Amaterasu Solar

The Abundance Paradigm – A Novella by Amaterasu Solar

My father taught Me never to believe anything.  He told Me to place probabilities and adjust them as new data come along, asking the question, "Does that explain what I see?," when evaluating data.  He was an aerospace engineer, and worked with T Townsend Brown (see My featured vid on Odysee or YouToilet).  From a very early age I was concerned that the way I was told things worked, in terms of government and social affairs, did not explain what I saw.  So the first few decades I worked to determine WHY this was.

I wound up in banking, seeing the flow of things in the headquarters of a major bank in Los Angeles.  I became intimately familiar with the flow of money, and economics.  I asked the question, "Why do We use money?"

When the web arrived, My research capabilities flourished, and I learned much that explained what I saw, but the only explanations I found for why We use money started with trade and barter, which are still money in a direct form, and did not answer the WHY.  Then, I came upon the explanation that these were used because, with a finite amount of stuff, it was to ensure that We got Our "fair share" in a scarcity environment, in exchange for the work We added.

From this I realized the WHY.  We were accounting for Our energy input into things.  And that We needed to do this because the Human energy was scarce compared to what We needed to be produced (back then).

I also discovered that over half Our planet's wealth was "owned" by fewer than 100 Humans...

I was very interested in psychology, too.  And studied it deeply, being fascinated by psychopathy, focusing on that aberration, learning that They had discovered a gene that manifested Individuals who were incapable of love, compassion, caring, and empathy for Others – primary psychopaths.  Seeing that the wealth was so disproportionate, and that the families who "owned" it inbred, what would explain what I saw would be that They wanted to retain that psychopathic gene.  Given that the wealth could feed, clothe, house ALL of Us (and give Us freedom) abundantly and many times over, and yet None set forth to care for Humanity, I had to give probability approaching 100% that They are psychopaths, as that explains perfectly what I see, and answers My quest for why the way I was told things worked did not explain what I saw.

And I asked...  If I was a psychopath, with enough wealth to buy anything and anyOne I wanted to, and given that money = power (power over Others is something psychopaths seek), would I be motivated to create a false "reality" for the masses and thereby manipulate Them?  I think You can figure out what answer I came up with.  And would that explain what I see?  Absolutely.

Now, given that money is merely the accounting token used to account for Our Human energy, it would follow that free energy would threaten fully the accounting for Our energy.  If I was a psychopath, with enough money to buy sites like Wikipedia, the media, the education system, etc., would I do all I could to suppress and hide free energy? 

And given I personally know that electrogravitics offers both gravity control and energy from the aether (the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe), and that it went into black projects, such efforts to hide and suppress would explain what I see completely.

So I am neither a "conspiracy theorist," nor am I a "conspiritard," but rather...  I am a conspiracy analyst.  And given this analysis, knowing that conspiracies are the NORM in history and that they didn't just stop some years back, I conclude that conspiracies abound.  That explains perfectly what I see.

Love always.

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